Unlimited World - 90% of the battle for productive jobs is ready

172 back. Watching a Reid match in an Operations Control Office

"Behold, 'The Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town' has finally been defeated!?

The Operations Management Office began to bother with that one word at once.

"You're lying, aren't you? The boss over there is supposed to be the first on-parade..."

"If I tell you that, it's the first trip to the boss, right? It was such a high-difficulty mission that the Fairy Cocoon Defense and the Tester Squad said," I've learned to be serious about development. "

"So there was no fraud caused by AI surveillance?

Unlimited World, in this game some boss fights are constantly monitored by AI, constantly monitoring for fraud by users - that is, the use of cheat tools, etc. - and for configuration bugs.

He was also the subject boss of AI surveillance about this "Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town".

"Wait a minute...... yeah, no injustice, no bugs. You're being defeated in a straight way. Most likely, a super fancy battle was waged to open up the Holy Spirit with Holy Spirit weapons."

"Well, any boss is destined to be defeated one day. If you don't design it that way, you're gonna be certified as" fucking gay. "

"I hope the development will think more about adjusting the difficulty around it..."

"You can't be alarmed because leaving it to the development unit alone raises the boss specifications for the Homicide..."

"Nevertheless, I didn't expect the 'Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town' to be cleared so soon..."

Operationally, I assumed that the clearance of "The Sealed Ghost of Fairy Township" would be months from now, and that would be when the public students were on summer vacation or after that.

Whatever, because 'The Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town' was a pre-information to discover, that is, a reid area where tips were not installed anywhere.

Moreover, if special conditions are not met - guidance by Ketsey or the use of [fairy guidance], which is a special skill - it will not be possible to reach the Reid area and will be wandering through the woods forever.

I guess I didn't even intend to let the development force discover this raid quest because meeting that condition would also have to be fulfilled in a dubious but nothing place: just a flower garden further back in one dungeon.

gossip (whatever that is).

It was Friday three weeks ago that the Reid area, The Sealed Ghost of Fairy Township, was discovered.

At the time, the message "The player has filled the flag for the discovery of the 'Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town'" was still new to my memory.

In the first place, that flower garden was at the time of implementation - practically all the time since it was there from the beginning of the game so it could be reached - and after a scattered examination of a number of validation lovers, it was settled that 'the event is nothing'.

That's natural.

Because in the first place, The Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town is a new reid area added in an update at the end of May.

And despite the implementation of the new Reid area, it should be said that it is a bad habit of operation and development here, or a fundamental ill will, that we do not have any tips that will lead to discovery in the game...

Anyway, I was going to let it take me a few months to discover it, and then I was going to place the tips and let them discover it.

Now, who was the ruinous player who broke such a prediction, and I went after the log after that... and there was a player's name there that was familiar to the Operations Management Office.

"... Also, is it Player Twa... isn't this player really connected to operations and development?

"... you don't think the manager is sneaking around with information, do you?

"That's not true. The information that flows to users is monitored by AI wherever possible, and especially when someone in the Operations Control Office enters the game, it's not possible.... Except when you're real familiar with them."

"That's right... but this is how they're actually going to discover it. Why did you try to visit an area with nothing like this in the first place?

"Wait a minute, I'll follow the behavior logs from before that.... apparently you needed something for the forest dungeon in front of the flower garden. There are signs that Trent and Ent were massively harvesting tree-based monsters with axes to collect material."

"I see. Forest dungeons if you want to collect wood...... confusion forest is one of the best options in the current situation. So, why did you even go to the flower garden?

"I've been following the conversation log over there, but it seems like it's just for tourist purposes. One of my companions said he wanted to see the flower garden."

"Well, that's a reasonable reason, isn't it?... So how did it go from there to the 'Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town' discovery flag?

"All members of the clan name Library, including Player Twa as a big premise, have Ketsey, and that's good, right?

"Yeah, I know that. I got Ketsey that early. I remember the backdoor event that was set up by the development, because it went all the way to getting Ketsey."

