"Um, we're all here."

"Oh, what's going on today, professor?

It's mostly a hassle for professors to come all the way to the Library and say they need to talk.

But I don't see that happening today.

As soon as that happens, we won't be able to figure out what to do...

Honestly, it's hard.

"Well, it's not such a bad story. Sometimes, Mr. Twa. Still going on about Saturday's sealed ghost exorcism?

"Yeah, I'm gonna be there this week."

"That's good. The information I brought was useless."

"What the hell did you bring me, professor?

"Um, I think I know that this update has allowed me to go to various countries"

"It is. I thought you were supposed to say that."

"One of them, the eastern island nation of Japan, found its way there."

"Well, what does that have to do with us?

"Mm-hmm. I'm talking about the fact that 'Zipan' has a unique culture at its root. It sounds like a Japanese-style country from what I heard in Port Town."

"'Japan' in a Japanese-style country? You came by a straight name."

"I think so, too. Well, not to mention that. It is a way to cross to Japan, but there are two types of ships available:" Recurring Ships "and" Fast Ships "."

"... you did say that on the official live broadcast"

"Exactly. And it turns out that the date and time of departure of that" high-speed ship "is this Friday, that is, tomorrow at 6 p.m."

"... so what do we do?

"Um, because of this, we're going to 'Zipan'. They say there are only item recipes, ingredients, ingredients, and more available there in" Zipan. "

"I mean, is that an invitation to travel? But you don't have to go with Port Town to cross to Japan, do you? How are we gonna get there?

"Twa, you remember the lake you went to see Ketsey. Am I right? I think there was a division then. Running that divide toward those who are not lakes will eventually become a boss battle. Defeat the boss and head south to reach the port city of Humph Coral, the destination."

"By the way, who's that boss?

"The boss name is' Cloud Bear 'level 50 boss... but it would probably be an easy win if you guys had all six"

"What do you mean?

"The cloud means' crowd ', not' cloud '. So a bunch of bears are attacking us as bosses."

"What does that have to do with us winning?

"The combat power of the Cloud Bear alone is equal to or less than that of a little ghost coming out of a sealed ghost. I mean..."

"He said he could burn it down with" Tempest Shot "and" Tempest Arrow ""

"It is naturally. Clearly, it's a bonus stage."

"But doesn't that have a clear goal?

"Bear it out for 30 minutes, or defeat 30 and that's it. It's also clear if you defeat all the bears before reinforcements come out."

"... what a boss thing for us. So, why did you invite us?

"Well, because I thought it wouldn't work for a while without giving me a chance to go to a new land. Would you be willing to go if you had new item recipes, ingredients, etc?

"... well, that does bother you..."

"That's why we're going to 'Japan' on a high-speed boat. On Saturday at 6pm, the release note confirms that a transfer gate is also installed in the port town of Cammon. Therefore, if you return as soon as you get there, you will not be late for Reid."

"... well, if that's what you're saying, can I go for it"

"Oh, then your uncle won't be joining us. He hasn't even arrived in the capital yet."

"… so do you want to carry your old man to the King's Capital and then also take him to 'Japan'?"

"... that's a thankful story, but is the time okay?

"Tomorrow, it depends on when the old man can log in. What time can I log in?

"I can't do it tomorrow morning... it starts at about 2pm"

"Hmm, what about the others?

"I'll be fine."

"Me too."

"I don't have a problem either."

"I'm fine, too"

"Well, it's a decision, then"

Apparently the old man can take part in the journey to 'Japan' as well.

"Yeah, but there's one caveat. Anyone can enter the first city of Zipan, Kammon, but you will need an ID issued by your guild to get out of Kammon. This will require the appropriate Alliance Rank."

"... Uncle, what is your guild rank?

"You have 4 production guilds. You're not going to have enough Guild Rank for a boulder yet."

"Well, it's convenient because if you keep the transfer gates open until 'Cammon', you'll be free to come and go. Anyway, that's what I'm saying. I'll see you then."

"Oh, thank you, Professor. By the way, you didn't want information material?

"It is not necessary this time. The Library will get you new recipes."

"Is that what you say?

"That's what I'm saying. Now if you'll excuse me."

The professor, who finished communicating the information, left early.

Now, what are we going to do after this...

"What shall we do after this? You want me to go around each guild and get an ID and a hit?

"No, why don't you take your old man to the King's Capital more than that? You'll have plenty of time now."

"Hmm, that sounds good."

"I don't know if I agree. It's going to be tough to take him all at once tomorrow."

"Um, I'm not going to be able to participate because I have production work left..."

"You don't have to worry about it. You can fill the hole without Yuki with Twa's family."

"Well, it's the Silver Devil Wolf on Tiger Bear that knocks you down. It won't matter without Yuki."

"I get it. Then I'll leave you a message."

"You got the story together. Uncle, can we get out of here right away?

"Yeah, I'm ready, too."

"Then let's leave quickly. It's a long way from the second city to the king's capital on a boulder."

If that's the case, it's quick to talk.

We left from the second city quickly, destroying Tiger Bear, passing through the fourth city and running straight west to destroy the Silver Demon Wolf as well.

It was a little over two hours' journey to Wang Du.

"... man, you got there really easy. I had a hard time when I was beta."

"Our level is high now, too. Rather than that, you'll have to register your Metastatic Gate."

"Right. And I have to sign up for the Vocational Alliance."

"That would be good.... Well, is this the place to break up?

