Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 437: Return! Mysterious Japanese Samurai (10)

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In the night attack on the base, another plane landed again, and then another plane flew up. A trajectory was drawn in the blue sky and then slowly disappeared.

"It's another..."

Han Yi smiled and looked at the flying plane, and said to Huang Ying beside him: "But it's almost replaced."

"Yes, you can still use it..."

Huang Ying nodded. Flying Eagle is their first fighter, and it has been a long time.

It is said that Jueying-MAX has made breakthrough progress. Soon, the day is not far away, and the Flying Eagle will fully retreat to the second line.

"Times are about to change."

As Han Yi said, he suddenly felt that he was old, and he couldn't help but feel a bit funny. When did he become so sad?

"Why, it feels like an old antique?"

Huang Ying smiled and glanced at Han Yi, and then walked back. They just took a break on the road while they were performing their tasks, and they were going to report back soon.


Han Yi nodded in agreement, then followed Huang Ying and said, "I have seen the newcomer, a very nice group of young men."


Huang Ying looked at Han Yi curiously as she walked, and said, "There is such an evaluation? It seems that I have a chance to see it."

"I agree."

Han Yi nodded, sighed, and said, "Sometimes I have to obey the old man."

"It's not that old now."

Huang Ying walked straight ahead, retorting: "Young people can put pressure on us, and we can also put pressure on them. Besides, who said that seniors should retire?"

The second team of Night Attack, those trained in the night attack base, will go to the second team. This is to give those newcomers a chance to exercise. Generally the second team cooperates with the first team, that is, Huang Ying and others do some tasks that are not particularly dangerous .

The original night raid team, divided into small teams, all merge into one team, called the night raid team, and perform the most core tasks.

"You are right, I can't refute it."

Han Yi shrugged his shoulders, Huang Ying said very reasonable, he just saw the performance of the newcomers, and had to convince the old.

The rise of future generations is a happy thing.


Soon, Huang Ying and others returned to the command room. When they first entered, they felt the dull atmosphere inside.

On the big screen, there was a surveillance broadcast. It was a giant cat monster about two meters away, attacking humans everywhere.


Huang Ying narrowed her eyes and looked at Ding Yunfeng, only to see Ding Yunfeng nodded slightly and said, "Strike!"


Everyone nodded, picked up their helmets and rushed out. As for Huang Ying and Han Yi, they just ran out.

"how about it?"

Ding Yunfeng turned his head, looked at Cheng Yu and asked, "About the energy detection situation."

"There are three energy masses..."

Cheng Yu bit his lip and said to Ding Yunfeng, "That cat demon is the weaker one."


Ding Yunfeng watched the monitor continuously adjust the angle, and finally lost the trace of the monster. He does not rule out the possibility of becoming huge. Even if it can't, a human-sized monster is difficult to grasp.

"Captain Han Yi, the position of the monster is in Goyang City, coordinate G21."

Cheng Yu reported where the monster finally disappeared. They expressed the country of China in coordinates. The abscissa is 26 English letters and the ordinate is 1 to 100 instead. In this way, sometimes it can be more concise and faster. To reach the target location.

Goyang City again????

Question marks appeared on the remaining personnel who did not go. Could it be that Goyang City was built on the nest of monsters?

With an appearance rate of more than 50%, Gaoyang City has been rated as the top ten dangerous city in the world and is world-renowned.


Ding Yunfeng did not speak, but he was even more curious, where are the other two monsters?



Jiang Qi lay on the ground, coughing twice, and a thread of blood coughed out of Jiang Qi's throat and hung it on his mouth.

"It looks miserable! Our great hero."

Seeing Jiang Qi's miserable appearance, Chibon Shiburo said with a crazy smile.


As soon as Jiang Qi was about to speak, before he could say it, he spouted a mouthful of blood and vomited on the ground.

"Ha ha--"

Looking at Jiang Qi's appearance, Chibon Shiburo is even more leisurely. What is Jiang Qi using to fight him now?

"Who are you!"

Jiang Qi gritted his teeth, flushed, and yelled at him. Just after he finished shouting, Jiang Qi coughed twice again.

"I am your enemy, the Abastrian."

