Unlimited World - 90% of the battle for productive jobs is ready

102 Behind. An Operations Control Office 2

"… that sums up the events during GW (Golden Week)"

This is the Operations Management Office of Unlimited World.

There was now a roundup of events taking place exactly during GW (Golden Week).

"Oh, okay. So, how was the event?

"Sounds like you were generally well received. Of course, there are some voices of dissatisfaction."

"Disgruntled? What's it like?

"I would like to start with a request from a layer who was unable to participate in a militant tournament to have another form of event prepared..."

"I guess that's natural. Even now, PvP does not thrive in a country called Japan."

"Whether or not we will respond to this by having a different type of event when we do the second tournament."

"Let's think about that again sometime. Including the possibility of simultaneous events."

"I was wondering if that's okay. Secondly, there were a large number of players in the Jazz class who were not originally productive…"

"I guess I just had to say that this time I had no choice. Anyway, more restrictions than that were practically impossible in order to be able to participate in the second formation."

"Right. After the second tournament, there would be a lot less clue if subjobs were to impose the condition that jobs have been changed to the top jobs. Of course, it won't be possible to block everything."

"Right. You will also need to think about various measures on this matter. Next, an Exhibition Match took place without prior contact…"

"Yeah? Who contacted you about that?

"Of course, it's from a participant in an exhibition match. I was wondering what you would have done if participants hadn't gathered without prior contact."

"Isn't that nice?

Sakahara, the chief of the department, said without incident.

In the first place, the responsibility for holding the Exhibition Match will rest with Sakahara because it was decided at Sakahara's discretion the day before the Open Class.

"... I don't think it's very good. Fine because it turned out to be exciting... don't get more events too suddenly"

"Let's do good there. So, is there anything else?

I mean, you don't seem willing to weigh yourself.

Such recognition will be spread to operational managers other than Sakahara, but we shall ignore it for now.

... because this is what a person named Sakahara says.

"Other than that...... right. Opinions have emerged that it was too much to press for information to be disclosed until the prize was multiplied in the Jazz class..."

"I don't know how to do that either. Honestly, it's not just Adamantite gear that has been discovered in this short period of time, but even the Mithrilled Gold recipe, because the difference is far too wide, even for the benefit of the first."

"That's right...... but didn't I just give you too many gold tickets out there?

"On the contrary, there's a good chance you couldn't pull the info from about a silver ticket, would you? Iron Ghost, you've used gold tickets before."

"That's true... the Iron Ghost player quickly remembered [the ultimate in blacksmithing], didn't he?

"Surely 'extreme' system skills are skills that make it easier to improve the quality of the product, right? Is it okay?

"Wouldn't that be nice? Instead, you should be happy that it was operationally done with that degree of skill, right?

"Some skills would be better if they were peaky...... but I was wondering if it would be a big difference later that an Iron Ghost player who was just one of the top producers learned even more of the top skills"

"It would be advantageous until then because it would open up with later updates on various productivity boosting skills. Besides, it's already stable to the quality cap. Article (...) (...) of A (...) must be met to make any more. Either way, it won't make a big difference."

"I don't think it's a question of saying that either...... and then there seems to be dissatisfaction with the distribution of skill tickets from players who weren't in the militant tournament"

"That's what's wrong with you. The prizes for each class were announced in advance. Besides, there's a good way to get skill tickets."

"It also seems problematic that the information is not available to the public to obtain it as a first-strike reward for all kinds of bosses or as a first-strike reward for dungeons and raids…"

"That would be one of the forerunners' interests, wouldn't it? Either way, Skill Tickets over Gold is Reid's first offensive reward. There's nothing more to give up than what's not generally available."

"It will be different again if you tell them you plan to distribute it to the top players in future events as well. Do you mind if I work it out that way?

"I'll take care of that. So, is there anything else?

"The rest... is about the specifications of the EVEN battle, right?" In this game, where the skill level occupies a large weight in the first place, even though there are differences in skill levels, we can't deal with the same race level. "

"Well, that's..."

"... that specification itself was in the testing phase in the first place."

"We'll just have to adjust to be a little fairer about that by the time of this implementation. But you can't seal all the top skills like Jazz."

"We will coordinate and respond there with development. In addition, there are many details, but it's more than that."

"Okay. Shall we move on to the next agenda?"

"I plan to update this month next...... will the example reid be implemented as it is?

"Example Reid?... Oh, is that it? I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with that, but what's wrong?

"No, as far as Reid's difficulty is concerned, it's less than superior, so... isn't the process leading to the discovery of Reid's area too difficult? I don't think it's that easy for a player who can meet the conditions to show up?

"Let's see how it goes for a while. If it's not discovered after 2-3 months, we should deal with it by adding hints."

"That would be fine… in fact, there are still undiscovered Reid areas that have been implemented since the beginning of the service."

"But isn't it too easy for you to be discovered now? The difficulty as a Reid area would be 40, wouldn't it?

"That's right... no way, because I didn't think that Reid would go through all this time undiscovered"

"That's a future consideration. In some cases, you can seal it once and reinstall it after reviewing the Reid area specifications."

"... a complaint is going to come from the development unit... suppose we discuss that in perspective too. Next..."

This is how their meeting went on.