Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 278

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapters of unlimited machine warfare!In the universe, the Black Hawk, which is completely inconspicuous compared to the size of the entire earth, and thirteen unmanned fighters are floating quietly near the circular orbit at this time. Without turning on the solar furnace, the human leather The method Lian found to search for heaven and humans has completely lost its effect on the Black Hawk. In addition, the Black Hawk itself has a certain anti-radar capability, so so far the Black Hawk and 13 UAVs are just Like cosmic garbage, it hasn't attracted anyone's attention at all.

Shiryllu was not bored at this time, but her heart was full of worries. Then she felt the earrings hanging on her neck suddenly shook, and after the voice of Xiao Ran appeared in her heart, Shiryllu slowly closed. He closed his eyes and put his hands on his chest: "I heard, I heard Xiao Ran needs my help."

After taking a deep breath, Shiryllu took off her helmet, and gently opened her mouth while clutching the necklace on her. The moving song suddenly came from Shiryllu’s singing throat, gently faint Yes, the singing is full of the most sincere emotions, worries for lovers in the distance.

And with Shiryllu's singing, covering the invisible place under her clothes with her hands, the purple earrings also began to flash with a faint light.

Xiao Ran, sitting in the Secret Angel Gundam, was operating the Secret Angel Gundam to avoid an attack by the sniper body, and then he shot the fighting body that came close to his face. The Secret Angel Gundam held his right arm. With the beam saber, a thick gn shield appeared again around the body, and it slammed into the four assault-type suits.


The collision between the two planes Secret Angel Gundam also trembled, but Xiao Ran, who had been prepared for a long time, manipulated Secret Angel Gundam's arms upwards, carrying the pulse cannon of the bombarding body behind him, and the beam saber was also left on the assault body. There was a long trace.

The ms unit of the Three Kingdoms coalition had also surrounded the Secret Angel Gundam at this time. After seeing the two aircraft close to the battle retreating, they also pulled the trigger in a swarm, shooting out countless electromagnetic shells. On the gn shield of Secret Angel Gundam, Xiao Ran, who was sitting in the cockpit, immediately began to sway with the body.

But at this moment, Xiao Ke seemed to have a singing voice in his ear, following this song.Xiao Ran only felt that as soon as his brain became loose, a kind of power poured out from all over his body, and was enriched into his body.

Not only the body, but even the mental power began to slowly recover under this song.One, two, three...

"Thank you, Shiryllu." Xiao Ran felt the already completely different body under the increased singing voice, that was full of power.The feeling of quick recovery of mental strength made Xiao Ran also loose, and a ling in his eyes once again burst into a thick battle.

However, Xiao Ran also knows that this state cannot be sustained for too long by relying on Shiryllu alone, and now is not the time to drain Shiryllu’s mental power, if there are orchids in Macross f world If you don’t have to worry about it, the increase will also show a square increase.

But even if only Shirley was alone, it was enough for Xiao Ran.With the amplification effect of the singing voice, Xiao Ran became more agile and swift when operating Secret Angel Gundam. Even under the firepower of countless Three Kingdoms Allied Forces ms, he used the performance of Secret Angel Gundam to rush out of the suppression range and started Rushed to the sky quickly.

The original ten-point mental power has reached more than twenty points after more than ten seconds, and the feeling of rapid recovery of mental power has also begun to disappear, otherwise it has been increasing at this rate, which is also an extreme for Shirley. Big load, but it stopped.But the singing in his ears did not stop. The increase in singing also enabled Xiao Ran to gain an increase in attributes, and his response speed, operation speed, etc., were all improved.

The most direct embodiment.It is that the movements of Secret Angel Gundam, whose movements have become dull, suddenly change. They have become more flexible than when they first started fighting, relying on the utility of the solar furnace to make all kinds of incredible flips in the air, hiding one by one. The three-nation coalition ms unit and the four airframes were fired.

Xiao Ran even turned off the gn shield and charged all the gn particles consumed by the gn shield to the gn-bit behind the Secret Angel Gundam.Without the particle consumption of the gn shield, the charging speed of the gn-bit has more than doubled.It soon reached the level of use.

I saw that all the gn-bits behind Secret Angel Gundam began to release particles, and suddenly it was like a pair of wings formed entirely of light grew behind Secret Angel Gundam, making the speed of Secret Angel Gundam explosive. When it grows, it breaks directly out of the encirclement, and throws the enemy behind him under his feet.

