Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 369: Teaching

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapters of unlimited machine warfare!When Orb fought with the Earth Army, the scope of the battle was strictly limited to the sea. In the second battle, after the people had evacuated, they voluntarily gave up the defense of the main island, disbanded the army and replaced the remaining forces. Basically all hits on the main island, so the main island where the city is located has not been affected. There are almost no casualties of the people, and the property damage is even too small, so the progress of the reconstruction work is also very fast.

But on Obben Island, apart from the fact that the Dawning Society built a shelf on the original site, the entire island was turned into ruins due to the destruction caused by the huge explosion. However, the cleanup work also caused Xiao Ran a considerable headache, and it was very difficult for the entire island. The reconstruction work also includes too many aspects, it is more difficult than the establishment of a new island on a new desert island.

But fortunately, there is something like ms in this world. All ms that don’t need to be added to the defense mission have all lost their weapon shields and joined the reconstruction of the island. There are too many to do, but the cleaning is definitely a good hand. , To deal with the rubble ruins and even directly use beam sabers to cut, the speed is also quite fast, and the number of projects with at least hundreds of more than using ms as the main force, everything slowly stepped into the standard.

Before giving up Orb and heading to the universe, Xiao Ran once ordered all the weapons, including tanks, intact missile defenses, etc., to be sunk into the sea. Now they are also stepping up to salvage them. Although soaking in water will cause problems with tanks, but Repairing is easier than remanufacturing them all, and it saves a lot of resources for this suffering country.

In two months, Xiao Ran basically did it by himself for the first half month. Kagali was watching. After something passed Xiao Ran's hands, he could directly approve appropriately without thinking about it, and there was no interest entanglement. In Xiao Ran's consideration, among the five major families of Orb.The Ashar family is completely on the same line as Xiao Ran. The Lund family does not care about Orb, but they also carry out activities under the shadow for Orb.

The other three companies did not dare to find Xiao Ran at all. The current Xiao Ran, whether in the civilian or military, and even in the foundation of Aube, has a huge momentum. After the military is reintegrated, among them, Over 70% of them had basically become Xiao Ran's loyalty, and he only obeyed Xiao Ran's orders. Today, Xiao Ran has become Ob's God of War.The leader of the military.

In particular, the words Xiao Ran said in the battlefield between Zaft and the Earth Army at that time were spread throughout the military, even among the people, and were praised by people who had nowhere.

The power of Xiao Ran has made the other three families fearful except for the Lund family and the Ashar family, but there is no way to face Xiao Ran's strength. Xiao Ran's strength is not only famous in Aubrey, but actually on the earth. The army and the plant are also quite famous, and the plant and the earth army still swallowed their anger to meet Xiao Ran, and did not mention the freedom and justice two Gundams.Not mentioning the matter of the Archangel at all, even if the new generations of these three families have grievances, they dare not provoke Xiao Ran's power.

Today Xiao Ran has the right to control more than 70% of Orb's military power, including the Earth Navy Fleet and Army Corps.The ms forces are all in Xiao Ran's hands, and there is still a fleet in the universe, although there are no other warships except the Archangel, which is not suitable for picking up the plant and the Earth Army.

However, the next few warships manufactured by Dawning Society.All will be delivered to this fleet, and there will be a sufficient number of ms correspondingly until the fleet establishment is completed.This fleet Xiao Ran also officially handed over to Bucky Lulu.And Xiao Ran himself was officially promoted to the highest commander of the Orb Army, and his general strength was firmly in his hands.

What makes Kagali feel strange is that several big families did not look for Xiao Ran because of these things, or arrange their own people in important positions. It is completely unlike when his father was the representative, because of a little bit of things. It would have been involved with the people of several big families for a long time, and then gave in for the stability of Orb.

Although Xiao Ran is strong, it can also make Orb stable, more stable than the previous Orb. From top to bottom, from the civilian to the military, it seems that Xiao Ran's strength has become more united, making Austrian Bu presented a thriving scene, walked out of the shadow of the war at an incredible speed, and started a normal life.

Although Kagali has lived in such an environment since she was a child, she has learned a lot from her ears and eyes, but she is still too immature compared to Xiao Ran, and she can’t let go of everything, perhaps because The original Orb was too complicated, and even the representative of Ashar was stymied in doing things. He was completely not reborn from the fire like he is now. He cleaned all the unclean things, and he did things more easily.

