Unlimited World - 90% of the battle for productive jobs is ready

Day 92.GW7 - Martial Games Final Tournament Final 1 -

There was another hour's break after the semifinals.

However, this time I waited while talking to my buddies in the audience without going back to the understatement.

Prior to the final, a third-place decision was made, but this result could only be described as reasonable.

Anyway, the Iron Ghost withstood a clean hit from the Axeman attack.

In that state, the axed man surrendered in about three minutes to the iron ghost who fights back with his sword.

Because I just said if you kept on attacking for 3 minutes, but instead of 10% of HP, you scraped about 5%.

Exactly makes me want to feel sorry for that axe man.

Because if you fight a normal [castle fortress], you can imagine this happening in a very small way.

Still, the fact that only that much damage was done with the axe gear, is that the axe user is tank-based?

The third-place decision also ended, leaving only the final.

In front of me is a virtual window that prompts me to move to the arena.

"Twa, what's wrong? You can transfer now, can't you?

"Yeah? Yeah, I can, but I can't even move right away."

"I can't afford it. Is this him fighting off the board, too?

"I don't want to see that sorceress either. I have a bad feeling about this."

"Really? Then I won't stop. Stop the undefeated by the expiration of time."

"Yes, sir. Then it's time for me to go."

"Yeah, good luck with that, Twa."

"I'm not careful."

Good luck with that.

"Go away. Well, don't be alarmed."

"Oh, I know."

When the game ran out of three minutes, I was transferred to the arena.


"Hmm? What is this place?

Transferred ahead, it wasn't on the usual stage, it was like an arena aisle.

"Oh, you're finally here"

"I am, though. And you?"

"I'm late for my application. Let me show you around, GM Sakata."

"GM took the trouble to guide you?

"Yeah, in the finals, we get it done from athlete admission as a special performance.... or I think it was the same flow yesterday, didn't you see?

"Oh, you didn't see any of yesterday's games."

"Was I? You can follow me and keep coming in and out of the entrance.... Looks like it's time. Let's come."

"Oh, I got it"

He walks in the aisle following the guide, eventually seeing the entrance to and exit from the arena.

"That's it for the guide. Good luck."

"Oh, thank you"

I'm going into the arena alone.

When I showed myself through the entrance, a cheer greeted me.

"The second entrant is [the bomber] Twa, who fought the [castle] Iron Ghost in the first game of the semifinals!! The attack of crushing the overwhelming defense [Castle Fortress] is a sight to see if it will be shown again this time!!

'Right. It was the first semi-finals victory after using an incompatible weapon called a gun. Again, the beta champion, it won't be a glimmer.'

"You still mean the name of the winning candidate head is not Dada!! How about Marie-Gold against?

'She sounds like a magician build who's basically loyal, doesn't she? It's a magician who fights a combination of high-fired magic and fast-acting magic, many on the front line.'

'I see. Is it the type that is true to the basics? That would be helpful! Now it's time to start counting down to the start of the match!!

The countdown to the start of the match was started.

But despite the start of the countdown, the opponent's female magician - Marigold, wasn't it? - came close and talked to me.

"Good afternoon. I never thought a Gunner-inspired production job would win this far."

You're a very handicapped woman from the first word.

"I thought so. You sound like a pretty good alchemist. Serve me after this game."

"Huh? What are you talking about?

"What are you talking about? This Marie-Gold guy is soliciting you right now, right? I guess this is where we should agree in two replies, right?

"I don't understand that thought circuit? You don't think all production jobs should serve you or anything, do you?

"I'm not going to do everything. Excellent people are what this Marie-Gold deserves. That's why you should join my clan today. This is an order."

"... are you an idiot? Where do you need to take orders like that? Not to mention I'm a clanmaster. It couldn't have been that easy to transfer."

"Then all you have to do is join me under my umbrella for each of your clans. So there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

"In the first place, is there any advantage to joining your clan? You're not gonna be under the umbrella of another clan for nothing, are you?

"Oh, if it's beneficial, don't you already show it?


