Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 391: Lion Heart King (3)

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update Auto: just want to protect your latest chapters!"First! Can't go to school hungry!"

Aihara Ryu shouted loudly at the Phoenix Nest: "Second! Dry clothes in good weather!"

"Wow, what are you doing?"

Jinnai watched Long actually take the Five Great Oaths of Ultraman, looked at him a little uncomfortably, and muttered: "Sure enough, we don't understand the world of passionate idiots."

Ryu Aihara naturally heard the murmur of Marina, but he didn't care. Instead, he continued to carry loudly: "Third! Watch out for traffic when crossing the road!"


Mu Zhimei didn't get angry when he heard him back like this. Instead, she smiled and watched him back with Zheping, especially Zheping, who also took out a mobile phone video.

"Fourth! Don't rely on the strength of others!"

Aihara Ryu was carrying it on his back, with a smile on his face, as if he was reminiscing about the good things before.

"Fifth! Don't play barefoot on the ground!"

However, the fifth Altman vow, before the dragon opened his mouth, someone behind it memorized it, and everyone couldn't help but turn their heads to look at it.


"You came?"


"……who are you?"

Everyone has a different reaction. Marana turned her head and saw a man, Sadaharu Irakudo at first glance, and said: "Are you here?"

Mu Zhimei suspiciously saw Jiang Qi who was following Shige Hao, and asked somewhat suspiciously, "Sadaji?"

Zheping looked at the extra Jiang Qi in a daze. He didn't know him, so he said, "Huh?"

Long was also surprised. The stranger actually recited the Five Great Oaths of Ultraman and asked without going through his brain: "Who are you?"

Seeing this completely different reaction, Jiang Qi's brows twitched. As expected, GUYS has a special personality!

When Jiang Qi heard the dragon's back to the third line, he knew who they were, and who was Sadaharu Izumo in front of him. Isn't he a member of GUYS?

That's why Jiang Qi interrupted suddenly, perhaps because of the influence of Hibino Miku, that is, Yumbius!

"Mr. Jiang Qi..."

Zhenji is also very strange, Jiang Qi will know this thing, this Ultraman's five oaths, not many people know, even when Monbius guards the earth, not many people know this.

On the contrary, after Jack Altman left the earth and before the next Ultraman appeared, the Five Great Oaths of Altman were almost familiar to the world, but they have been almost forgotten in the generations of changes, plus there are 25 Not many people knew about the reappearance of Dreambius during the gap period of 1 year.

"I'm also very surprised that this kind of outdated thing is even known."

Jiang Qi was silent for a while before speaking to Aihara Long.

"At this moment, Captain Serizawa told me..."

Long turned around and walked over slowly, and said seriously: "Where are you?"

"It's almost the same, an acquaintance told me..."

Jiang Qi said vaguely. In fact, he really remembered this thing. When Jack Altman finished broadcasting, he remembered the Five Great Oaths of Ultraman.


Aihara Ryuuji smiled, and then suddenly said to Sadaji: "Why are you still in a daze? Why don't you help?"


Only then did Sadaji suddenly rush over, pick up the plate in Mu Zhimei's hand, and help fiddling.

"Let me introduce, my name is Aihara Ryu!"

Aihara Ryuu smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to Jiang Qi, while saying: "I think we are in a good deal."

"Jiang Qi..."

Jiang Qi stretched out his hand and shook Aihara Ryuuji, and said, "A lost tourist."

The hot-blooded idiot in the original work of Ryu Aihara is more consistent with the one in front of Jiang Qi, but the dragon in front of him is a little more stable, somewhat calmer than Captain Posui.


Aihara Ryuuji was stunned for a moment, and then he understood something, and said, "I'm here to visit the Phoenix Nest!"


Jiang Qi looked at Aihara Ryu, this guy ignored the most important "lost" in front of him, and now he wants to withdraw the previous sentence, "somewhat calmly as Captain Boshui."

"Mr. Jiang Qi, are you lost?"

Mu Zhimei didn't know where she came from. She looked at Jiang Qi curiously. When Jiang Qi turned her head, she helped her glasses and said with a smile, "My name is Tiantai Mu Zhimei, and I am a kindergarten teacher."