"So this time, one of the members who was challenging the forest dungeon, player Iris, was summoning Ketsey as his family. So, you've reached the flower garden, or Fairy Circle, while summoning Ketsey."

"... so this time player Twa didn't move in the main."

"Well, at the point of being together, even though you're not the center person, it's amazing."

"Anyway, now we've discovered The Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town, too. And then this information will spread..."

"Aren't you going to diffuse? At least until we clear ourselves."

"Isn't that hard? Even though that raid quest will limit your race level to 45, your gear will be weakened to a level commensurate with it. No matter how good a producer population Library is, there's a limit to pushing it with the power of equipment, right?

"Plus there's the question of how many parties you need for your quest. The clan over there has five people to belong to, and the number of people who are short can only form one party even if they make up for it with Fenrill. There's a question of what to do with the other five parties."

"Is that true, too? Anyway, this is an observation.... and I don't feel comfortable, but should I report it to the manager?"

"That would be good. Player Twa sounds like a favorite."

"It would help if you didn't give me an extra hand.... then I'll go"

And open it Saturday.

The problem of the number of parties required for Reid Quest had been resolved lightly.

"You asked Clan" White Night "for help with" Index "and even the party between Player Hull and Player Rik..."

"It's reasonable as a connection... but it's basically a party that doesn't challenge Reid except for 'White Night', right? Wouldn't that be so easy to clear?

"I hope so. Anyway, let's just say we keep an eye on them."

"Yeah, let's do that."

In the meantime, the operational team decided to observe the attack.

... maybe I should have said watching the game rather than observing.

"Uh, is the first challenge over in the fairy cocoon defense?"

"Well, that's part one of the first time you look dead there. I guess I don't have a choice."

"Oh, apparently he's going to make a second challenge as well. Well, Reid here doesn't use expendables very often, so it's impossible."

"If you failed in a fairy cocoon defense battle, it's not that long gone by. See how far we can go next."

Apparently, the operating team is totally in watching mode.

Note that besides the members watching the game, there are operational teams, and if there is a GM call and the operation is in a situation that has to move, work will be a priority, maybe.

"Looks like you managed to complete Phase 1 of the Fairy Cocoon Defense the second time."

"But they would have destroyed 12 cocoons in total, wouldn't they? Honestly, if they destroy us any more, we'll have a tough boss fight."

"No, let's be realistic. It's tough, huh? According to the test team's clearance record, when more than seven were destroyed, the clearance rate was less than 20%."

"... you're really making development out of killer mash, this raid quest"

"Right. We've got a raid reward for that, and I'm gonna have to ask you to give it up."

"Right.... It's time to start the second stage of defense. Let me watch how it works."

In the second phase that followed, not a single fairy cocoon ended without being destroyed.

The operational team will also honestly admire this.

"Oh, in the second stage, damage is zero. At first glance, it's pretty amazing."

"The Reid Commander's instructions were accurate. That's what I said about the White Wolf, the player who divides' White Night '."

"Right. Well, the next one's the last boss fight... you think you can win?

"You just can't, can you? The fact that 12 cocoons have been destroyed means you have to fight a Level 52 Sealed Ghost. He said he couldn't make it through first sight."

"I wonder if I could tease the trap of the first kill and fight for nearly two hours. I don't think you can do that."

"Right. Well then, it's a question of how far we can go... it looks like it's going to start and let's try our best."

The first boss battle then ended with a quest waiver where he shredded one HP bar.

"Do you want to sharpen one in the first time? You've done better than the majority of the tester squad."

"Plus, you've noticed the relationship between the fairy cocoon and the sealed ghost level. Now, what are we going to do?

"What do we do?

"Are we going to release the information, or are we going to try to clear it for the first time in confidence, whenever possible?"

"I guess it's a secret to think about normally. I know 'White Night' is a very luxurious reward for Reid's first offense, and it's not going to go public."

The operational team, which was still touring until the post-battle reflection, felt a certain relief by keeping Reid information private.

"Exactly, because I'm having trouble getting this information out right now."

"It will be more beneficial than buying disgust later. It's a gamer-like idea."

