Universe’s Ultimate BOSS

Chapter 1000: Wang Hao's Bench

The Spirit Ball.

No return to the forest.

This is Little White's Bunny Territory.

The name is named after the Immortal Ball residents, and the connoisseurs will be gone when they enter.

Even if Xiaobai hasn't returned for many years, no one dares step into its territory.

Wang Hao, Zhao Yiling, the little fox flew quickly over the forest and headed straight to the forest center.

Along the way, the three of them saw many rare demonic beasts, countless fairy grasses, fairy fruits, and very high grades.

Wang Hao moaned: “I didn't expect my rabbit to be so rich already. Looks like it's time for me to refine Feishengdan. ”

Zhao Yiling couldn't help but ask: "Can you refine Feishengdan now!? ”

Wang Hao said proudly: “Of course, I spent several days studying alchemy, and now refining flying dan is not a small thing! ”

Zhao Yiling, the little fox two women's eyelids smoked and felt that the product was too bragging.

If it had taken a few days to learn alchemy and refine Ascension Dan, there would have been no saints in this pluralistic universe, all of them to the Pure Land of Eternal Pleasure.

Wang Haochan said softly: “Do you look like you don't believe me? Why don't we make a bet? ”

“Bet on what!?” The little fox asked curiously.

Wang Hao picked a frown: “If I lose, you can let me do whatever you want in three days, but if you lose, I will have to promise you anything in three days. ”

The little fox shuddered his mind and immediately understood what this bad thing was up to.

Zhao Yiling looked arrogant: “Okay, we'll bet you. ”

Little fox said urgently: “Why did you bet directly with Brother Wang Hao? If he could really refine it, he would be very demanding. ”

Zhao Yiling turned his back and said: "The character of this evil thing is not enough to achieve its purpose. Now that you have thought about it, do you still expect to be able to hide in the future!? ”

The little fox was slightly stunned and felt Zhao Yiling was right.

Since they can't hide from each other, why don't they open up and gamble once? If they really win, they can bully Wang Hao for three days.

And in the current situation, their winnings are still very high, which gives them no reason to refuse at all.

Wang Hao smiled jokingly: “Now that you've agreed, we have a deal. ”

The two women nodded: "Okay, that's the deal! ”

At this moment, Yu's commissioner shouted, “Yu wants to go home. Little Bai bullies..."

Little fox said urgently: “Let's hurry up. If something really happened to Yu, we can't explain it to Moonglass! ”

Wang Hao curiously asked: "I almost forgot if you didn't say Moonglass. Where is she?! ”

Zhao Yiling replied: “The moon glass is busy understanding nothing, and it is expected to close soon. ”

Wang Hao scratched his chin and muttered: “Moonglass, too, is beginning to understand nothing. Looks like the bottom of my class is preliminarily shaped. ”

The little fox asked, “Brother Wang Hao, what class are you talking about?!? ”

Wang Hao smiled and did not answer.

Zhao Yiling glanced at Wang Hao, and the woman's sixth sense told her that Wang Hao's class should be at the bottom of his rear palace class, one responsible for the expansion of Jiangjiang, one responsible for the housekeeper making money, one responsible for being a close bodyguard, and one responsible for spending the month before.

A moment later, the three men found Xiaobai and Yu.

The scene was completely different from what they had imagined, except that Xiaobai was lying in a luxurious version of the rabbit's nest with Jiro's legs hanging and eating carrots.

And Jade was standing beside him, grabbing a little hoe to the ground, seeding a carrot into the soil, and releasing a green light to the carrot.

Little White smiled proudly: “Little doll, from today on, you are the baby rabbit. If you eat the baby rabbit's carrot secretly, the baby rabbit will give you an injection, and if carrot cultivation does not succeed, the baby rabbit will give you an injection. ”

Zhao Yiling Liu Mei slightly wrinkled: “Yu uses the unique skills of the Land Genie, which can give the plant a second life. ”

Wang Hao couldn't help laughing: “It's been half a day. Turns out this rabbit is trying to feed himself! ”

The little fox moaned: “It's so cruel, let Yu this snack grow carrots, but she won't eat it yet, this is a modern version of rabbit peel! ”

Zhao Yiling glanced back at Wang Hao, not to mention that he must have learned from Wang Hao as well.

“It's a beautiful day, perfect for refining Ascension Dan, I'm leaving first!” Wang Hao dropped the sentence and quickly disappeared.

The little fox screamed, “Brother Wang Hao, wait for me, I'll help you! ”

Zhao Yiling grabbed the tail of the little fox and joked: “I believe Wang is busy. You don't need to fight him, you should continue training with me! ”

Poor little fox said: "Sister Yiling, that's enough for today!? I'm losing my strength! ”

“If you have the strength, you have to try to find out. ”

Zhao Yiling smiled, turned his hand and took out the gold gun, then stabbed the little fox quickly.

“Ah... help! ”

The little fox shouted and then ran up in the woods, startling a big bird and animal.


Not for long.

Sitting on a boulder in the forest, Wang Hao placed neatly the materials needed to refine Feisheng Dan, and took out a gossip furnace to open the furnace to refine Feisheng Dan.


Wang Hao exhaled, then pinched a directive, so that the real air in his body erupted, and the sound of "bang” was to set a burning flame in the gossip furnace.

“Here we go! ”

Wang Hao frowned and quickly grabbed a strain of fairy grass around him and shot it into the gossip oven.

Meanwhile, Wang Hao concentrated on staring at the gossip furnace and using the power of his soul to control the strength and weakness of the flame in the furnace.

And as the temperature in the furnace continues to rise, the herb thrown in begins to turn into a drop of liquid, and as the liquid grows, it slowly solidifies, eventually forming the prototype of Dan medicine.

“Boom boom...”

At this moment, the sky was clouds and lightning struck.

Xiaobai asked curiously: "What is this thing!? ”

Yu 'er exclaimed: "This is the thunder robbery that will appear only after the Nine Pints of Divine Dan. Has a master of the Divine Tattoo Dan been born?!? ”

“It must be Wang Hao! ”

Xiaobai jumped up excitedly and took out a bowl, quickly rushing towards the location of the Thunder Robbery, ready for dinner.

Jade's eyes were also bright, quickly stuffed several carrots into his mouth, then his face intoxicated.

“No way! ”

Zhao Yiling looked at the sky and felt that something really had happened this time.

The little fox has begun to silently count his fingers. If he falls into the hands of Wang Hao Da Wang for three days and still listens to him, this will unlock how many poses...