"Hello there!"

Jiang Qi nodded slightly to say hello, and then looked at the shy little guy in this special drama. Now he has a lot more confidence.

"I don't know how to find my team..."

Jiang Qi silently said such a sentence, no matter where it is, the attribute of Lu Chi can never be changed. Although it is not very serious, it is impossible to remember if you don't walk a road more than ten times!

Thinking of this, Jiang Qi wanted to cover his face, which is really shameful!

"It turned out to be so."

Aihara Ryu heard Mu Zhimei mentioning that Jiang Qi was lost, and then he remembered that Jiang Qi had told him that he was lost before, and finally understood what was going on.

"Then have something to eat with us."

The ever-blooded Aihara Long didn't know what to watch out for. Hearing Jiang Qi got lost, his first reaction was sympathy and wanted to help him.

"it's not good?"

Jiang Qi looked at him very embarrassedly. When someone was gathering here, he suddenly inserted in...

"Come on! Mr. Jiang Qi!"

Iruto Sadaji suddenly came over, took Jiang Qi’s hand, walked to their barbecue booth, and said, “When we finish eating these, we will take you to see the scenery here. Anyway, we took two days off and we were crazy. No problem."


Jiang Qi glanced at him silently, and looked at the other people with some embarrassment. What made Jiang Qi strange was that these people didn't care at all.

Especially Zhe Ping, he also handed Jiang Qi a bottle of drink, and talked with Jiang Qi about where the food is fun and where the food is delicious.

"It's no wonder that this fellow Monbius has grown so much..."

Jiang Qi looked at these people and really felt amazing. These guys with very different personalities, together, formed a natural magnetic field, and the fetters on their bodies were firmly entangled.

Especially when Long and Zhenzhi were arguing over whether to put ginger or chili in the quarrel, it felt really interesting to argue.

However, Jiang Qi didn't notice the truth behind him. The movement in his hand paused and he looked at Jiang Qi in surprise.

"Ah, Zhennai! The meat is going to be mushy!"

At this time, Kinomi quickly patted Zhennai's back, pointing to the barbecue in her hand and said.


Zhenna hurriedly took out the barbecue, but it seemed to be a little late, the meat was already blackened and could not be eaten.


Jinna looked at the barbecue in his hand, slightly embarrassed. Under Kinomei's strict supervision, she made a strict guarantee that there would be no next time before she passed the difficult time.


Jiang Qi can also hear the small theater behind. Jiang Qi likes these interesting guys more and more, but no matter how much he likes, Jiang Qi still wants to go back. If he doesn't go back on time, his salary will be deducted. .

"Mr. Jiang Qi is Chinese?"

When Aihara Ryu heard that Sadaharu Izumo said that Jiang Qi was a Chinese, his eyes lighted up and said, "Why come here?"

"It's just the boss who came with us, but I got separated."

Jiang Qi said this, but what I don't understand is, what are these people doing?When he came out, no one was gone.

"That's it..."

Ryu Aihara nodded slightly. At this moment, Teppei suddenly leaned in front of Jiang Qi, squeezed Ryuu Aihara aside, and asked curiously: "There are many medical foods in China, right?"

"Well, there are quite a few..."

Jiang Qi nodded confidently. He likes to study these things, and he can do many things.

"Can you tell me?"

Zheping became more excited, leaned forward a little, and said.


Jiang Qi stepped back slightly, and a little awkwardly agreed, anyway, he would cook a lot of dishes, and told Zheping that one or two was nothing.

"And I!"

Mu Zhimei didn't know when she ran to Jiang Qi's side, clasped her hands together, and said in anticipation: "I really like Chinese mythology, especially the Cowherd and Weaver Girl. It's so touching!"

"is it……"

Jiang Qi liked the story of "Journey to the West" quite a bit, and he was not very interested in such love and affection.

"What are these guys doing..."

Sadaji Ibaru looked at the guys who surrounded Jiang Qi, feeling a little embarrassed.


Zhenna rolled her eyes and shouted at those people: "If you don't come again, the barbecue will be gone..."

"No! Zhennai, you can't do that!"

"Marsanna, let go of that barbecue and let me come!"