Anyway, the goal was achieved, he didn't care about the so-called Siro, anyway, Jiang Qi's life and death were firmly held in the palm of his hand.

"I just like to collect those fun things, I am fond of the earth, and you!"

Senbon Jiro leaned his legs and said condescendingly: "But seeing you fighting with the Kirialods, I think it's more reliable to collect the earth. As for you, kill it, and collect corpses is the same."


Jiang Qi looked at this guy and clenched his fists. He couldn't wait to tear this guy to pieces, Jiang Qi felt extremely angry.

"But your strength is an unstable factor, so you used only small means."

Senbon Jiro did not feel any embarrassment at all, and said, "The first monster that appeared after you left was the one drawn by me, but you did not appear. I can only draw out the monster once every once in a while. Fortunately, I succeeded and you are really hooked."

Senbon Jiro told about his plan, from the beginning, to challenging Jiang Qi, and finally here, step by step, all for the present.


Jiang Qi stared at him, but Jiang Qi couldn't stand up, otherwise he would definitely make him look good.


Senbon Jiro laughed unexpectedly, not caring about Jiang Qi's verbal abuse. For him, lip service was just a symbol of the weak. Moreover, as long as the winner was him, whatever method was used, he said : "It just so happens that there is a saying on the earth, called soldiers never tire of deceit, besides, you are too tender."

"You are... already planned..."

Jiang Qi didn't understand why this was a premeditated attack, the purpose was to make him suffer severely, and then solve him leisurely.

"It's a pity it's too late."

Senbon Jiro said: "My plan is not perfect. I can only say that you are too young. You are still subconsciously wary of human appearance."

Chibon Shichiro taught Jiang Qi a lesson and made Jiang Qi gritted his teeth and looked at him. The pain in his abdomen has not been reduced, but it has become stronger.

"Don't worry, your monsters are not enough?"

Jiang Qi stared at him closely, and said, "Such extravagant and wasteful lead me out."

"Who said it was my own monster?"

Senbon Shiburo hugged his stomach and looked at Jiang Qi, and said, "Monsters are all on the earth, why not use the ready-made ones? Anyway, the dead are also creatures on the earth, and the monster behind me, Mick, was also mutated. , After all, we are aliens with powerful minds, why don't we give full play to our specialties?"

Consume the monsters on the earth and achieve your goals!Despicable guy!

"It turns out that Xiaoqi's doubts about you are true!"

Jiang Qi really regretted that if he could listen to Jiang Xiaoqi and pay more attention, it wouldn't be so, but it was too late.

"That little girl!"

Senbon Jiro thought of the girl, the girl who was hostile to him, and said with a smile: "She is much smarter than you, but unfortunately you didn't listen to him."


Senbon Shiburo smiled arrogantly, then slowly walked towards Jiang Qi and said, "Stand up!"

For Jiang Qi, Chibon Shiro was not in a hurry to kill him, because for him, Jiang Qi was a dead person anyway.


At this moment, a chair suddenly flew over, and Senbon Jiro responded quickly, and Mick blocked the attack. The chair was divided into two halves, and Senbon Jiro did nothing.


Senbon Jiro hates reversal plots the most. At this time, someone else stopped him?


Suddenly, a white figure rushed from not far away, and at a very fast speed, it rushed towards Senbon Jiro.


Mick still wouldn't agree, and rushed to that person.

The two very fast figures quickly fought each other, and after the two people had passed two moves, the person rushed towards Senbon Jiro with the help of the gap.


Fortunately, Senbon Jiro's reaction was not covered, and he quickly summoned to the trash can and blocked that foot.


The trash can was kicked to pieces, and the trash inside exploded. Senbon Jiro was almost buried alive by the trash. Although he was not buried alive, his body also had a smell.

And that person, with the help of this power, turned around in the air and fell next to Jiang Qi.

"It's you?"

Seeing that person, Chibon Shiburo flashed with obvious surprise in his eyes. This person turned out to be that Jiang Xiaoqi?


Jiang Qi saw the man and squeezed out two words from the corner of his mouth.

"Little Jiang, are you okay?"

This person was not someone else, it was Jiang Xue. She saw Jiang Qi's blood and her face became a little pale. While guarding Qianben Shiji Lang, she squatted down and helped Jiang Qi up.