"Right. If I dare say so, I'm going to the guild to get permission to travel to a foreign country... but which guild should I go to?

"... then the professor only said 'guild' too. Let's face the production guild, and if we don't make it there, we'll head to each vocational guild."

"It is. Then we'll head to the production guild."

So we were all headed to the production guild, but this was completely empty.

As the old man declared himself, his guild rank was too low to be issued with an ID yet. Otherwise, the identity cards of each professional guild are more valid for us.

"... Well, the Vocational Alliance has a higher rank. To the extent that I can get a compass for my moves."

"Speaking of which, did everyone get it? What happened to your profession?

"I became an intermediate dressmaker."

I'm an intermediate weapons blacksmith.

I'm an intermediate bow woodworker.

"Everybody, that's just great. Uncle, I just got an apprenticeship."

"Well, that's something, isn't it? I hope you will continue your apprenticeship quest."

"I'll let you do that. Thank you for today, then. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye, uncle"

We're splitting up on production guilds and heading to our respective professional guilds.

I decided to head to the Alchemy Guild first...

When we talked about heading to 'Zipan' in the Alchemy Guild, they stopped us from meeting with the Guild Master.

"Is it true we're going to Japan?

"Yes, we're going to have a high-speed ship, so we're going to be on it in time"

"Hmm, well... I'm sorry, but can you wait a minute? Let's write to the guild master over there."

That said, the Alliance Master takes a note out of his desk and runs a brush.

Eventually, you finish writing what you need, take out the envelope, use the wax and seal it tightly.

"I'm sorry, but could you give this to the Alliance Master of the Alchemy Guild in the capital of Japan, the Stargaze Capital? A formal request from the Alliance is likely to give you a reward."

"I don't mind...... if you couldn't get on this week's fast ship, you'd be waiting for the next one, wouldn't you?

"I don't mind. It doesn't mean I'm in such a hurry. Well, I'll deliver it by the end of next month, it doesn't matter how much it feels."

"... ok. I'll take care of it then.

"I asked for it. Then an ID from our guild, but you should take this."

What they gave me was like a pocket watch, or a complete pocket watch.

The pocket watch lid is engraved with an Alchemy Guild crest.

Pretty fancy pocket watch, but can I have it?

"If you show that, you should be able to pass' Cammon 'without any problems. Including the people with them."

"... is that okay?

"It is a testament to guaranteeing the identity of itself as an alchemy guild. Not just in Japan, but also in other countries, so if you need it, use it then."

"Then I will thank you for letting me use it...... are you sure you're okay?

"No problem considering your contribution so far.... Oh, and then if you're going to Japan, you should keep your face on the other guilds. We rarely interact with Zipan in other guilds. Maybe they'll do something for us. Other ID cards will be issued to me. Some countries will be more valid than our IDs. Keep it. It won't hurt."

"Isn't that also an enclosure of talented people?

"I don't deny it. But the Gentiles are like migratory birds who do not remain in a fixed land. Well, it's better to give them something to show their affiliation than to hold them back."

"... well, you can't deny it. Now, I will certainly leave the seal with you"

"Oh, I asked for it. Then let the silver clock do the magic of identification. Like a third party can't abuse it."

"Okay. Please."

"Uhm.... that's it"

"That's a lot easier, isn't it?

"It's simplified by years of research. You can use the magic of identification anywhere in this neighboring country. I don't think we're gonna have any trouble ID 'd."

"Thank you. Okay, now."

"Oh, please write to me."


Secret Quest: Letters to Japan

Quest Goal:

to the guild master of Zipan's 'Alchemy Guild'

Deliver the letter

Quest Reward:


... Oh, are you dealing with Secret Quests?

Will I get the same quest in other guilds after a while?

In the mixed guild that I was in, I would still meet with the guild master, and I would get a letter to the guild master of Medal and Zipan, who would also be my ID card.

This was also an order for dealing with Secret Quests.

And the last one of my professional guilds, the Gunner Guild... is still here to meet Alliance Master Alicia.

"I hear you're going to Japan. What's the purpose of the trip?

"... you don't have any other purpose like this. I'm keeping a letter with an alchemy guild and a conditioning guild, so when you're done delivering that, is it tourism?

"I see... then maybe it's just fine. I'm sorry, but could you ask me to deliver the letter, too?

"Well, it doesn't matter if you have two or three... what do you have?

"Something or nothing... well, I'm having trouble with Zipan.... No, as a Gunner Guild, I guess I should say I'm in trouble anywhere but this country"

"What do you mean..."

"Well, to put it simply, you're not much of an acceptor. There's a lot of trouble with using a special weapon called a gun and the fact that it's still shallow since it was formed as a guild. If you can do it, I'd like you to ask every Gunner Guild over there, but can't you?

"... depending on the content? If it doesn't take much effort, I'll think about it."

"That's how you put it up.... Then could you deliver this to the Gunner Guild in the capital of Japan? There's only got to be one official, so give it to the kid and he'll be fine."

"... and are you seriously understaffed"

"I guess the current situation is that I don't have a job rather than say that I can get around enough work on my own. Well, then, thank you very much. Oh, and this is Gunner Guild ID. … it won't make any sense compared to alchemy guilds or conditioning guilds, but take it once and for all"

The ID I was given is a small dagger.

The pattern is engraved with the Gunner Guild crest.

Well, now that I've got my ID from all my guilds, which will be the right one to use in Zipan...