Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1772

"Yeah." Xuedi said with a blush.

Xu Feng naturally put his hand on Xuedi's body.

"What are you doing?" Xuedi asked tremblingly.


"Remove your hand."

"Oh." Xu Feng changed his hand.

"You" Xuedi's face flushed, "You, you should drink Yuemian Tea."

Xu Feng smiled, "Let me hold it for a while, hold it for a while and I will drink."

"Okay" Xuedi said helplessly.

With social phobia, after finally having a person who dared to talk to him frankly, Xuedi couldn't refuse.

Xu Feng hugged Xuedi contentedly.

In this way, it didn't take long before Xufeng snored.

He is indeed tired.

Moreover, being hugged with the one you love is more effective than drinking Moon Sleeping Tea.

Xuedi looked at Xufeng and wanted to gently push Xufeng's arm away, but after thinking about it, he didn't move.

She likes it too, sleeping in Xufeng's warm arms.

By the next morning.

The sun rose, the sun shone into the room, the hazy arcane barrier was lifted, and the Emperor Xue woke up quietly.

Xufeng woke up a long time ago, holding his head and looking at her with a smile.

Xuedi exclaimed and quickly went to find his mask.

However, she put the mask on the table, and she had to get up to get it.

She was about to get up, but she was pressed down by Xufeng, "Big wife, this is your fault. You have all gotten up, so let's not ask her husband first."

Emperor Xue blushed, "Mask."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Hello husband first."

Xuedi tensed all over, swallowed hard, and finally whispered, "Hello husband."

Xu Feng smiled contentedly: "Hey, this is my good wife! Alright, get up!"

Xuedi quickly got up, and Xu Feng immediately moved his face over.

Xuedi kissed Xufeng's face.

The Xuedi suddenly burned his face, and quickly pushed away the laughing Xu Feng, and hurriedly put on the mask.

After putting on the mask, Xuedi immediately seemed to be a different person, and viciously rushed towards Xufeng, kicking Xufeng's thigh!

Xu Feng quickly dodged and said with a smile: "Big wife, you're changing too fast, it makes me seem to have two, no, three wives."

"Go and die!" Xuedi drew out the sword of Boromir and slashed at Xufeng fiercely.

Xu Feng said quickly: "Don't don't don't! My wound is still not healed, I am afraid I can't avoid you with this trick!"

The Snow Emperor was startled, and then took the Sword of Boromir.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thank you, eldest wife, for your mercy——"

As soon as the voice fell, their door was slammed open, and Hammer ran in anxiously.

"Xufeng! Xuedi! Are you all right?"

Xu Feng said quickly: "It's okay, it's just a small injury."

The hammer said annoyedly: "I just knew that you killed the New Godslayer Guild yesterday! Why didn't you ask me for this kind of thing?"

Xuedi said coldly: "Why else, because you are treated as a display."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Hey, old wife, you can't be so unconscionable."

The hammer said angrily: "What! Xufeng! You actually treat me as a decoration?!"

Xufeng grabbed his jacket and put it on casually, and said as he ran to the door: "Then what, I still have business, I'll go ahead and talk to you two wives!"

With that, Xu Feng ran away in a hurry.

Chapter 1748: Retranslating The Book Of Dragon Skin

"come back!"

"This damn thing!"

Xufeng still ran away in a hurry, leaving two beautiful women stomping.

If you don't run, you won't be able to bear it with one Snow Emperor, and it's even more overwhelming to get two together.

Xufeng trot all the way towards the Arcane Manor of Master Qiluo.

Of course, he did not forget to cover his face when he was on the road, so as not to be recognized.

After all, they are celebrities in Trading City. If they are recognized, it will be more troublesome.

When he arrived at the door of the Arcane Manor, the arcane puppet Dui took the initiative to open the door.

Those survivors who squatted outside the Arcane Manor, waiting to be enchanted, realized who the masked guest was walking fast.

However, by the time they reacted, Xufeng had already stepped into the Arcane Manor, and the door of the Arcane Manor closed with a snap.

Those survivors waiting to be enchanted can only sigh again and again.

"Sister Qiluo, I'm coming! I'm so hungry! Is there anything to eat?" Xufeng yelled as soon as he entered the manor.


A hard arcane crystal flew out of the hall.

Xu Feng quickly reached out to catch it.