"I don't know if it's disgusting. It's part of the profit of the forerunners."

"Anyway, that's how it's been dissolved today. Let's get back to normal business."

"Right. No more surveillance, nothing will happen."

Since then, every Saturday's 'Sealed Ghost of Fairy Towns' strategy for their management team has been a target task to monitor - or watch -.

And the third week from the discovery of Reid, conveniently the fourth Reid Attack finally reaches the final stage of the Sealed Ghost.

"... three weeks to get here, a total of four degrees of attack to reach the final stage? I knew you were better than the Tester squad."

"Wouldn't you have a choice? The top militant championships are all face-to-face, and other players are mixed with highly skilled people. Well, at least we're all above average."

"I wonder if the quote was a little sweet because the library is a production clan..."

"Well, we haven't thought through the final stages yet, and we're not sure we can win next, are we?

"Yes, but... at this pace, it's going to be cleared next week."

"Next week or... I have a small patch application on Friday..."

I hear voices from behind the operating team talking about that.

"I say no, but there's no change in specification for" The Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town. "

"Oh, Chief.... No, I know exactly what you mean. It's going to be cleared, so I'm not going to imitate strengthening it."

"You won't be able to make it next week if you ask for a change now to that... and you just can't make any more fixes that snipe Player Twa. Even if not, it's like changing the specification of" Bomb "from β actually sniped one player."

"Even though there was nothing I could do about it because of the imbalance in the game, I don't know about that..."

"Well, if you know what I mean. So, are we going to be able to clear it next week?

"Did I just say five fifths? We have reached the final form, but we have not been able to discuss the gimmick…"

"Hmm, that's how I feel if I'm that member, I'm going to get over it. Let me watch Laid Attack next week, too.... Oh, I'm not going to disturb you because I'm going to watch the game in the manager's office"

"... for once, we are also monitoring Reid for defects... and that Reid has a 'level limit' feature that has not been implemented elsewhere."

"But it wouldn't actually be the same as watching a game, would it? Don't worry, I have no intention of disturbing you or blaming you. Well, thank you for your future work."

"... you've gone. Well, if you can clear it next week, I'm not the manager, but it's a sight to see."

"I wonder if the average number of total annihilations in the final stages of the tester was about three. If you don't know the gimmick, the final stages are tough."

And the next Saturday, when the final showdown of fate would begin, the operational team had been drained of its fate from before it began.

"Hey, why is almost everyone's gear updated!?

"Daimyo, 'Library' must have worked hard!... Oh, shit everyone's gear is replaced by gear made of the finest materials but Reid's! Even if it has a level restriction effect on the Reid area, it doesn't cause more than a constant stat decrease. Specifications!?

"I'm sure you didn't expect that much... and the special potion system is finally ready to make a 11 star!

"That means you remember [magic manipulation] and [energy manipulation]!? That's just what I'm trying to say, maybe too soon!?

"But there's no cheats on the surveillance AI reports I was making you paste! I usually learned that with my player skills!

"Don't really jump over our imagination lightly when it comes to production! And everyone would be too luxurious to have a Holy Spirit weapon or something!?

"You have no choice about Holy Spirit weapons, do you? There's no way they can keep all that high-quality stuff together and not weaponize the Holy Spirit. Generally speaking, there is still a shortage of intermediate alchemists out there, but the distribution of 7-star items has only finally begun to appear with potpourri."

"I can't help talking about prep any more. Anyway, let me monitor what's going on today."

It was the fifth Reid Attack to have had a major wave from the debauchery, but the next wave occurred in a fairy cocoon defense battle.

"... Perfect clearance for all party damage 0. That's all I can say."

"I mean, isn't the travel speed increase potion too effective? Is that really up 50%?

"I just looked it up. The potion inside is up 50% at 11 stars, but the potion bottle effect actually increases the effect of the medicine by 40%, increasing the total travel speed by 70%."

"Seriously... then you're convinced of the speed of that move"

"But I don't think this is a very good situation."

"What's not good?

