Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Dado Chapter 683

Tong Tong did not answer immediately. After returning the map in Ignis, he didn't move the color: "Adults, where did this map you get from?"

"This map? It seems that my father stayed when I stayed. I remembered this thing in this time, so I was ready to go to the Adventurers Assist to release the task, how can you meet what you have met?"

"The inside is a copper mine ... Well, there is also a death rat existence, but it has been cleaned up by me. Now it should be safe, but if people want to exploit, it is necessary to keep ventilation and warning talented, otherwise Other adventures have broken into it, it is not good. "

"It turned out to be copper mine ..." I heard the word of copper mine, Ignis's look does not wave, for rich big aristocrats Datanis, even a copper mine does not have much fluctuations.

"Yes, I will take this note, I have forgotten to ask you the name." Ignis looked at the palm, and some looked at the wood.

"Mu Tong."

"Mu Tong?" Ignis nodded slightly, smiled: "I am Dattnis's home, Das Dis, Ford Ignis, I don't know if you know my name, even if you know, Re-introduction. "

"As for the previous promise to give the things natural calculations, you want to leave or want to do things in Dastinis, you can, the two choices are in front of you, you can choose."

"That, Ignis adults can take the liberty to ask, Miss Lalatina is in the house?"

"Lalartina?" Ignis looks a vigorously, very cares about Ignis, who is daughter, and tap the wood, and asked: "What is your daughter? Even if I do my daughter? Now I am the age of marry, and it is also a civilian who can choose to choose from, unless I have been forced. "

"Forced to have a situation?" The original black line of Wapong, I didn't expect myself just asked Daxies to move, and the father of Dakism would like so much.

"If you let Lalartina pregnant with children, I will allow you to be my son-in-law ..."

Cough. "

Mu Tong quickly waved, and there was some powerless spit on Dacenis father's brain circuit. This is what something is thinking. How can I be the kind of animal! Absolutely impossible!

"Ignis adults, I think you misunderstood, just the amazing defensive power of Miss Miss La Tatina, imagine that Miss Lalatina asked, and did not mean."

"It turned out to be ..."

Ignis is tone, sitting in a chair, not tight: "Lalatina is not in the house, so the idea of ​​your mind is empty, but you will become a soldier in the house, you will see you can see To Lalartina. "

"That is still for it ... I still want to freely, stay in such a house, I am still not very habiting for me."

"You mean this means ... are ready to leave?"

"It's this."

Putong nodded, smiled slightly: "So, Ignis adults, have the opportunity to see again."

"This is really ... Some regrets, such talent is not left ..."

No longer listening to Ignis's feelings, Mu Tong has finished saying, directly turned to leave.


Once again, on the town of Aksel, this time, Mutong felt an unprecedented relaxed.

Because of the existence of the Devil and the Devil's army, many places are full of danger.

And Axel is located in the area, plus another novelty. It has not yet entered the eyes of the devil, so the town of Axel is relatively peaceful.

Looking at those children playing in the clear stream, I stood in the arch bridge, I unconsciously sat next to it, the refreshing river wind came, let the Tong Tong stretched a lazy waist.

"Ah, if you know the situation of this world, I really want to settle in this place."

The scenery of Axel town is especially good, looking at the blue sky, and the wood Tong stands up and moves towards the center's customized target location - the Adventurers Asstenditor.

This world has a variety of careers. Of course, these professions can only be transferred in the Adventurer's Guild after detecting their own properties.

Just on the road to Putong to the Adventurers Association, the system prompts who have been forgotten from Mutong will sound at this time.

Ding! Start to post trial mission -

Task 1: Broken Motivation Destroy

Mission Reward: Delicious +1

Task 2: Beat or kill the devil's cadres at least 3

Mission reward: 20W of redemption points, Deli +2

Task 3: Get the goddess of the water of Akia (completed this task trial mission)

mission rewards:? ? ?


Looking at a series of tasks issued by the system, the wood Tutong just nod, when you see the last task, the woody is inexplicably uneasy.

"From ... Akia's blessing ..." For the goddess of this lucky value, Mu Tong somewhat suspected that Akia's blessings brought myself to themselves.

"It's a goddess, it's not good, but blessings should have no problem."

So comfort, and the wood has come to the streets of the Adventurer Association.

Looking at the two sides of the slate street or a vegetable stall, the wood is known that this place is the most convenient adventurer for purchasing, so these booths are not unpleasant.

The road is unusually spacious. After very close to the Adventurers Association, the wide stone road is already a grass, watching the housing made of red brick, and the wood pace is paused, this reaches the adventure guild The door walked in.

After taking the door, Mu Tong saw the number of adventures who were eating something to drink beer.

"Welcome, please find a place to sit down if you want to eat, if you are related to the adventurers, please go directly to the counter."

"Thank you."

Tong Tong's courteous response, Meiji stepped to the far on the front.

"I didn't see it, I have a newcomer."

"Look at him, I want to transfer, there is a good show."

"When is the last time someone registered to become an adventure?"

"It seems to be a few days ago ..."


Chapter 683: Career Choice

On the side of the adventurer counter moved, the mouth of Tong Tong talking to the adventurers, and the mouth did not help but convulsted.

This time this time this time this so-called novice town actually registers to become an adventure ...

Change to thinking about it, wood Tong also knows what is going on, this world is cruel because of the devil's brief, so many reincarnants don't want to go to this world, so this world is sharply reduced, plus accetal The town is far away, so fewer some people choose here.

Handling the counter business of the adventurer business, the wood walks here, sweeping the four windows of an eye, and the wood is looking for the window with the existence of the staff.

"Hello, can I register here to be an adventure?"