Biquge, the fastest update Auto: just want to protect your latest chapters!Jiang Qi looked at the beam of energy accumulated in Gaspros's hand, and his heart was extremely anxious. The fueler had already jumped tightly, but Jiang Qi could feel that the dangerous feeling lingering around him had not disappeared, but it was getting heavier. Up.


Just when Jiang Qi was feeling a little desperate, suddenly there was a sound of cutting through the air in his ear, and there was more than one.

Subconsciously, Jiang Qi looked towards the horizon, and saw more than a dozen planes flying towards here.

this is???

Jiang Qi dumped the motorcycle for a beautiful drift, squinted his eyes and looked at these fighter jets passing fast through the sky, and a glimmer of hope emerged in his heart.

It's the army!The army sent people to rescue them!

In China's major military bases, countless people have seen the full picture of Gaspros through hidden cameras on combat effectiveness.

The mechanized figure, the brilliant sapphire, and the huge form all attracted them.


A man with glasses frowned at the light screen and asked seriously.

"If it's a robot, who made it?"

Immediately, someone asked.

"It is not ruled out that it is an alien."

A fat middle-aged man stood up and waved his hand and said, "After all, I don't believe that there is such a high-tech country now."


Hearing what the middle-aged man said, many people fell silent.

"Alien? What about his purpose?"

The person next to the middle-aged man suddenly asked.

"Maybe it is the vanguard officer released to invade the earth!"

It was not a middle-aged man who answered him, but a young man who wore glasses before.

"Then what is his purpose of invading the earth?"

I don't know who raised the question again, which silenced here again.

The young man with glasses just shook his head. He didn't know about such things. After all, he is not an alien, but one thing cannot be denied, that is, the earth must be protected!


Different from the atmosphere in the base, there is a serious atmosphere here. In other words, there are so many people here that I have no plans to go back!

In this atmosphere, although the dozen or so planes were silent on the road, the bloody smell that came out made them extremely excited.

As soon as they saw the monster, many people's eyes widened, and the inside was filled with shock.

They had never seen such a huge creature.

However, shock is shocked, they will not give up attacking because of this shock, and run for their lives, knowing that they are soldiers!


When the monster entered the range, everyone aimed at the target, and the ammunition sprayed out without money. An aura of "stuck" on Gaspros's body, causing Gasproston to take a look, but there was no reason. On the contrary, he raised his other hand and began to accumulate energy.

"Damn it!"

Finding that the attack by himself and others had no effect, the pilot in an airplane hammered his thigh hard, and then radioed: "Sir, request the use of 105mm armor-piercing bullets!"

In the remote military base, that person's request came out to make the already quiet base quieter.


The young man wearing glasses pushed his glasses and said, "Attack the joints of the monster's body."

After that, the young man stared at the light curtain tightly, pursed his mouth, and said in his heart: "Never lose!"

If they lose, they will not only deepen people's sense of crisis, but also lose the trust of people in the future!

Human beings will not leave their destiny in the hands of an organization without any guarantee.

On the battlefield, soldiers don’t have time to think about it. On the battlefield, every second counts!

Jiang Qi barely avoided an attack by Gaspros. The beam hit the ground and raised a huge amount of dust. Jiang Qi, who was unprepared for a while, was fascinated by his eyes, but he did not wipe it, and there is no way to wipe it. He was hit by Gasprous within the time he wiped his eyes.That's not fun!

Therefore, Jiang Qi could only use his blurred vision to distinguish the direction, and the speed slowed down for a while.

"The armor-piercing bullet is loaded!"

At this moment, more than ten aircraft were all ready.

With a sharp heart, several planes surrounded Gasprous, and his colleagues launched an attack.


Countless armor-piercing projectiles hit Gaspros. What’s the same as before, this time, it aroused a huge spark. If you say that you used rice to hit the iron plate before, this time it was hitting the bed with steel nails. feel.

Jiang Qi glanced at the battle, and found that Gasprous had been suppressed, and stopped in surprise.

Unexpectedly, these people are quite capable!

Jiang Qi thought in his heart, but his eyelids suddenly jumped wildly, and he suddenly raised his head. He happened to look at Gasprous and cried out inwardly, no!

He was about to drop the motorcycle and escape, but suddenly felt a huge impact behind him kicking him out.

I didn't expect Gasprous to want him to die so much!

A hint of surprise flashed in his heart, and then Jiang Qi felt black before his eyes...

"This monster... just killed someone?"

One of the drivers gripped the joystick tightly, almost bursting into flames in his eyes.

This time they made a mistake!I just fought this monster before, and didn't even notice any one.

Not only this one, almost everyone is angry!It was the cry for the passing of life, and the anger at the monster who robbed it of life at will.

They wielded ammunition, they didn't want to destroy the monster, they just wanted to do their best to protect the innocent people.

Perhaps the main target was killed by himself, or perhaps impatient with these flies, Gasprous waved his hand back, and a blue light instantly hit a fighter plane.


At the same time, the fighter plane exploded in front of them, and everyone's eyes became unbelievable. A few hours ago, they were still arguing with each other, just like this?

"I will kill you!!"

The two people who had the best relationship with the driver were dazzled by anger, and rushed forward without thinking.

Gasprous didn't raise his head, and when the beam of light swung out, and just brushed the plane, the two planes exploded suddenly!

The other soldiers gritted their teeth and rushed forward without fear.

This is a tragedy. People watching from afar cried and turned their heads away. They couldn't bear to watch.

One after another fighter planes fell, one after another hard-bodied men died.

Countless young people gave them a military salute in silence. They will never forget today, and similarly, they will never forget the soldiers who died for them!