Biquge, the fastest update Auto: just want to protect your latest chapters!"The collapse of heaven,

Underground flames,

This is the prediction of the Maya...

In this world,

Does anyone remember that dark face..."

Looking at the introduction of the latest game in his hand, Jiang Qi silently lifted his forehead.

As for?It's just a vr game, or Ultraman's. Does it need to be so tall?

This VR is said to be the latest design by Tsuburaya Company. It has gathered all the world’s computer experts. It took five years to make it. The cost is very expensive and few people can afford it.

Jiang Qi is just an ordinary college student. The money he earned from his part-time job was only enough for his tuition and his daily expenses. It was just that a lottery event appeared in Xun, which was similar to a prize-squeezing event. The more money he smashed, he won The greater the chance.

Jiang Qi used the last dollar in the Penguin to press down. He didn't expect to hit the big luck and win the treasure.

Open the package and take out a black helmet from the inside, which is similar to a safety helmet, a bit cold.

"Is this definitely a VR helmet? Why is it different from what you imagined?"

Jiang Qi turned his helmet over, but he didn't see any difference.

Pick up the instructions in the package, it says three points:

One: This helmet can be used to experience.

Two: This helmet is an experimental version, if you feel unwell, please remove it immediately.

Three: I wish you a happy game.


Jiang Qi squinted his eyes and turned the package again, but there was nothing but these two things.

Suspiciously, he took the helmet to his bedroom, Jiang Qi lay down on the bed, put the helmet on, and closed his eyes.

In a daze, Jiang Qi seemed to have entered a dark world.

"Ding, welcome to vr."

Suddenly, a mechanized voice came from Jiang Qi's ear.

"Please choose your giant of light!"

As soon as the mechanized sound fell, a translucent light screen appeared in front of Jiang Qi.

On the light screen are densely packed Otto fighters, from top to bottom they are Noah, Regedo, Otto King...

Jiang Qi looked at these Ultramans at a loss and asked, "Can I only choose one?"

"Ding, you can only choose once, and the chosen giant of light will be bound to you."

Hearing that voice, Jiang Qi bit his lip and stretched out his hand, wanting to choose the legendary Ultraman-Noah.

But he drew back. He used to always like to play cracked games. Although it was very happy, but slowly, it became meaningless, because it was too invincible.

This time this VR game can only choose a giant. If you don’t want to play anymore because of the invincibility and boringness, you will lose out.

After thinking about it, Jiang Qi finally chose an Ultraman.

Adjusted the light screen to the portrait of Ultraman, and then confirmed.

"If you want to defeat this young master... it will take 20,000 years to wait!!"

At the moment Jiang Qi was sure, a voice resounded throughout the space.

The sharp ice axe, the unruly eyes, and the upright heroic posture all revealed the strength of this ultra warrior.

This ultra warrior is exactly the most powerful warrior in the kingdom of light-Siro.

Don’t forget, this is a vr game. If you meet other powerful players, you are likely to be bullied. If you don’t want to be bullied, you must have enough room for improvement to make yourself have enough fun. Is the most suitable choice.


Suddenly, the light screen in front of Jiang Qi shattered, and countless light particles drilled out of it, and then quickly wrapped Jiang Qi, and the light particles continued to gush out from the light screen.

Jiang Qi was taken aback by the sights in front of him, but he realized that they were not harmful. Instead, he felt very comfortable as the light poured in.

Gradually, Jiang Qi closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed the process, but he did not notice that there was more than Siro's light emerging from the light screen.

In reality, Jiang Qi's body lying on the bed also emitted a faint white light.

As the last ray of light merged with Jiang Qi, Jiang Qi slowly opened his eyes.

Exhale gently, apart from feeling very relaxed all over the body, it doesn't seem to be too special!

"Ding, the novice trial is on."

As soon as the mechanized sound fell, Jiang Qi felt the surrounding scene change, and then Jiang Qi fell to the top of a building by himself.


When the cold wind blew, Jiang Qi shivered.

Not to mention, the vr technology made by the small RB is quite advanced, at least a few blocks of domestic ones.

I scanned the downtown area below. Isn't this Nanxi City?

Nanxi City, one of the several developed cities in China, is famous for its porcelain and silk. Many antiques and rare treasures come from here. It is said that there are many antiques from the former palace.

Jiang Qi even traveled here a few months ago.

Why are you here?Shouldn't it be somewhere in RB?For example, Tokyo, Oban, Okinawa, etc...

However, Jiang Qi's doubts didn't last long, and was interrupted by an earthquake. Because it was too sudden, Jiang Qi fell to the ground unsuspectingly.

what's the situation???

I saw that the building not far in front of Jiang Qi collapsed in an instant, and a huge figure stood up from it.

The monster wears a hard head armor, its pointed mouth resembles a lizard, and its long fangs, and its dark muscles show that explosive power.


Jiang Qi looked at the huge figure in front of him tremblingly, thinking of one thing in his mind, seeing it with his own eyes is another.

It is impossible to know the tremendous pressure without seeing it in person!

Sitting on that tall building, Jiang Qi can basically look at the same level as Gelzan. Jiang Qi, who has always had a good eye, can even see Gelzan's saliva.

Instinctively, Jiang Qi wanted to stand up and escape, but as soon as he stood up, his feet softened and he sat back again.

"Ding, the battle is about to begin, please be prepared!"

By the way, this is a game...

Hearing the mechanized voice, Jiang Qi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

I was really scared just now, and I forgot that this is just a game.

Slowly stood up, looking at the Golzan in front of him, it seemed that he was not as scary as before, but his legs were still a little soft.

"I'm ready."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Qi said to the voice. As soon as Jiang Qi's voice fell, the system began to count down.




Soon, when I think of becoming a hero, I feel a little excited...





As the system finished counting the last number, Jiang Qi was instantly enveloped in light.

"Ding, since you are a novice, please choose three skills."

"One, Amelim light. Two, cluster light..."

Seeing that all the skills of Cyro were on the light screen, Jiang Qi remembered that Cyro was like a novice in the game, without any skills.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Qi chose Cyro Flying Kick, Cluster Light and Mind Power Ice Axe.

As soon as Jiang Qi finished the election, the light around him skyrocketed, and in a daze, Jiang Qi seemed to be able to look at Golzan.

"Ding, the battle countdown is one minute and forty seconds..."