"Wow, I knew there were a lot of people out there, Twa"

"Yeah, I guess so."

On the afternoon of the day the White Dragon Emperor asked me to create gear, me and Yuki were visiting Stargaze Capital.

The reason is simple, because I was free.

The story goes back to the morning.


When we got the material box from the White Dragon Emperor, we decided to check the contents as soon as we got back to the clan home.

The contents of the material box were the same set of materials that the White Dragon Emperor showed us in Rock Mountain.

The problem is the amount of material that was inside.

"What's 'limited in numbers'? Each contains more than 10,000 pieces."

"We can still say there are only 10,000 of them.... but we can't afford it."

"My uncle thinks it's a quest that's supposed to be challenged by a bigger crowd, doesn't he? 'Library' wouldn't be a problem."

"Right. … we can manage, but it can be tough to have a bigger clan."

"Right. First of all, let's take out the right number and see what kind of material it is."

"Right. That said, there doesn't seem to be anything that could be my material."

"Sure, there's nothing that's going to be alchemy or conditioning."

"Hmm, I saw it earlier, but my fangs are going to be ingots if I work out. It's not until Twa makes gun parts out of Ingot."

"I'm a horn. As I've just confirmed, sharpening it out could be used for bows and canes."

"I'm a skin membrane or scales. Successfully used, it looks like it can be made into clothes or light armor."

"I... can you turn bones into soup if you simmer them?

"Your uncle is perfectly fine. I know I could make bone accessories, but I'm not overwhelmingly skilled enough."

Each checks the material again to see what he or she is likely to be able to do.

I guess Dwan is going to be the one with the most work.

Anyway, only Dwan can make ingots, and to say that ingots can be made is because a basic set of metal gear can be created.

"Hmm, depending on the gear you make, some gear is better made by scraping out corners and bones directly. There's been a week of respite, and I guess I should give it a try for a couple days."

"... then you'll be completely out of my hands"

"Right.... Then why don't we go to Stargazing Capital right now? You're going to be there later anyway, right?

"Well, if you say it's just right..."

"Anyway, it would be helpful if you could find a homeowner for Stargaze Capital and keep the subportal open for transfer."

"... ok. I'll look that way. It's the first place I've ever been, so if you can't find it, give it up."

"I know. … then I guess we'll have to make our own plans."

"It is.... What does the old man do?

"My uncle is developing his skills appropriately. Whatever you think, we can't make it to the due date, but we need to improve our skills."

"You have plans. I'll take care of the boxes. Tell me what you need."

"Okay. So for now, can you ask for 20 fangs, 10 horns and 10 bones?"

"I got 20 horns."

"I'd like five bones, please"

"Ok.... yes, this is it"

I couldn't do anything without intermediate material like this, and each of my non-old men, who lacked skill levels and couldn't get their hands on it, went to work on their own.


That's why I came to Stargazing Capital after lunch to run errands.

I didn't come alone, and Yuki was to accompany me.

Says, "If you just extract the soup from the bone, you can do it completely automatic".

That's why the two of us decided to take a stroll through the Stargazing Capital, which was no less vast than the King's Capital.

Compared to the Wang capital, the roads are crossed and not intertwined, but it still breaks a little bone to walk around because of their size.

So I started by looking for a homeowner to open the transfer permissions for the subportal... I don't have any information on where it is.

So I thought I'd go to the right guild and then ask where, but I couldn't find the guild in the center of the city either.

"Oh, look, Twa. Kimono's for sale, right?

Yes, this stargazing capital is a Japanese-style country as its name suggests.

Resident (NPC) costumes also look like pure Japanese-style kimonos, and the buildings they're building are completely Japanese-style.

"If you want, why don't you stop by?

"Are you sure? Aren't we going to have to find a guild or a homemaker?

"There won't be any problems where some time has crumbled. Besides, if you're looking for a guild, you might want to use a subportal."

"Well, let me just give you a minute."

That's what I said, Yuki's a kimono shop? A textile shop? Anyway, I walked into the store where I said that.

When a woman walks into a store like this, it gets longer, but how long does it take to fulfill it?

I couldn't help but stick around at the store, so I decided to go in the store too.

There were colorful antiques and kimonos in the store.

... I'm going to buy in a lot of things if it's Yuzuki, so should I pin it on the map?

And Yuki, at the heart, was talking to the clerk's resident somehow.

"Um, well, can I see these cherry blossom colored kimonos?

"Yes, I did. Wait a minute."

... Apparently I found something I liked quickly.

Looks like the clerk went to pick up the product.

"Welcome, welcome. What kind of things do customers use?"

I was watching the store and another clerk called me.

"Oh, I'm with her. What are you waiting for in front of the store for? I let you in."

"Oh, did I?... because of this, can the customer buy something too?

Hmm, Japanese clothes... you're not much of a hobby.

"Don't you want me? I like my clothes now."

"Are you to the left? If you would like to join us, please do not use our clothing store."

"Oh, thank you then.... Oh, yeah. I'd like to head to the guild, what do I do?

"Are you an Alliance? … guilds are scattered in pieces in the Stargaze Capital, so the way you guide them will change depending on where you want to go."

That's a lot of trouble with the guild's position falling apart or something... should we find a homemaker first and open up transfer authority?

