Dawn and Sunday.

I have a meeting tonight about the new equipment, but otherwise I have no plans and am free.

In the meantime, check your message boards and emails to make sure you don't have any new information, then go back to the workshop on the ground floor.

I checked the store's inventory and decided to replenish the potions that were pretty critical.

I wasn't going to log in for a long time in the morning, but at exactly this pace, I'm going to replenish it because some products are going to sell in the middle of the morning.

... Come on, can someone show up to compete with the 'library' in high quality potion...

I don't think it's a good idea on the market that an 8-star or something will always be exclusive.

Make a potion while thinking about the lack of benefits and trying not to get too high quality out of hand in moderation.

The quality of the potion is considerably improved by the title effect of the victory of the militant tournament and the effect of [the ultimate in formula].

Because of this, I often end up with a 9 star or 10 star even though I'm going to make it with a 8 star, and I can't replenish it very well.

The 9-star product is sold as a limited edition product every week, so it really stays in stock.

As for the 10 stars, they are not sold, so they are mostly wholesaled for self-consumption or customers, but if they still care about it, the supply will greatly exceed the consumption.

And it had become very easy to make a star 11 only when it came to formulation.

Well, special potions end at 9 stars.

In the meantime, we decided to do a mysterious restricted potion refill called 'Don't Raise Quality Too Much' and use the extra time to face the Gunner Guild.

To take the usual manacanon manufacturing quest.

Move forward from the home portal in the talking room to Gunner Guild.

I was idle as usual before Gunner Guild.

Well, I guess I can't help it because it's on the outside in the central neighborhood.

Inform them that they will take the quest at the reception as usual and be guided to the back work room.

So as usual, I manufactured 50 manacanons and completed the quest.

The time also ended in about an hour, as usual.

All I have to do is confirm the termination at the reception... and that doesn't seem to be the end of the day.

"Master Twa, confirm, have you been to the King's Alchemy Guild?

"Yeah?... Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever been there"

"... Master Twa should also have accumulated the contribution of the quest he received at Gunner Guild. Stop by the Alchemy Guild for once."

"Copy that. I decided to show my face even after this today because I also had a recipe I wanted. Yeah, so now that we're done with today's work, here's the completion report."

"I did...... still helpful with definite skill. Now here's the reward for this one. Best regards,"

"Yeah, I'll see you then"

After the Gunner Guild, I select the subportal closest to the Alchemy Guild from the subportal to move it.

... I haven't stopped by the guild even though all the subportals have been opened.

I completely forgot about the sale updates, but... is it okay to use the Alchemy Guild sales as much as I do?

Wang Du's Alchemy Guild was a splendid three-story building on the exterior.

Well, let's just say we go inside.

It was quite a crowd in the alchemy guild.

I don't know how many Gentiles (players) are mixed up for instance field handling, but at least the ground floor is busy with a lot of people.

Sometimes there are a lot of people and the reception counter is divided into multiple parts, each of which seems to have a different role for each point of contact, such as ordering requests, ordering quests, or reporting quests.

... Now, where should I line up in my case?

Since the main purpose is to purchase the recipe, should I arrange it in the purchasing desk?

"Welcome. What can I do for you today?

I was worried about which contact to arrange, and the residents who seemed to be the guide spoke to me.

Well, you were in a complete superior state, naturally even if you were called out.

"I'd like to buy an alchemy recipe, where should I arrange it?

"That would be the point of contact over there...... excuse me, but what is your guild rank?

"Yeah, wait a minute...... yeah, that's 12 now"

"Is it Master Left...... Are you a Gentile customer?

"Oh, he's Gentile..."

"... Excuse me, may I ask your name?

"Yeah? Twa, but what's wrong with that?

"... excuse me. Dear Tois, please accept at the reception desk on the second floor of the guild."

"Upstairs? Why again?"

"The reception for the top alchemists is upstairs… You may use the desk upstairs as we have heard about Master Twa from the guild of the fourth city. I'm sorry to bother you, but please proceed to the second floor because I think what Towa is looking for will be reception upstairs."