"Madonna, you are already fat, let me take care of the extra fat!"

Those people almost rushed past, Jiang Qi only saw a gust of wind, and then those people came to Zhennai's side. This speed really made Jiang Qi ashamed.

"You lied to us..."

Aihara Ryu looked at most of the raw meat, and said blankly to Marina.

"Don't say it's useless, make it quickly, don't make people wait anxious!"

Zhennai proudly spoke to Long while holding the plate, then turned to Jiang Qi.


Looking at Jinnai's back, the dragon gave a childish snort, grabbed a handful of barbecue and put it on it.


"Make you laugh..."

Zhennai put the barbecue in front of Jiang Qi, smiled apologetically at Jiang Qi, and said, "You don't need to care about those people, just treat them as boring guys."

"it does not matter……"

Jiang Qi took the plate and put it on the table beside him.

"My name is Mari Kazama."

Zhennai said her name to Jiang Qi.

"Long heard of the name."

Jiang Qi said politely to Zhennai, but she didn't expect Zhennai to ask, "Oh? Mr. Jiang Qi knows me?"


Looking at Zhennai's curious expression, Jiang Qi secretly said: No!

It was just a habitual compliment, but I didn't expect to be caught directly.

However, Jiang Qi didn't panic on the surface, but said: "I just heard a friend mention it, a windy woman (female man!)."

"A friend mentioned it?"

A gleam of light flashed in Zhennai's eyes, but Jiang Qi caught him, and Zhennai said, "Then Mr. Jiang Qi knows what I do?"

"I don't know, he didn't mention it."

Jiang Qi smiled and shook his head, wanting to go over this topic, but Zhennai didn't seem to want to just go over it. Instead, he said, "Can you tell me the name of your friend? The one who called me the "windy woman" People, I really want to find out."

Before Jiang Qi could react, Zhennai said, "You won't forget your friend's name, right?"


Jiang Qi and Zhennai looked at each other for a while, and there was nothing wrong with each other's eyes, so they could only secretly say: "Girls are all master actors!"

"That friend of mine is called Hibino Miku."

Jiang Qi fiddled with his fingers and suddenly said a word, a word that solidified the scene.

"Mr. Jiang Qi... know the future?"

This time she was shocked and changed to Zhennai, and she was completely caught off guard by Jiang Qi.

"Yeah, I know."

Jiang Qi smiled and nodded, not caring about their shock.

Jiang Qi said this because of his own considerations.

First, his "virtuous" friend can be described as any person, such as Jervis.

But, don’t forget, Zhennai is a member of GUYS. Her authority can be checked. Whether she recognizes that person or not. If she does not know that person, then it means she lied, and even found that she has not had any activity on earth before. When recording, this lie can be twisted into other meanings...

Second, when Jiang Qi said the name Hibino Miku, there would be a subconscious formation in their hearts that he was a friend. Even if he understood that he was not a human being on earth, there would not be too much hostility.

Third, he didn't plan to stay on Earth for long, so he didn't care too much about whether his identity would be exposed.

The fourth and temporary point is that it can dissolve Zhennai's hostility. If you just say an unfamiliar name, Zhennai's hostility will not decrease. However, if you talk directly in the future, Zhennai's hostility will disappear in an instant.

However, the strange thing is, why is Shinnai suddenly so hostile?

(Ultraman’s Five Oaths: Article One

Don't go to school hungry

Meaning: You must be fully prepared to do anything before doing it. If you are not prepared, it is likely to lead to a failure and abandon your previous efforts.

Article 2

Dry the quilt when the weather is good

Meaning: seize a specialty to carry forward, don't miss opportunities and good opportunities

Article 3

Pay attention to traffic when crossing the road

Meaning: pay attention to any detail when doing things, not to miss a fish that slipped through the net, and be careful. Details focus on success or failure

Article 4

Don't rely on others

Meaning: Do your own things by yourself. In any case, you have to rely on your own strength. After completing things with your own strength, the satisfaction that others can't realize when others help you complete

The fifth

Don't play barefoot on the ground

Meaning: You must be prepared for anything you do, and you must be defensive.

These principles will never be out of date. Of course, the above are all told by a book friend. I didn't know so much before. Thank him again.)