Among the MS units of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces, naturally there are pilots who are quick to respond and have information about themselves. When they saw the fighting type and assault type of the four special teams chasing towards the Secret Angel Gundam, dozens of them came from He rushed out of the queue and voluntarily followed the two planes and climbed towards the sky.

Sitting in the cockpit, Xiao Ran looked at the brighter and brighter sunlight, and after a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he operated Secret Angel Gundam to rush towards the sun, avoiding a shot from bottom to top on his side. After turning around, he avoided a few attacks again. Just when he broke through the clouds and couldn't even open his eyes, Xiao Ran finally pulled his hands abruptly, operating the Secret Angel Gundam and turned around instantly, all the large gn- behind him All the bits also ejected, and they started to combine one by one to form a combined large gn cannon.

"Hello!" Xiao Ran suddenly shouted.

"Locked, locked, locked, locked!"

"Shoot!" Xiao Ran roared and pressed the trigger in his hand. The gn cannon formed by gn-bit in front of Secret Angel Gundam instantly ejected a huge beam of light, directly falling from the sky, tearing the cloud band apart With great power, he rushed directly towards the target locked by Harrow.

This beam is much more powerful than the beam fired by the German Angel Gundam main gun. After all, it is fired by so many gn-bit combinations. Even a single large gn-bit full power launch has virtues. Angel Gundam is half the power of the main gun, not to mention so many gn-bits.

When this beam of light tore through the clouds and fell from the sky, the dazzling sunlight also spilt down, directly causing many people to close their eyes in an instant, and the bodies chasing after the secret angel Gundam only saw the appearance in front of them. After a burst of white light, even the human body with the body directly turned into a spark and finally broke into fragments and began to scatter towards the ground.

The two participant fuselages rushing at the forefront of the chasing team, although they are at the forefront, reflect the fastest two. The fighter pilots driving the combat-type fuselages immediately shouted when they saw the clouds being hugely rolled up. In the communication channel, he shouted in his special voice: "Get out of the way!"

At the same time, he drove his body abruptly to an angle, dodge the huge beam, but the flight bag behind him was directly rubbed, melted and burst into flames, and exploded directly after leaving the body itself. Come.

The combat pilot is a woman named Essie. In fact, Xiao Ran once had a relationship with her in Prometheus, but at that time Xiao Ran was only a watcher, and Essie was the protagonist. Knowing each other, but Xiao Ran also smashed the opponent in the world of Gundam seed, resulting in the other party's harvest in that world is not great, the only best gain is the design drawing of the assault Gundam.

But for the team, Esch also reluctantly sold the design drawings and sold it to a corps. The condition was that the four fuselages he was currently driving and obtained a small amount of merit points, which allowed their team to have Conditions for a foothold.

But now it was broken by the Secret Angel Gundam, and the body began to fall down without the flight pack. Ess also wrinkled the nice eyebrows, and hummed softly with that special voice that fondled: " hateful."

The assault pilot made evasive actions reflexively under the reminder of the fighting type, but after watching the huge beam of light passing by and bringing up a series of fireballs, he couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat.

The pilot of the assault suit is called Harvey, the fourth in the group of four, and the least willing to be the fourth. While he was still in a daze, the calm male voice directly cursed through the communication channel: " Bastard, what are you still in a daze, don't catch the big sister!"

Harvey heard the curse and reacted in a daze. He locked the combat-type body that stabilized its falling speed under the action of the body's own thruster and rushed over, grabbing the fighting-type body with the intact arm, and started. He rushed towards the artillery type and sniper type.

The artillery unit and the sniper unit also began to continuously attack the Secret Angel Gundam exposed by the tearing of the clouds, forcing the Secret Angel Gundam to not pursue the two units.

But although Secret Angel Gundam had to dodge due to the attack of the two aircraft, the dodge action was quite sharp. A few tumbling sideways avoided the opponent's attack. The gn-bit also dispersed again after firing the beam. Open, and rushed directly at the MS unit of the Three-Power Allied Forces.

When the beeping lock sound was heard again in the cockpit of Secret Angel Gundam, the gn-bit also started to shoot a beam of light, each gn-bit was in an s-shaped or z-shaped manner, there was no one at all. Little by little, it changes its position regularly, and each beam will bring up a ball of sparks, large or small, and when gn-bit returns to the back of the Secret Angel Gundam, this unit was originally used to support the encircled joint force. More than half has been lost.(To be continued.)