If that's what you're saying, can't you help it?

Going up the stairs leading up to the second floor with the crowd on the first floor on your butt.

Up quite a few steps, the floors on the second floor reached were floors with more luxurious interiors than on the first floor.

The reception is also integrated or the number of contact points is smaller, but there are fewer people on this floor than that.

Is there anyone else lined up at the reception, and will I run errands at the closest reception?

"Welcome. What can I do for you today?

"Um, first of all, I'd like to ask you to update the sales items at Clan's business office, and I have a recipe I'd like to buy."

"Yes, I did. May I ask your name?

"Oh, Twa..."

"... Master Twa, right? Please wait."

The sister who was at the reception disappeared on a small run to the back to see what it was.

... hmm, this is another hunch of a troublesome event.

"... Thank you for waiting. We have completed updating the items for sale at the travel outlet of the clan Library. And Towa has received numerous quest completion reports from Gunner Guild. There's talk about ranking up and stuff about that. Sorry to bother you, but is it possible to see the Alliance Master from now on?

I knew you'd get acquainted with Mr. Gilmouth even over here...

I don't want to be in a face-to-face relationship that often if I could...

"Well, I guess we can't just not see each other..."

"Now let me show you. This way, please."

To follow the receptionist with great care.

Apparently, Guildmaster's room is on the third floor.

"Alliance Master, I have brought Master Twa"

"Oh, are you here? Let me in."

"Excuse me, sir."

The receptionist prompted me to go into the Guildmaster's room and sit on the recommended couch.

... Ooh, this couch is awesome shark.

"As for us, are you finally here or something... Welcome to the Wangdu Alchemy Guild, Mr. Twa"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Twa the Gentile"

"I am called Mystique here at the Alliance Master. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you. So, I hear you're talking about ranking up…"

"Um, let's start with you."

First of all, there's something else...

"It's about ranking up, but I've also heard from Lord Alicia of Gunner Guild. I hear you've been contracting to manufacture manacanons quite often."

"Well, it'll be my training, too. And to what extent exactly does that increase your rank?

"Right, if you conclude first, your guild rank will go up to 14. At this rate, if you could take on manacanon manufacturing and other gun manufacturing for a while, you'd be close to rank 15."

"Is it rank 14... so to speak, it's like the mixing guild was rank 14 too"

"I'm listening. You're an alchemist, but you have a higher guild rank there. Well, I got up to the same rank in this Rank Up."

"We manufacture potions all the time. I don't know what else to do."

"Then you should also put your face on the formulation guild later. You won't rank up yet, but if you're thinking of using Wang Du as a base, it won't hurt to keep your face on it."

I don't want to be based in Wang Du, but I guess I'll be wandering around a lot considering the assortment of products...

Do you want to keep your face on the blending guild next time?

"So it's about ranking up, but first there will be more recipes available for purchase at rank 13. You should check this directly with the receptionist later. You will also be able to browse about the job tree. And then I told the Rank 14 thing... it gave me the right to deal with the" compass of moves, "which was supposed to happen."

"Is that a 'compass of moves'? What exactly does that do?

"Uhm... by using this, you can 'get another job without blunting your skill as an alchemist'. It's a simple explanation to the Gentiles that they can turn what they call subjobs into something else without a level down."

"... that was like being explained in the Gunner Guild..."

"Um, there would have been a job tree explanation there. The next rank, or item described when you reach rank 14, is the" Compass of Power. "

"Compass of Power"...

Now I wonder if you know the conditions for taking a super position.

But it doesn't make sense if you don't actually get rank 14 even if you know the terms.

More than that, you're on "Compass of Moves" now.

"So, what's going on with the 'compass of moves'? Earlier on, we were supposed to give."

"Uhm... that's what it is. Whether it's a Compass of Power or a Compass of Moves, you'll need permission from the Royal Palace to handle it. But the Royal Palace hasn't given permission to the Gentiles yet..."

"In other words?"

"At this stage, I still can't give you the" compass of moves ". Now each guild is in the midst of a joint petition. Could you wait a while longer?"

Hmm, I guess that means it hasn't been implemented yet.