Jiang Qi coughed out again, and the blood in his mouth overflowed. It looked like he would die in the next second.

"Little Jiang, look at me—"

Jiang Xue frantically helped Jiang Qi wipe the blood, and as soon as he wiped it off a little, the blood would gush out again and again.

But at this moment Jiang Qi can no longer make other reactions. After the previous stimulation, Jiang Qi's heartbeat is very fast.

"What did you do to Xiao Jiang?????"

Jiang Xue no longer had the elegance of the past. She looked at Senbon Jiro, the look in his eyes, like a wild beast, made him feel a moment of fear. Only for a moment, Senbon Jiro thought it was. Own illusion.

"Are you sister?"

Senbon Jiro looked at Jiang Xue, nodded, and said incredibly: "It's really good work. Even Cyro can't do better. I even wonder if you are a human being on earth?"

"I asked... what happened to Xiao Jiang?"

Jiang Xue hugged Jiang Qi tightly and looked at Chibon Jiro, that kind of aura, there is really a feeling, a kind of cosmic arbiter, no, no, cosmic arbiter, there are ten people in total, it is impossible to have Others, let’s say that, if this guy is really the judge, Kiri Elod cannot have an idea...

Senbon Jiro looked at her for a long time before he said, "I cursed him. His life is only one month old. This is too much."

"what did you say?"

Jiang Xue heard something, Jiang Qi could only live for a month, and suddenly became angry and was about to stand up, but Jiang Qi was caught firmly.

"Don't go, he's irritating you..."

Jiang Qi said softly, if it was before, Jiang Xue would naturally have a judgment, but how could he have time and feel this way now?

"……I know……"

Jiang Xue took a deep breath, took a deep look at Chibon Shiburo, then lowered her head to look at Jiang Qi, and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"I won't talk to you if I have something, I know everything with my butt."

Senbon Jiro looked at the two of them, shook his head, and said, "Ultraman Cerro is still a romantic hero."


When Jiang Qi heard this, he was about to say something, but after coughing twice, he swallowed back.

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Qi's appearance really made him uninterested. He just listened to him saying: "What I said is true or false, and then you will know that I can kill you now, but I won't do that. "

Senbon Jiro showed a dazzling smile and said, "Because I want to see, your despair...hahaha..."

"I will never let you go!"

Jiang Xue looked at Chibon Shiburo and said something like a vow, Jiang Xue, she must do what she said.


Senbon Jiro laughed even more arrogantly. After all, he was just a human being. What is his ability?

"Did you overlook something?"


As Chimoto Shiburo said, a roar suddenly came out from behind, and the cat monster suddenly became extremely large, tens of meters high.

"Mick is here, have fun with you!"

Chimoto Jiro said, and then disappeared.


What Jiang Xue said was suddenly interrupted by Mick's riot.


The mad cat monster is even more terrifying, and its body becomes like a large orangutan, destroying everywhere, not knowing how many people have died.

"Sero Ultraman!!"

A child uttered a desperate cry, making Jiang Qi's heart cruel.


Jiang Qi grabbed Jiang Xue who was about to take him to the hospital. He didn't know where the power came from and supported him to stand.

"You, don't be brave! You will die!"

Jiang Xue looked at him, her eyes widened, and a tear slowly fell.

This guy, is there only the safety of the earth in his heart?

Jiang Qi didn't know what he was thinking, he only knew that he would never allow anyone to destroy this place or his home!Absolutely not allowed.


The rhythm of the light leaped on the shield of Palaji, and Jiang Qi's telepathy reached its peak.


Jiang Qi raised his hand and roared, blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, and the shield of Palaji burst out with a strong light.


The giant appeared in front of them, and humanity once again ignited hope. Ultraman Cerro, human, did not understand the seriousness of the matter at all. This is not only to protect them, but also to bet on Jiang Qi's everything!


Jiang Xue covered her mouth. She really didn't want to cry anymore, but crying didn't want to stop it.

"The titre ticked ticked—"

As soon as he appeared, the indicator light on Jiang Qi's chest flashed suddenly, and he knelt on the ground...