Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Dado Chapter 66

Looking at the abdomen, the gecko face is full of pain, the wood is one foot, the force is not light!

"I am waiting for you for a long time, the gecko, you finally send it to the door."

The fire is blooming on the wood, and the antique uniforms on the body have changed into ten armor models. The figure is moving, and the tong grabs the Nick and the gecko speed to fly to the antique shop, then force it to throw from high altitude Two people, killing the public, also held this moment by Tong Tong.

The figure is falling on the ground, and the glow is agilely climbed, and the roaring: "I want to tear your guy into debris!"

"That also I have to see if you can resist it." Said Mu Tong's contemptuous, looking at the gecko of Hezi, and the woods have risen vigilance.

The helius of the gecko is the pulley, and both sides of the hz are purple. The Baza is located in the waist. This hup has a strong regenerative ability, and the owner of this hup is more strong, and it can produce powerful power when fighting. But the same, this kind of hup is more fragile compared to other Herzes.

Looking at the flip of the gecko, the wood Tong took a sword to welcome it.

The gecko manipulates his own hz, attacking towards Tong Tong, very attacking Herzi seems to wear the whole body of Tong Tong!

"Hey!" The hand-smashed the flash of the gecko attack, and the tung fingers lit a purple energy ball and raised his hand to the thoracic chest.

When the purple light is worn, the body of the gecko has appeared a horrible blood cave, standing in the distance of the Nick pupil, which is not a variety of capabilities, nor the ability of those CCG search officials ... this is a New power!

"too weak……"

Under the extension of the elves, Mutong can feel that the gecko, which is the S-class species, can't make a threat to yourself, no longer hesitate, the wood is moving quickly, and the purple cloak behind him is blown up. .

,, ​​ The HZ is actually cut into two halves by the horrible sword blade of Mu Tong. In the end, the trend is not reduced, and a sword is waxed.

There are not many people in Mu Tong, and the Nick flying to the distance is the same sword to wipe the Nick's neck. Look at the head of the ground, the tong is lifting transforming, paying attention to the battle of the battle in the antique balcony, Mado also has gold Wooden three people are sucking and cold, no one thinks that Mutong will kill the gecko and Nick this easily.

Nick and gecko are not a super-metamorphosis guy like a bronze tree in the wild, so that Mutong is attacked and has been completely died.

"Hey! Kill the gecko rewards exchange points: 40000, kill the Nick, reward exchange points: 30000!"

The reward came from the system, so that Tong Tong took a breath, this is an unexpected harvest!

The fog islands in the distance are also in this time. I have understood that my old sister stopped my intention. If it is awkward ... I can't consciously play a cold.


Chapter 65: Summon Cards of Potholes

(New week, please don't keep the recommended ticket in your hand, make a whole effort! Author Jun needs everyone's support!)

(In addition, the words of the creation of the book ... Is Klos, there will be!)

After cleaning up the body of the wall and Nick two, the wood Tong flew back to the balcony, referring to the broken glass after fingering, said: "Don't forget, you have to pay."

"I know……"

I have a little bit, and the front and rear contrast makes the tongtong are a bit surprised.

"Right, this kills Nick and Gecko, I am afraid the bronze tree will send a lot of people to find trouble for 20 districts ..."

I thought about the things that will appear later, reminded, after all, my old sister is still here, don't look at the surface very much, I hate my sister Dong Xiang, in fact, I care about Dong Xiang'an danger, but this goods don't want The performance is too obvious.

Mu Tong Wen Yan, laughing: "Do you seem to be bronze tree? Help me inform you the leader of the bronze trees, alone. If you want to make things in the 20th district, then do not write the book."

"Well?" Although I don't understand this, I still have to picked up. After I saw the power of Mu Tong, the attitude of Mu Tong is not as before.

"I will make people to fix this window, goodbye. Mr. Mutong, I must bring it." After that, the figure has jumped to the distance, disappearing.

Tong Tong received his eyes, looked at Dong Xiang, who wanted to say something, said: "Reassure, you should have to meet, when you can, maybe I will convince your brother to join antiques."


"Jinmu." Tong Tong shifted his eyes to Jinmu, said: "You have to enhance your strength, I am afraid that I haven't been calming for how long is it. I am not a hand, I think, you are abused by the wall Crazy, will definitely suffer from non-human torture, want to become strong? Antique needs your help. "

"but I……"

Mitong knows Jinmu's meaning, saying: "I only ask you to think about it?"

"This ... think."

"Okay, come with me." Mu Tong smiled slightly, took the shoulders of Jinmu, turned into the house.

Dong Xiangzhao exquisite chin, some doubts, wood Tutong him ... How do you make Jinmu become strong? Don't eat people, or say, don't make a total of people, there is no way to become stronger.

", Mission two completed, reward exchange points: 60000, reward [designated anime girl character summon card] X1, has been issued!"

On the way back to the room, Mutong also viewed the system's reward. When you see the introduction of the designated anime girl's character summon card, one is almost did not fall on the ground.

The golden wood behind him looked at the foot of the wood and wondering: "Mu Tong ... What happened?"


It should be sound, and the wood is holding a fist. Sure enough, the pothole system is impossible to make yourself summon those anime girl who wants those you want.

[Specify anime girl character summon card]

Introduction: After use, you can specify the anime girl role in contact with the host.


My Icallos ... my sisters ...

What kind of anime girl role in Tong Tong? If you don't mention it in Tokyo, there is only the gun sister, white well, and Yasina, excellent four people, this card cannot be in the pothoish ...

Wait, gun sister! ? !

Mu Tong's heart flashes a bright light. If you can summon the gun, there is a strong helper, and the LV5 is very powerful. As for Yasa and excellent, then it is still a matter ... Yasina is now Ordinary girls, and excellent power is sealed, and the wood is not wanting to be uncomfortable, so there is no idea at all, as for the white well-it ...

After walking into the room, let Jinmu Guan go to the door, and the wood is sitting on the sofa and said: "Jinmu, I can make a fantasy to you now, let you grow, of course, the illusion is still to rely on you. I need a strong perseverance, I believe that from the illusion, your strength will enhance a lot ... Are you willing? "

"If ... can protect antiques and everyone, I am willing." Jinmu also realized that if there is no tong Tong help several times, I am afraid a lot of things.

"That's good, you lay down." Putong refers to the sofa side.

Seeing Jinmu Lying down, Mutong's finger point to Jinmu, exchanged the illusion experience, and only cost 1000 points, although it is a disposable product.

Entering into the Jinmu Brain, the eyes of Jinmu are also closing in the flash of the input.

Looking at the golden wood lying on the sofa, the wood is slightly flashing, now, just wait for the gold wood to wake up and go ...

Exchange the fantasy experience, Mu Tong should do, just let the golden wood recognize the identity, compared to the experience of being tortured by the gecko, which is undoubtedly a lot.

Next, 'Designing anime girl's character summon card', the wood is flashing in the hands of the hand, and there is a colorful card in his hand.

After confirming, the system came from a prompt -

"Hey! After using the summon card, there will be system communication to designate the summoner. If you call people, it will conclude the contract. If you don't want, the call will fail, confirm whether it is used?"

"Will there will fail?" Mu Tong speaking, nodded: "Determine the summon, the characters 'super electromagnetic gun' Yumi Meiqin."