"Well, do you know where the homemaker is? I'd like to ask you to expand your home portal."

"If you're a homemaker, it's near here. Take the main street in front of the store for two minutes west of the intersection, turn north and you'll be just a minute away."

"Really, thank you. Come to this country, it'll help because you don't remember geography yet."

"No, because if you're from another country, you can't get lost."

"... do you know if you're a foreign person after all"

"Yeah, you know the whole thing from the serving. Even without it, I can see it in the atmosphere."

"I see... well, it's not something to hide, do you mind?"

In the meantime, we know where the homemaker is and that's where we're going next.

Then you'll just have to go around each vocational guild.

... It's just a matter of time since the Wang capital has a list of which subportals and which vocational guilds are close, but few players have yet reached the Stargaze capital themselves, so I guess I'll have to look for it myself.

"Thank you for waiting, Twa.... Does it look good?

Looking back at Yuki's voice, there was Yuki dressed in a cherry kimono.

Bright cherry blossom kimono with blue shades and boots underfoot.

The hair was fastened with a cherry blossom colored bamboo to match the kimono.

"Oh, you look great.... well aligned in this short time"

"Eh heh. I like the range of products in this store. I want you to say this, and as soon as you say it, you'll get it all together."

"That was it. You look great."

"Thank you. I'll be glad to see you when I get another chance."

"Yeah, happy. We look forward to seeing you again."

"Yes, thank you"

"Now, if you'll excuse me"

Leaving the store with Yuki changing his gear (avatar).

When you walk like this, don't be under the illusion that Yuki is also a resident of this country.

"Twa, do you look good? Suitable?"

"Oh, you look great. You don't have to push it again and again."

"Good. I've only worn Japanese clothes for archaeological purposes, so I wasn't sure."

"I don't think it's that worrying either.... By the way, how long did that clothing, in a set?

"Uh, like 20,000 E? I guess it's because it's avatar gear with little defense, it was very cheap, huh?

"... well, it would be cheap for us to say. It's not even that easy for a regular player."

"Um, maybe when they say that.... So, what were you talking to the clerk about?

"Oh, I was asking where the guild and the homemaker were. I hear the homestore is near here, so let's move there first."

"Yeah, okay. … you can hold hands."

"It doesn't matter.... Here."

"Yeah! Huh?"

Walk a short distance to the home store with Yuki holding hands.

... have you ever walked hand in hand in a game?

"Hmm, I figured if you're in the game, your hand feels a little different, too, huh?

"Really? I'm not messing with height or anything, so I'm sure I haven't changed my stature."

"Somehow, my hands might feel a little cold?

"Oh, maybe the avatar's body temperature will be different. Because there's something I've wasted."

"Oh well.... By the way, my hands are warm? Or cold?"

"Yeah?... don't feel a little cold if you say so. Maybe the Beast Man himself has a low hand temperature."

"Maybe so. Next time, Ilis, let's touch your hand."

"To the extent that it doesn't bother me.... right hand here."

"Yeah.... oh, isn't that the building?

"... there's a sign out there, and that sounds pretty sure."

Walking down the road as taught, there was a shop right on the side of the road with a sign that said 'Residential Ten Thousand Handles'.

We will enter the store as soon as possible.

"Welcome. What can I do for you today? Looking for a place to stay?

"No, I'd like permission to transfer the subportal, please."

"... Oh, were you a Gentile? I beg your pardon."

"Um, don't residents use a home portal?

"You don't get a lot of use. Because the home portal is expensive."


"Yes.... please, call here"

"Oh, thank you"

"So, the subportal transfer authority, the customer is from a foreign country, right?

"Oh yeah, but is it also a problem?

"If you're from an outside country, I'm sorry, but you can't open it right away. The bureau needs to be notified..."

"I see. I mean, we have to go to the bureau and go through the process."

"I'm sorry, but I will.... Sorry to bother you, but could you get a permit from the bureau first?

"Okay. I just don't know where the bureau is, but what am I supposed to do with you?

"If that's the case, bring this map. We cover all the major facilities."

It was the map of the Stargazing Capital that was given to me.

If we opened it up and looked at it, it did cover the main facilities - the various guilds and bureaux, the homeshops, the location of the sub-portals, etc.

The bureau...... would it be quicker to walk from here than via the subportal?

"Thanks for the map. Then I'll go to the bureau."

"Oh, wait a minute. If I have your ID, can I show it to you?

"Okay.... Is this it?

Me and Yuki show the IDs that were given to us by their respective professional guilds.

"Thank you. If you have this many IDs, it would be easier to go ahead and deliver them to each guild first before they go to the bureau. If you have this many IDs, you will be able to provide references from each guild."

"Right. I'm sorry for everything."

"No, because we are very important customers."

"Well, I'll start by going around each guild."

"Yes, I look forward to seeing you again"

Well, I've changed my plans, but either way, I have to show my face to each guild, so are you with me?

"Hey, what guild should I turn from?

"For now, the position of each guild is falling apart... let's start with a culinary guild at a walking distance from here"

"Yeah, okay. Shall we go then?

Yuki will hold hands with me.

We're not in a hurry, and why don't we take a slow look around the Stargazing Capital.