Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1125 Good News Bad News

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapters of unlimited machine warfare!The Federation knew all about Zeng Jia that the Federation contacted the Captain of the Iron Captain Steel. I really knew it, Mayo knew it, and the five members of Team W knew it, but none of them had any opinion on this matter. Team W would not have any opinions when following Xiao Ran on missions. It was their goal to do their own thing.

Zhen and Mayu will not express any opinions. Zeng Jia is the person in charge designated by Xiao Ran this time. They only need to know and report.The key is that the W Five and the Asuka brothers and sisters know that Xiao Ran deliberately let the Steel ship them to the territory of the Federation. He really wanted to disgust the Federation, so he just watched and said nothing.

And Zeng Jiana completely ignored the Federation, and was also looking at the choices made by Captain Big Iron, and he would report everything to the universe. Xiao Ran only gave a one-sent reply: the task should be given priority. , So Zeng Jia did not speak.

Everyone showed an attitude for the earth and for destroying the Void Messenger.

But Datie, knowing that Zeng Jia and others are well aware of all the connections of the Federation, they clearly imply that the order of confidential contact is not only annoying but also upsetting. Compare the satellite integration controlled by Xiao Ran with the Federation. The ups and downs have already let the people on the steel ship see their superiors.

The Black Gold and Steel, under the leadership of Kruze and Zeng Jia respectively, swept the earth from different places like a hurricane, annihilating the Void Envoys that attacked the earth. On the contrary, they were the weakest, only the two battleships under Xiao Ran. The universe with the power of World War I did not even show the shadow of the enemy.

People can't figure out what the Void Messenger is thinking, but there is no situation in the universe, and the progress on the earth is going smoothly. Xiao Ran is happy and peaceful, waiting for the'homeland' to arrive with peace of mind.

But before the arrival of'homeland', Xiao Ran received another message, and he immediately made him come to the bridge of the New Gior, the bridge of the New Gior, and the bridge of the Galaxy Diva. At this time, it has become Xiao Ran’s office in the satellite integration, where there is something to deal with, and through the communication of these two ships, they can remotely command a series of things about the remnants of the current satellite integration army, although all things in this area are lost. There is nothing to deal with with Elsam.

When Xiao Ran entered the bridge of the New Gior, Kane, Elsam, and Kiliam were already waiting in it. Jeffrey also nodded to Xiao Ran: "You are here."

Xiao Ran walked to Jeffrey and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jeffrey nodded: "There are a few things. What I want to say is that Captain Maru has sent a communication and will arrive in a few hours. In addition, Miss Shirley asked me to inform you and be sure. Tell you inside the bridge and prepare you to greet her grandly, and the other Kane and others will explain to you."

"Ahem, that girl." Xiao Ran coughed, glanced at Elsam and Kiliam with inexplicable faces, and shook his head: "Say it."

Elsam and Kiliam looked at each other as if they were asking who said the same first, and Kane had already spoken directly: "I have entered or intends to enter the military heavy industry in accordance with your request and the Earth circle. The company has made contact, and has also contacted some open and fruitful research institutions on the planet."

"At present, more than five companies and institutions have agreed to consider cooperating with us. Among them, Mao's Heavy Industries and the Terrass Research Institute have all expressed the hope to meet with us in person. I have also agreed to them and will send someone to the satellite within three days. combine."

"Mao's Heavy Industry, Terras Research Institute?" Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Good job, these are two very powerful companies and institutions."

Kane said noncommittal: "The real reason is that their young lady and son are all under our control."

Hearing Kane's words, Xiao Ran showed an expression of sudden insight: "A pilot and bridge control of the Steel, right, how about the other three?"

"Shidong Heavy Industries, Supreme Heavy Industries, and a construction machinery manufacturer called Kruze."

Xiao Ran nodded. Shidong Heavy Industry is famous. It should also be the main military supplier of the Federation. It is also a DC partner. He also wants to contact aliens. Now he is ready to cooperate with his own side. A war monger through and through.

As for the most heavy industry, Xiao Ran from Klutze is not very familiar.

"You are responsible for this matter. They can send someone over to talk in person." Xiao Ran nodded, then looked at Kyriam and Elsam, and said, "Where are you two?"

Elsam said with a serious face: "We may know the purpose of the Void Messenger's irregular attack on the earth. It should be only the first wave of attacks. The location of the attack has also been carefully selected to test the maximum force we can mobilize, and Mobilize troops near the location they attacked."

"There may be a second wave of attacks soon. It will be an attack with more locations and a larger scale. It is very likely that the target will be placed at the current weak defense headquarters of the Federal Forces, the DC headquarters of Hades. , As well as the integration of the satellites we are in, all possibilities for mutual reinforcements on three sides of combat defense."

Xiao Ran's expression suddenly became serious as he watched the two men and asked in a deep voice, "Where did the news come from?"

"Ingram's mouth." Kiliam took the question from Xiao Ran and said, "Although it seems to have leaked out unintentionally, he should actually tell us about it. In addition, I have some special abilities, and I am right. I am very good at collecting intelligence. After analyzing the intelligence I have obtained before and now, I can confirm that the Void Messenger has begun to prepare a large-scale attack on the earth."

"In addition to this, I have another piece of information. The Void Envoy has sent a huge planetary weapon in this operation against the earth, but the current location and specific armed configuration are still uncertain, and the time of the attack cannot be determined. "

Xiao Ran naturally knew the white star of the Void Messenger, but for what Kyriam and Elsam said was changed because of their appearance, he frowned and said Xiao Ran, "I can’t determine the enemy’s strength. To determine the time of the attack, we cannot determine the location of the attack, which means that we can only wait passively, and the other party can change the location of the attack at any time even if we make preparations. Did this inform the DC? Jeffrey, ours Has the reconnaissance force discovered any special circumstances in the universe."

"None." Captain Geoffrey shook his head and said, "As for whether to notify DC, this must be ordered by you."

"Contact Bian to tell him about this." Xiao Ran paced back and forth, then raised his head and said: "The Federation side doesn't need to tell them. Although the Void Messenger is an enemy, it can make the Federation suffer a bit and reduce the burden. Resistance to federal action is also a good thing, but it has to be mastered."

"Also contact Maru. Since they only have a few hours to arrive, let them change the jump coordinates to near Mars before receiving the new order."