Of the three families, two families saw that Orb was able to recover in such a short period of time and get on the right track, and they can also make a louder voice in the world environment. They also know that they are both honored and dishonored. Acknowledging Xiao Ran's approach, slowly began to cooperate with Xiao Ran.

However, the two fathers and sons of the Seran family were full of resentment towards Xiao Ran. They obstructed Xiao Ran’s arrangement. Xiao Ran only smiled after learning about it, but he also sent a lot of intelligence personnel to start comprehensively. Surveillance of this strange father and son.

In the next month, the person doing things became Kagali, and Xiao Ran was there to assist most of the time. Kagali learned Xiao Ran’s management model, and gradually took over all of Xiao Ran’s work and took on Aub’s work. The pressure of the whole country, Xiao Ran's move to gradually retreat behind the scenes also relieved a group of older soldiers in the Orb military, but the relative respect for Xiao Ran became even deeper.

Whenever Kagali encounters something that cannot be chosen, Xiao Ran always reminds him sternly: “You are the leader of this country. If you can’t even make a choice, the people below will become confused because of you. What shouldn’t be there is confusion. People living in this country shouldn’t be confused. You have to give them confidence. No matter how unreasonable and difficult this matter is, you must be full of confidence to give confidence to many people. ."

"Kagali, as the leader of a country, you must show a strong appearance, a soft look, who are you doing it for!"

"Kagali, you can be gentle internally and gentle externally, but under this gentleness, everyone must know your bottom line. As long as you touch the bottom line, you must be strong."

"Kagali, this country is not at the hands of other people, but you. Those families come to you to make trouble. Do you have to sacrifice the interests of the country to fulfill their interests? What should be allowed is allowed, should not be allowed You can’t let it happen. The weaker you are, the less you have a say in this country."

"Kagali, remember that the army is the foundation of everything, and the same is true for Orb and the Dawning Society. The army and the Dawning Society must be firmly in their own hands. The support of the people will only be sincere. People for their sake."



"Ah! Bastard! I can't stand it anymore, you have to do it yourself! Anyway, as long as you are there!"

Finally, when Xiao Ran was less than half a month away from leaving the world, Kagali finally couldn't help but screamed, throwing away the pen in her hand and rushed out of the office, sitting on the other side and drinking calmly. Xiao Ran, who taught Kagali by the tea, just waved his hand gently, and several bodyguards in black hurriedly chased after Kagali.

Maru stood beside Xiao Ran, watching Kagali rush out, and said dumbfounded: "Will you be strict with her like this?"

"We don't have more time, and I want to take it slowly, but we don't have enough time, so we can only use this method." Xiao Ran sighed lightly, put the tea cup on the coffee table, and said: "Let Kira Lacus and Aslan will accompany her with the three of them. Let her relax for a day today, but she must come back on time tomorrow morning to start work. What a naive little girl, I hope she can understand my painstaking efforts."

"Yes." Ma Liu put his hand on Xiao Ran's shoulder, and smiled at Xiao Ran slightly: "I'll tell the three people, what else needs to be arranged?"

"Notify all the officers and generals above the middle level to gather in Orb three days later, and prepare a TV speech to be sent nationwide."

"I understand." Maru nodded and walked out of the office. Xiao Ran also got up after stretching for a while and reached Kagali's desk, completing the unfinished work for Kagali.

Kagali rushed out of the administration building, and as soon as she turned around, she yelled at the bodyguard who followed behind her: "I order you not to follow me!"

The group of bodyguards behind them looked at each other, but at the same time they shook their heads without saying a word. The leader was a woman of about twenty-seven and eighteen. She smiled gently at Kagali, "Isn't this possible, Miss Kagali, just to make sure you Your safety, Master Xiao Ran requires us to have two people by your side at all times."

"Damn it, hate it, Xiao Ran Xiao Ran Xiao Ran Xiao Ran Xiao Ran!" Kagali stamped her feet with anger, "I'm not a kid, I can take care of myself!"

"For Master Xiao Ran, you are just a child." The lady shook her head at Kagali, her expression gradually becoming serious: "Miss Kagali, I hope you can understand Master Xiao Ran's painstaking efforts. He did this. It's all for you. Originally, Master Xiao Ran had already met Patriarch Seran this afternoon, hoping to talk about the dissolution of the marriage contract between Miss Kagali and Yuna. Now you suddenly ran out, but it disrupted Xiao Ran's husband's arrangement. Then A lot of work is piled on the table, and I don’t know when it will be completed." (To be continued...)

ps: There are still three chapters today, please give me a reward

Chapter 369 teaches: