Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Big Sho Chapter 764

"Is it a teenager you suggest? Well ... I think, I have never changed your good feeling, so I remind you? Also, I like it now, the role of the second yuan, the man You are all, not my dishes. "

"In fact, are we second yuan?"

"Hey? Why do you say this?"

Tong Tong turned over the eyes: "In the eyes of others, we are in the second year of the world, but if others look at us ... Is it treated in seconds?"

"Well ... inexplicably deeper, but it doesn't hinder understanding, saying that it is not reasonable, but I haven't changed it yet, so you have to Raid, I still need to work hard. "

"... this, is this really what you can say like this?" Mu Tong has some powerless spit, two of the character, what to say, completely with a boy angle.

"Is it scared you?" Two

"No, just very surprising, after all, I have encountered so many elves, you are the most special type."

"Hey, I thought that you will say that I am the most difficult to Raiders, really disappointment."

"I haven't reached that level."

Dia is blinking, and his face is filled with a little bit of sink. "Careful thinking about it, seeing the teenager, your confidence is still very sufficient, is it to find the Raiders?"

The angle of the tung mouth hooks a little arc, stopping the footsteps and standing: "It's because there is nothing to be absolute, all have a place where you have it, you only love the second day, it is definitely the reason. ? "

"Let me think about it ... Generally, the second year of the world is full of a variety of wonderful things, whether it is a character or a story, there is no way to achieve the real world, so, is the unity of the real world? "

"The analysis is quite reason ... I think about it, what should I say, my previous life has been chasing it, then I was imprisoned, and the same life made me too tired. The real world is so letting. People are hate, isn't it? Of course, the main thing I still have the identity of the elves ... If I am not a elves, I may enjoy the beauty of the ordinary human girls should enjoy ... "

Two piceon sighed, next second, two Asian hands on the waist: "So, in my opinion, there is no way to cut into the place, unless you can turn the role of the second yuan, let me fall in love with you."

"I think about it ..." Mu Tung screamed the cheeks, thinking about the moment: "Otherwise, will we go to the second yuan world you think? Of course, the second year of the world will pick it up, this, this, After we travel to the second year of the second Yuan, we don't turn into a second-year-old world? "

"Wow !!" Two is surprised to call, and the feet reached out and caress the forehead of Li Tong, and the face was confused: "Trust, you will not be sick? Is it because I can't think of Raiders? The way, so I started myself and self-discovered? What is stupid? "


In this case, it is estimated that there is only a wood Tong to say, even if the woods in the eyes of the two are extremely second ...

"Cough." Seems to be aware of his previous words, and the old face of Mu Tong can't help but get red, especially the strange attention next to passers-by, and let Mutong are somewhat embarrassing.

"I have not joking, if I don't believe, how is we going to a collar to get ready?"

"You really haven't joked?" Two Asia was shocked.

"Do you really think that I am teasing you?" Tong Tong reached out directly grabbed the two-Asian arm, and the two walked toward the dim light.

"Hey, boy, you won't put me in the small lane"? "

Mu Tong understands the meaning in the second Yaldian Dalend, the forehead has a few black lines. At this moment, the destination of the two has arrived.

In the dark alleys, the bags raised in the hands of Mu Tutang have been taken by Mutong in the backpack of the system.

"Hey? Juvenile, do you throw it in your hand?"

"Throw you, I certainly got up, we are going to other worlds now, with inconvenience."

"Hey, boy, have you still returned to normal? Do you have a depth?"

Mu Tong is too lazy to explain, directly: "Two, come to you, the world who wants to go, we will start now."

"You really ... isn't it a joke ?!"


Chapter 775: Empty Realm

Mutong has previously asked the system. If you want to go to a established world, it can now be able to do it now, and the result system can be done.

Since the upgrade of the last time, the world that can be freely selected, has become random, which makes the headache of Tong Tong, but now hear the reply such a system, and the wood is naturally unspeakable, so Come to two Asia so confidence.

Mu Tong is a serious expression, and the face of the two is finally serious.

Staring at Tong Tong, I saw a moment, and I suddenly opened the mouth: "Attacking giants, can you go?"

"Don't go, this world is very boring."

Mu Tong firmly refused the voice, let the two Asia think, "Don't go ... it is a pity, Allen Xiaofei ..."

"Oh, the empty empty?"

"You can't choose the world of normal points." Mu Tong turned over the eyes, we must know that now to go to the world, but it takes 50 million redemption points, even if Mutong's current exchange points are abnormal, but there is no rich to be able to Just consume the extent.

"Well ... that is let me think about it." A pity in two Ya, so that the tung turtle appears out of the black line.

"That is not ... Go to FATE?"


The expression of Mu Tong suddenly became an arms, because it was not familiar with the world of the world, so the Tutong trial is asked: "Fate What?"

"It is Fate / apocrypha, and now there is only one or two fate, you are still asking me what ... Is there more choices?"

Di Asia is strangely looked at Eye Tutong. After asking Tong Tong, some worlds in the two Asia cognition, as long as Mu Tong has been there, two is not heard of it.

I understand this, and the wood Tong is just ahead: "Yes, then you decided?"


Mu Tong smashed the eyebrows, although I didn't want to go again to the Fate world, but this is the requirements of this section, so it can only be taken.

"Walk away, can see the small sun, it is so happy !!"

This section is excited to hold the arm of Mutong, waiting for the ability of Tong Tong.

"Do you really have it?"

"OK is determined."

"Do you want to change it?"



Mu Tong sighed, "I think it is changed, I don't want to go such a world ..."

"Really don't want to go?" 2 Asia saw that there were some painful expressions in Mu Tutan very surprised: "Why can't you still get trouble?"

"I don't want to participate in the Holy Grail War."

"..." Mu Tong's firm words, let this strip two Asia mistaken for a second, then the two Asia relieved: "Well, since it is not going, don't go well."