Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1741

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapters of unlimited machine warfare!Half an hour later, the entire victory fleet converged in front of the space gate. All the fuselages and drones patrolled around the small fleet composed of several warships, and the place not too far from the victory fleet has been fully deployed. The Gamilas Army, which can face the Victory Fleet with the most powerful firepower, also firmly surrounded the space gate, but only a body of or about the same size as a small battleship stood in front of Gamilas. It has already put a lot of pressure on the Gamiras side.

There are flying space fighters everywhere, as well as small carrier ships and shuttles flying from all directions, starting to approach the control room of the space gate, and these small carrier ships or shuttles are sitting in them. The captains or deputy captains from most battleships of the Gamilas Army, all of them went to the control room to gather under the orders of Misera.

The so-called control room is not really just one aspect, but a huge space building, similar to a small colonial satellite, which stands near the giant ring where the space gate is located.

Looking at the Camilas carrier and small shuttles coming and going, and the densely packed warships and space fighters around, in fact, many people in the Victory Fleet feel a lot of pressure in their hearts. If they change to the rhythm just now, keep fighting. I’m afraid I won’t feel that way, but it is precisely now that the Gamilas fleet has been given more time, and it has also led to the victory fleet, which had not been able to attack by many warships. At this time, it became almost half the Gamilas battleship. Possibility to directly attack the Victory Fleet.

Even so, if they are fighting, they can put aside all of these and immerse themselves in the battle. It is precisely this kind of confrontation, this kind of encirclement, this kind of calm, and it makes people feel that way. Kind of heavy feeling that the wind and rain are coming.

Tobias converted the body to automatic cruise mode, took off his helmet and loosened some combat uniforms, took a bottle of water from the back of the chair, took a sigh, wiped the sweat from his face and said, "This Is it really okay to go down? We are now really surrounded by Gamilas. According to this situation, all the Gamilas warships may have the possibility to attack us directly."

"Don't worry too much about Tobias, everything should be under Master Xiao Ran's control." Jin Kaidu also made similar movements in his body, but he was a little more relaxed than Tobias: "I haven't seen the breaking dawn now. Are GN particles continuously being released? Our body is also continuously releasing GN particles during patrols. Look carefully, the fleet of Gamilas is basically surrounded by GN particles, GN particles Within the coverage area, as long as the opponent dares to attack the armors of those warships and space fighters, there is no way to resist the attacks of Master Xiao Ran."

"Relax Tobias." Aslan smiled slightly after Jin Kaidu finished speaking, and said: "Although the other party has surrounded us, but there is no strategic depth. For them, we may be being Surrounded, but for us, why didn’t they directly expose our weaknesses to us?"

Setsuna’s calm voice said immediately after Aslan said: “As long as the other party has any intention to attack, we have the ability to detect it for the first time. Jumping with Nadeshiko as the core can instantly appear behind them, and With their current distribution, they will only become our target."

"Even so, it makes me feel so stressed." True Asuka suffocated his breath and said, "I would rather have a real fight than be surrounded like this."

The true words also represent the thoughts in the hearts of most pilots in the Victory Fleet. They would rather have a good battle than hold them in front of so many Gamilas battleships that may attack at any time, and have to wait for nearby control. The final decision in the room.

In the control unit of the space gate, Misera was sitting in one of the huge rooms, watching a group of Gamilas soldiers with the ranks of colonel and brigadier generals. Among the forty or fifty people, the colonel occupied Of these forty, only a mere six or seven brigadier generals, and the higher-level ones have all been sacrificed in the key attack just now.

Behind Misera, Ryukino Saki and Al Elf were on both sides of their fighting force, one with a relaxed face and the other with a nonchalant face. Behind them, and even the entire huge room, there are a lot of clothes. The robot that unified the black wind coat, the small guard AS dedicated to Leonard, vaguely surrounded all the people present.

Misela sat in front of an office, silently and quietly flipping through the report on her hand, until she had read all the reports, she raised her head to look at all the people present, and said gloomily: "I already understand the situation. Now, because of the military parade, all those above the technical lieutenant general were on the flagship of the traitor Seringer, and they were defeated with Seringer."

"The Lieutenant General did not go to Serlinger's flagship. They were also hit and sacrificed during the battle. And now we are not sure who among all these generals is in the same group as Serlinger. , And how many people died innocently because of the crusade against rebellion, there is no way to investigate now. But what I want to say is that the people in the Seringer battleship must be his comrades, and Seringer wants to succeed Desra The president must also be supported by these people."

"As for the other people, including you, there may be innocents, and perhaps some have known about the assassination of President Desra by Seringer, but as soldiers of the great Gamilas Empire, you must understand what you should do. As long as loyal to the empire and loyal to President Desra, then we have only one thing to do now, to completely wipe out the Seringer comrades who are entrenched in the star of Gamilas, those who join us under the guise of To destroy the foreigners of Iskandar."

"Long live the empire, President Desra will be immortal!"

Misera glanced at everyone present in the room with sulky eyes, and said coldly: "Very well, remember your mission, remember who led the great Gamilas Empire to the present. I will not hold anyone present, no matter whether you are an associate of Seringer or not, but I will never let anyone who participated in the assassination of the president on Gamilas Distar!"

"Next, General Domel will arrive here in three hours. He will become the trusted commander-in-chief of the Gamilas Empire. Now all you need to do is to reorganize Gamilas’s invincible fleet. Until General Domel leads you to completely eliminate those rebellious parties, then the positions vacated by the empire belong to you."