Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 645

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapters of unlimited machine warfare!The coordinates calculated by Monica are only a relative coordinate obtained by comparing the sun. But having such a relative coordinate is enough for the two warships to start their first old jump. They jumped three times before and after each jump. Calculated again based on the small coordinate error after the jump, and finally reached the moon.

The first jump jumped from one side of the sun to the other, then the second jump to a place far away from the earth but still able to see the earth, and the third jump was directly near the moon.Three jumps and three calculations seem to be troublesome. In fact, this is what Monica deliberately used to clear all the coordinate errors in the solar system with three points. As for the coordinates outside the solar system, it is completely unnecessary. After all, this task is again. No need to travel outside the solar system.

After the two warships arrived near the moon, no one noticed the jumping fluctuations caused by them. With the technical level of 0079, it is impossible to find the special energy fluctuations caused by the old jump.When the two battleships emerged from the space jumping channel one after another, the five fuselages also came out of the two battleships with green light particles and white propulsion trails. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a meteor and flew into the distance. Moon.

The five fuselages are the Justice Gundam driven by Xiao Ran, the Goddess Gundam driven by Cruzer, the Aegis Gundam modified by Glen Gülen, the green painted rv-27 electronic warfare type driven by Luca, and Brera driven The v-27 avant-garde.

The five machine bodies are like five meteors piercing the universe galloping toward the moon at full speed. At such a high speed, none of the moon's reconnaissance satellites have found their tracks at all. The special ability of gn particles is completely Isolating them from any means of detection in the 0079 world, until they were really close to the moon, the five airframes slowed down and finally stopped.

Xiao Ran did not rashly lead the four directly into Brown City, but gradually approached Brown City along the surface of the moon.Because he was not sure how long they had been away, let alone how the whole world has changed since they left this world, so Luca was the first to intervene in the moon's network.First find out the information about the recent paragraph.

With the rv-27 electronic warfare capabilities and Lucca's information technology, it can directly connect to the communication networks of Brown City and Anaheim without any pressure.With Luca's hands crackling on the keyboard to operate, not only confirmed the current time, but also got a lot of intelligence information about the world after they left.

This information was first deleted by Luca and then passed to Xiao Ran. First of all, it was time. Now, the time when Xiao Ran and the others re-entered and the time that Xiao Ran had previously envisaged for about one or two months was still a little different. It is now before Xiao Ran and his return to Promi Hughes has been five months long, and a lot of things have happened in this world in five months.

The first is the peace agreement signed between Neo Zeon and the Federation, which has been around for two months.Chaia announced his surrender as Zeon commander and officially changed it to Neo Zeon. He joined the Federation in the name of autonomy to accept federal supervision, and began to tailor the army on a large scale. The Federation also returned the prisoners. All captives.

But Xiao Ran knows that these are just superficial things. The actual situation was discussed by Xiao Ran and Xia before they left. At present, there should be many federal personnel who have hidden their identities and joined Neo Zeon, and have entered many Important department.

According to the provisions of the peace agreement, Neo Zeon was limited to the number of troops, especially the number of warships and ms.The extra battleships and ms are also being dismantled gradually, but it is only less than three months since the time when the peace agreement was officially signed.Everything is still being implemented slowly.

Then, some of Zeon’s original military enterprises were almost completely broken up. Anaheim took advantage of this opportunity to take over almost two-thirds of the military enterprises with Char’s cooperation, and became the world’s largest military enterprise. , But the remaining third was like an explanation to the Federation, and all were delivered to the Federation, which also greatly improved the Federation's technical capabilities.

But in this process, several assassinations of Char's occurred within Neo Zeon, although all of them had survived the danger because of adequate preparation.But now how many people are hiding in Neo Zeon who want to assassinate Char's, and even which force they came from is simply unclear.Xia is still in danger.

Axis can be sure that Kalmar has arrived there safely.However, because Axis was too far away, there was no movement at the moment and the Federation was now focusing its attention on Neo Zeon, so no more things appeared.

However, Xiao Ran saw the news that the heretical fleet was disbanded from these deleted materials, which also made Xiao Ran frowned. The dissolution of the heretical fleet can also show that his identity and rights in the Federation have been cancelled. Xiao Ran's next plan can be regarded as a modest influence.

