Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Dado Chapter 116


"This section is two Asia."

"This article is two Yamai ..." The phantom was silent for a while. "She, I don't know where it is."

"So, I will let you save her. If I estimate that there is no mistake, this Branch is also in the Pacific Trial Organization."

"Are you sure……"

"Nature." Tong Tong leaned against one side and said: "Reassured, I know that you will not lie to you, but as the elves, you should understand what I mean. If it is not here, I don't open it, I Already rescued. "

"Test agency, if it is alone, it may not be open."

"This ... is a problem." Tong Tong also imagined that the DEM community's laboratory was more striped, silent, and the wood said: "So, I will add an assistant to you."


There is a colorful card in the hand in the hand, accompanied by the tipping, the colorful card blooms.

Summon, Icalos!

After confirming in my heart, the colorful card quickly disappeared, followed, a big rays, there was a star-moun magic array that shines with the light, and a shadow is getting more and more clear!

Yes, Mutong summoned the 'strategy with universal angels in the fall of Tianzhi', is the Queen of Empty - Icallos!

The rays of the magic array are quickly dissipated, a shadow, is close to the eyes, and the pretty standing there.

The pink short hair of a pink shoulder covers the ear and the neck, and the exquisite face makes the feelings of the pity. The long eyelashes are lightly jitter, as if to express the beautiful girls in front of themselves to wake up.

The body is wearing some exposed silver gray combat costumes. This kind of clothing seems to be just able to cover the shame, and the proud double peaks are standing in the chest, let the wood don't consciously. The lower body is a silver-gray short skirt, and the clothes are matched, just like a suit.

Single is this kind of clothing, it is already perfect to put out the perfect tall figure of Iklos, behind the tender pink wings, so that Icos looks much more holy meaning.

The phantom shocked, taking the figure called out, that ... it is a mythical legendary angel! This is what people who are still mysterious than themselves!

(Still owe one more)


Chapter 125: I really can't do it.

(Thanks to the book friends' fantasy '' "Grocery God '' Water '' What would you choose? '' ' ' ' ' 'Star Note' Book Friends, thanks above Repeated book support! Thank you!)

Ding! The emotion and memory of Icallos people were detected, and the system was automatically released ... released!

Ding! Test the use of [Anime Girls Summon Calls] (Upgraded Edition) Summon People, Debut Summoning People Ikos Carry Equipment [Universal Card]!

Ding! Summate!


Continuous several system tips, let the wood Tong, who are surprised by Iraos, returns to God, although Tong Tong has already seen a lot of beauty, but who is in front of the girl!

Iconos! The goddess in the countless house man, in front of his owner, but a light body is softly pushing!

Even if there is a wood, it is also excited. However, this excited mood is very fast. In Isaros, a light shot into the treasure sea, and the micro-eyed eyes of Ica Los have gradually opened!

In the moment, Icalos, the young pink lobes behind Icalos also opened the same time, the feathers of the rays floating around, Icaros stared at Tong Tong with the green scorpion. Light spit a few words: "Inscribed, start!"

The breeze passed, nothing happened ... Icalos is in the original place, followed by countless strange memories in the Icos mind, it is some relevant messages that are instilled by Icalos.

After receiving the system's message, Icalos finally understood what he was in this moment ...

Get your own neck, the place that should have a collar should have slowly disappear, but even if the collar disappears, Iculose will understand after accepting the system, and it is understood that the younger teenager in front of him, that is The master later, so even if there is no collar, you can do the same thing ...

Wapong deep sucking, slowly went to Icalos, reached out, holding Ikaros, whispering: "Icalos, welcome to this world ..."

"Master ..." Isalos smashed the head, blinking, reaching out the hands and hung up, squatting: "I am a 'strategy to use the universal angel' Icallos, please Master after MASTER care……"

Holded by Iralos, feel the soft touch from the face, and the wood Tutong is fluoined for a moment, and I broke away from the embrace of Icalos and said: "My name is Mu Tong, Icalos, and later Take care ... "

"Well ... Master!"

I looked at the phantom of the eye, and the tong said: "Is Carlos, with the guy in front, accompany him to rescue a girl, then, go back to me!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Mysterious guy ..." The phantom body moved, said: "Let's go!"

I looked at the two disappeared. Tong Tong looked at my eyes. I have been delayed for a long time. I don't go back. I am afraid that there is a problem. Therefore, the god is coming, and the wood Tutang turned to run in the original place.

When you see some anxious appearance of the weave, Mu Tong is slightly tone, but fortunate, at least there is no other situation.

"Snare, where have you been? It's just that is it coming back? Is it a stomach pain?" Asked two sentences.

,, "

"Cough." Mu Tuan Don, smiled and said: "All came to this lively street, not as good as us to try it?"

"What ... What?"

"You said ... The playground ?!!" "There is a lot of fluctuations on the face of a folded paper, but this silk fluctuation disappears quickly.

"Hey, how? Is it, you are afraid of a variety of things in the playground?" Mu Tong crowded eyes, and the funny appearance gave the stern to the siki.

"Show, we are walking." Pull the hands of the weave, the blast, the blast, the eyes, the chest, the hook, and the play of the playground in front of the playground.


After the end of the appointment for one afternoon, finally, Mu Tong still did not have the weave to completely seal, bid farewell to the blasting paper, Shiwi and Mitong Tutong to the Squirita in the Flaque Sinaz.

Seeing the two appeared, sitting in the five-section stood up in the ship's long standing, staring at the weave asked: "Show, why is it in a critical juncture ?!"

"That ... that ... I have to kiss what is kissing with boys ... I can't do it ..." The scholand red face, after seeing the look of the piano, adding: "Take again ... piano feels, If you don't care about your kisses, then you can experience it! "

"Hey, cough ..." Almost by his own lollipop, the piano face rose a slim, but in the commander model, the piano still recovered normally, Shen Sheng said: "If I have The same ability is the same, naturally, I have to do this, the key is that I am not! "

"The other women's wizards said, but the scholar is a boys ... In short, I can't do it! I can done, I have made a big sacrifice!" The weave refuteed to the piano, today The dating action has made people a big sacrifice, I still want to do!

"That ... piano, can we find a place to talk?" Mu Tong at this time.

The piano looked at the eye wood, nodded, said: "Trust, what to say, just say, dare to play, don't blame me for you ..."

"Hey ..." Mu Tong put out a drop of cold sweat, swinging his hand: "It is very important, we need two people to say separately."

"Hey?" Pinn looked down and looked at the eyes, said: "God is not a month, send my sister to go back."

"Snare, piano, do you have two people?"

"I will come back soon."