"Being able to serve this Marie-Gold is the greatest benefit. Yet these days the producers don't understand it, they just refuse my invitation, or even the end of turning down a deal with my clan. I came here to set up moxibustion for some of the producers I thought of. Just to remind you how much we thought we were doing."

"... I understand that you're weak for now. Too many producers."

"Oh, that's out-of-heart. You producers wouldn't be able to make a lot of things without us in combat. Are you unhappy that I bothered to cooperate with you?

"You can't just be dissatisfied, can you? Idiot or you. I don't know who's joining me like that."

"It's a shame, to say that someone as good as you is making the most out of this for me...... I can't help it. Let me take you down and teach you something called reality."

"Um, are you done talking to me? I've already started a battle, but the solicitation will come soon."

"Oh, you were listening?

"From the finals, we can also pick up audio before the game starts. I overheard the conversation earlier.

Hmm, would you like to stir it up a little more?

"Well, then, it's time for me to get started. Shall I give you a name first? Clan 'Library' Clan Master, Alchemist Twa!

"Well, I don't want to be named weak."

"With that said, you're really afraid to name it and lose like no other, aren't you?... Oh, you don't have to answer anything. Even if you can't answer it, it's not so bad for a coward."

"What the hell!!

"Fact is, you haven't named yourself once, have you? I don't mind if you're afraid to raise your name. Look, let's get started."

"I get it. Then let's call it a name. Remember, Clan 'Rose Garden' Clan Master, Marie-Gold, that's the name of those who beat you up!

"Rose Garden" … should we check the factual relationship later?

Still, what's the matter?

"You will be buried specially with my maximum firepower! Eat!"

Maximum firepower...

Lightning Ray or Ravabom, or per Ravashot, when the maximum firepower is within this level limit?

... and you're taking a lot of time to chant (cast time).

"... eat it! Ravashot!!"

Have you finally activated the magic?

Three ravah shots, though.

[Parallel chanting] Did I just say levels 3-5?

I was thinking about that while retrieving 1 (...) book (...) of (...) po (...) si (...) o (...) n (...) from the inventory.

Rava shots are highly offensive, but not as fast as they are.

Finally, tracking performance is not good either.

With my AGI now, I would normally be able to afford to dodge all bullets, but then I guess the (...) top (...) would be (...) et al (...) (...).

Without choosing to dodge myself, I took a direct hit from Ravashot with the potion I took out.

"Whoa, Twa! It's a sudden bullet right after the battle starts!! Ravashot 3 shots is pretty powerful...... YES!?

I came out after the Ravashot explosion effect cleared up. I was completely intact.

'Oh, my God, Twa is unharmed! It was a fairly superior magic within Jazz Class competition policy, but it was intact and bearable! What the hell was that!?

"Hey, why can you stand intact!?

"I don't care why they say it. Thanks only to this potion."

"It's potion!?

"Oh, I left the type of potion I used and the commentary to GM the commentator"

'… apparently we have been turned around, but the potion used by Twa players is' anti-magic potion '. If you think it's a potion where you can apply a barrier that stops taking magic damage until it takes more than a certain amount of magic damage or the effect time runs out, you'll know.'

'You had such a handy potion... but I didn't know that such a potion existed?

"The material in that potion will need items that are traded at various high prices. Plus, you need to process materials with alchemy-based skills… if you're going to be in line for the market, 200,000 E is an item to do, even if it's a 2-star quality product. '

"Is it that expensive......"

"It includes a lot of boss material. And with about 2-star quality, the effect time is 1 minute, the maximum damage tolerated is 300 and subtle. It's natural not to line up in the market. '

"However, the potion used by Twa players is high quality. Effective time and endurance are out of step. '

"Can you tell me exactly how much time and endurance it is, Shinohara GM?

'Exactly, disclosing that much information is a bit... it's just possible to withstand at least four digits of damage'

"4 digits...... 1000 damage? It would be a big deal if that came out...... '

'... well, yes, but we only have to leave that to the good sense of Twa players...'

Don't take it personally, GM too.

Exactly. I'm not going to turn this level of potion into the market either.

I use potion bottles for special potions to make them work better.

Well, no.

It's a waste of effect time, so let's move on to crisp.