After reading all these things, Xiao Ran also knew that the real intelligence could not appear on the network that could be found so easily. After confirming that the situation had not changed much at present, Xiao Ran asked Luca to contact Anahai. After waiting for about half an hour, Luca also transferred the communication connected by the Anaheim company’s master control room to Xiao Ran’s Justice Gundam.

A separate communication video popped up on the screen of Justice Gundam, in which Cardias appeared with two different expressions of fatigue and excitement. The first time the communication was connected, Cardias was excited by holding the microphone. Said: "You finally came back."

Seeing the expression of Cardias, Xiao Ran also saw that Cardias seemed to be unsatisfactory during this time, and could not help but comforted and said: "We are back, and we have brought back our true strength, it seems A lot of things happened during our absence, but it’s okay, everything will be resolved."

"It's fine for you to come back. Too many things have happened during this time." Cardias sighed and shook his head, and said: "It's hard to say a word. Let's talk carefully after we meet. Where are you now? I need me. Are there any arrangements?"

Xiao Ran nodded: "We are now outside of Brown City. I will send you the location. You arrange a transport plane to take us in. Our body is not suitable for exposure for the time being. Send someone you can trust."

"Don't worry, I understand." Cardias nodded, and after receiving the location sent by Luca, he said and hung up the communication: "I will arrange it now."

After the communication was hung up, Luca Xiaozheng knocked on his helmet too, tilted his head and said in the team communication channel: "It seems that something extraordinary happened during our absence."

"Don't worry, little guy, no matter what the problem is, we can easily solve it." Glenn Grams obviously looks petite, but in the video, he waved his fist and said: "No matter what the difficulty is, I will Get rid of them all, just like pinching ants."

"Ha ha ha..." Luca Xiaozheng smiled reluctantly, and ignored Glenn Gelan and continued to collect information.

Kluzer didn't understand the situation here, so he didn't take the initiative to speak, he just smiled and said to himself: "Interesting, otherwise it would be too boring if it is too simple."

Before long, a transport plane flew slowly and landed near the five fuselages of Xiao Ran and others. At the same time, the fuselages of Glen Gülen, Brera and Luca also raised their weapons towards the transport plane. It wasn't until a voice that had been heard came through the communication that Luca and Brera relaxed slightly.

"Commander, it's me." Seeing Amada Shirou on the communication screen, Xiao Ran also smiled slightly: "It's Shirou, are you alone."

"No, Aina and I came by driving the transport plane. I will open the transport plane door now." Shirou grabbed her hair and smiled. A young girl with green hair also appeared behind Shirou and waved: "Alec Mr. Si, long time no see."

Cardias sent these two people, which can be said to be Xiao Ran who personally arranged to join the Heretic Fleet and Anaheim Company. Naturally, he also thought that these two people had some connection with Xiao Ran, at least thinking that Xiao Ran would trust these two people. These two people will not betray Xiao Ran's relationship. For Xiao Ran, it is true that the personality of these two people is at least trustworthy.

Xiao Ran smiled, and while driving the Justice Gundam, he walked slowly towards the transport plane that opened the door, and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you living here?"

"Fortunately, but Mr. Alex has finally returned, and now we can rest assured." Aina smiled and shook her head slightly, and said, "A lot of things happened here during the time that Mr. left. Mr. Cardias has also been under a lot of pressure."

"Really." Xiao Ran frowned slightly. Even Aina, who is not the core of Anaheim, knows that a lot of things have happened here. It seems that the situation at Anaheim is really serious, but Now that he has returned, no matter what the problem is, he can solve the problem with his strength, and directly use the thunder method to clean up the internal problems, and then formally declare war on the Federation to start this mission.

Anyway, based on the current situation, apart from the world intruder, the Federation itself is not qualified to be his true adversary. The gap between the ms itself and the addition of two Maos-levels is enough to cover all of the current Federation. The space army swept it all over.(To be continued.)

ps: I saw Macross Δ, and I suddenly felt what the hell it was. It changed from the real system to the super system. Although there are only ruins, I felt so slippery after watching it.