"Haven't you ever destroyed one of the fairy cocoon defenses in the second phase? If we don't even stay alert this time, we'll end up with damage 0, right? Then the level of the sealed ghost is 40 in its initial state..."

"... Oh, that's not good. If you don't screw up in the final stages, there's no losing element."

"Later, is it a question of whether mistakes will be made in the final stage…"

"The chief must be thrilled to watch the game."

"I'm sure you do. … Now the second phase has begun."

In the second stage, all raids are kicked off without major waves, as they expected.

And a further bomb was dropped on the operation.

"Says it's a 10-star seafood dish!? So that cooking player also remembers [magic manipulation] and [energy manipulation]!?

"I guess that's what you're saying. Player name Yuki, it seems to be participation from the official service, not the beta... but it's not Dada who's in the library."

"The buff time for seafood dishes was 60 minutes, right? Isn't it possible to defeat the sealed ghost during effect time?

"I don't know about that...... considering the fight time with phase 1 was about 15 minutes"

"As a tactic, DPS should go down more than just keeping two parties on standby all the time with reinforcement measures for the little ones... but I'm pretty sure we can get some firepower to take them down in about an hour"

"That means how much of a chance the Sealed Ghost can win can handle the final stage of the gimmick that we haven't figured out yet... is that also hopeless when this happens?

"At least one party will keep you waiting in case the sealed ghost moves, right? Whether a sealed ghost can cut down their tank is going to be the key."

"Right...... well, it looks like it's time to start. See the final showdown."

"Right.... Which one is right to support as an operation?

"I wonder. Should I support a challenger who challenges the top class raid, or a raid boss who is still being hunted down even though it's only 4 weeks and 5 challenges..."

"Oh, with that said, they're watching the development force do this, too. Of course I'm here for Laid Boss."

"Well, they..."

"Let's leave them alone. Here we go."

And the story goes back to the beginning scene.

One man came to the Operations Control Office as the operations team bothered.

Of course, it's the manager of Sakahara, the operations officer.

"That sounded like quite a fun fight. I'm surprised they analyze it in action until the final stage of the gimmick."

"... don't make it that easy, Chief. Level 65 Reid is pretty good, but the difficulty here was just as good as it ever was, right?

"Well, there's no choice for what's been cleared. It's only a game that you'll never be able to complete, and so on. Is it" fucking gay "?

"That's right...... what do you want to do now?

"I don't care what they say. I don't care, this is all I have. It's not even the official event of the operation, it's just a raid quest complete. That's the end of what we're doing right now when we're done allocating our rewards."

"But" The Sealed Ghost of Fairy Town "is also the key to opening the entrance to (...) e (...) li (...) a (...) of example (...), right? Being cleared means that 'A (...) will be available..."

"Is that more of a problem than not getting it? We got the right to obtain it legitimately by legitimate means. There's nothing I can do from the operation.... With that said, I remembered in" Not Available "that Twa and you guys didn't get the" Phantom Wolf Bracelet "when you beat Fenrill, but what happens to that one?

"Is it" The Phantom Wolf's Bracelet "? … Ah, if you complete the Fenrill battle without completing the previous stage normally, you will not be able to obtain a bracelet…"

"As soon as possible, check with the development and fix it with bug handling if it is not available.... Well, this fight, but you keep a record of the combat footage?

"That's natural. Video recordings from multiple angles have been obtained to combat fraud."

"Well, then consider if I can process that footage and use it as part of my PV for the summer vacation. Although I think it is a good looking material comparable to the meteorological rain of beta, such as the scene of the last series of Holy Spirit openings? A flashy special attack that can be set up continuously by giant ghosts as tall as 5 meters. I think it's a good time."

"... right. We will discuss this with the promotion team. Is there anything else?"

"No, nothing in particular. Encourage me to continue my work."

"Okay. Now if you'll excuse me."

Sakahara gets to herself with the operating staff leaving early.

"I didn't expect to clear that Reid this early. That's right, but it's not a good idea that the difference is too open, and I'm not going to brake to the top any more. That's a tough thing to run."

The content of the words was Sakahara, which seemed to be fun-filled in the back.