I'm more concerned than that...

"Well, if that's the case, you can't help it. By the way, I haven't been briefed on 'Compass of moves' when I get to Rank 14 in the Formula Guild, but what about there?

"That's easy. Your profession is Alchemist. No matter how proven you are, the Alchemist will not be awarded the" Compass of Moves "by the Formula Alliance."

"Well, that didn't even explain it."

"That's what you're saying. Anyway, could you wait a while longer for" Compass of Moves "to follow?"

"I understand the circumstances. Let me know when you can use it."

"Of course it is. Instead, I'll tell you another story."

"Another story, is it?

"Mm-hmm. It's about gargoyles."


"I don't know if it's part of it, but I heard there were people looking around among the Gentiles. Aren't you interested?

"Hmm, I can handle Fenrir now..."

"Well, can you handle the Divine Wolf Fenrir? You survived the legendary Fenrill trials."

"Yeah, well. So it was" Guardian Stone Statue Gargoyle "? I'm not going to look into that in much detail..."

"Hmm. Well, there's a rule that even we don't go into too much detail. I'll just touch it... but let me just tell you that if you become rank 15 in the Alchemy Guild, you're ready to release information about how to make gargoyles."

"I mean, he wants you to increase your rank that far."

"As always, if you had undertaken gun manufacturing at Gunner Guild, you would be able to rank up in less than two months. Of course, I don't mind if you take a quest from our guild."

"Well, I'll think about that area. So, are we done talking?

"Right. The biggest perk when you get to Rank 14 is the" Compass of Moves ". If it can't be handed over, no further explanation will make sense now."

"... by the way, do production jobs have something like super jobs too?

"You don't have a job that goes to everything like a super position in a combat guild. Instead, it is possible to pass on the characteristics of a plurality of specialized jobs in a higher job."

"I see... by the way, alchemist and magic alchemist. Is it also possible to inherit the properties of both of them?

"If it's impossible, it's possible. If you go along with each other, you'll find a job that works for you."

Um, isn't this a pretty important story?

I'll tell everyone when I get home.

"Well, that's the end of the story. I'll tell you when I visit our guild, Saine."

"Mr. Saine?

"I was the receptionist who led you this far. It's impossible for a young alchemist like you to use the second floor. [M] Basically, the receptionist should be alone to avoid any extra hassle."

"Well, I don't mind that"

"Then it's settled. I'll talk to you, Saine. I'll let you know if there's any progress on" Compass of Moves "as well. See you later."

"Yeah, excuse me, then."

Thus the first interview with the guild master of the Wangdu Alchemy Guild was concluded.

Looks like we'll have a few more chances to see each other after this...

"Is the story over?

Returning to the reception, the receptionist - Mr. Saine - spoke to me.

"Yeah, we've talked about it."

"I have also been contacted by mine. My name is Saine. Thank you for putting me in charge of Mr. Twa."

"Nice to meet you. It's quick and bad, but I was wondering if you could show me a list of recipes I could buy."

"There you go...... rank 14 and here you go. Please check."

"Thanks. Let me take a look."

The list of recipes I received contained quite a few.

... Oh, you already have an exclusion feature for the recipe I remember, using this...

Yeah, it's much easier to see.

Apart from the special potions, there are some unusual bombs like Flame Bomb, Electric Bomb, and Freeze Bomb.

I think it looks interesting. Do you want to buy something that comes to my eye and go home?

I also checked the job tree, but didn't meet the conditions to get most jobs.

[Alchemy] It seems that in addition to skills, various other production-based skills will be able to be acquired by combining them, but only the three types that met the transfer conditions were previously described, since production skills other than [blending] can only be remembered or reached a half-level.

After purchasing various recipes from the Alchemy Guild, I also kept my face on the Formula Guild.

I was never guided to the Alliance Master here, but I was still guided to use the senior chef's floor on the second floor of the Alliance.

I also updated the sales items at the business office, and when I checked the recipes I was selling, there was a top version of Baste medicine, so I bought it too.

I don't know if I'll get a chance to use it, but getting ready is important.