"Hmm. I heard you're protecting fairy land, but this is a disgusting thing to relate to."

"That seems to be because you're too long for one."

"Right. Because I don't really enjoy the opportunity to get out of a small space called the Yin Yang Dorm. I don't really know what I'm capable of."

The two people in front of me were overwhelmed by the monsters as they conversed freely.

By entering the event area, I found out the levels of Lord Seimei and Kro, but there are 180 levels of Kro and 350 leading up to Lord Seimei.

In fact, the magic I've been using since earlier can be seen in the elementary one... the power was so different digits that they all blew up the monster in one blow.

It means I know exactly what the announcement just made means.

I won't struggle if I clear with characters like this and get experience and items.

"Hmm, do Lord Twa and Lord Yuki deal with each other too? He's a toothless opponent."

"No, I won't. When we join, it's going to take extra time."

"Right. I don't mind that much, but I don't mind."

"This time you are here with me as long as I can. We're the only ones who can do something about this kind of disorder."

"Ruri. Let's just say we keep moving forward."

… Whether the level limit is not working due to the event area, Lord Seimei will proceed without taking his enemies for granted.

A single armor sleeve would be exactly this.

I guess the stargazing capital, protected by the strength of this many monster classes, is an absolute safety zone.

"Amazing, Twa. Your enemies are getting defeated."

"Oh, right.... the enemy level is also 60, or at least stronger than the sealed ghost we know..."

"Well, is the seal Lord Twa and the others know weaker than here?

One, Crowe returns from Lord Seimei's side, who is defeating his enemies in an unbridled state, to speak to us.

"The weak, or sealed, place itself is a special creation. It's going to limit our strength to a certain level."

"... I see. Should I assume the chief just didn't tell you he was coming?"

"I guess.... By the way, don't Crowe have to help over there?

"I don't mind. My role now is to protect you both. The length... well, that strength makes it a big problem to get hit by surprises. Well, there is always the protection of the ceremonial God around the length, although it is not manifest now. I'm just saying that the enemies here aren't any more of an obstacle to the chief than they aren't."

"That's right.... but then why did you bring us here? It's not just a foot job.

"... As a matter of fact, there have been times when the two of us have visited the investigation here, but that door didn't open. So the chief wondered if anyone with spirits in their hometown would open it. That's what I was looking for both of you."

"In other words, whoever brought the spirits they were looking for was exploring the trend because they occasionally appeared in the stargazing capital."

"... well, that's what you say. I'm sorry if I offended you."

"I don't mind monitoring human trends from foreign countries because I don't think it's that uncommon in itself. My people have spirits in their families, but are you glad you didn't bring them?

"If the two of us couldn't do it, we were going to have them come with us then. But just the two of us opened that door. It's no longer necessary."

I see. You've ruined the chance to get an event for all of us.

Most people are obsessed with messing with the White Emperor Dragon material now, so they won't mind taking away one or two of the events.

"Hmm. You're really not responding. Wouldn't we be able to protect the seal without a little more powerful guardian beast?

"I wonder if that's hard. Just so we're clear, Seimei's too strong."

"Yeah, too strong. far from the realm of man."

"... Hmm, that's too much trouble."

Unilateral ravages by Lord Seimei continue as always in front of us.

Aeril and Shina are the ones who are frightened when they see it.

I can't help but be scared of that strength, too.

"Hmm, is it time to say it's the boss's turn? I hope you're at least the one with the bones."

"No, I don't think that's possible."

"Seimei, you're not dealing with a spiritual guardian."

"Sir, it's time for you to think of your own strength"

"Hmm, okay. Then we're going in."

Lord Seimei leaves the door open to the boss room and walks inside.

There he was, not a ghost, but a tiger body on the face of a monkey, and a monster with the tail of a snake, .

The level is also as high as 65... but whatever you think, Lord Seimei can only see a future that will kick your ass.

"Hmm. Come here, monster, is that coming too? Lord Twa, Lord Yuki, what was the opponent you two fought against?

"It was the ghosts we fought."

"Right. It was a ghost with armor."

"Right. Whether the guardian beast differs from place to place of seal, or appeared because I came... I am not exhausted of interest but I am in a state of battle there and there. Let me put up a battle here at once."

Chant the spell as Lord Seimei takes a single bill out of his sleeve and throws it at him.

"Hurry up, come, snake, jail flames!

At the end of Lord Seimei's spell, a sea of flames was created where the bills burned down the bright side (...) Ri (...) One (...) surface (...).

"Hmm, just a little too much?

"Not a little. Give me a few more moves."

"Uhm. Let's just try to be careful next time"

There was nothing left there when the sea of flames abruptly disappeared.

That's what you'd say your boss can't stand that blow either.

"Well, it looks like we've defeated the Guardian Beast and the others, but what do we do now?

"... you won't know if we ask. I've never done this before."

"... well. I was wondering if I could go to fairy land now."

"Was that what it was all about?"

The voice that's been interrupting our conversation.

That was the voice of Fairy Queen Titania.

"Long time no see. Twa, Yuki. Aeril and Shayna are more important than anything else."

"Yahoo, long time no see"

"Yeah, it's been a while"

Fairy Queen Titania greets the spirits with ease.

"So, what are you doing this for?

"Hmm, let me name you first. I am Seimei, acting director of Yin Yang dormitory. Now as soon as I heard there was a path leading to Fairy Town, I visited this one."

"Really? What are you going to do by visiting Fairy Home?

"Nothing in particular. I just wondered what kind of place Fairy Town was, hearing that it was in a different kind of logic."

"... Twa, Yuki. Is what this person is saying true?

The Fairy Queen also asks us in confusion.

... Even if they ask me that, we've just met.

"Honestly, you don't know. We just met, too. However, from previous experience, I don't think you're lying."

"Yeah, at least I think it's true that you want to go to fairy land. I don't know what you want to do there..."

"... the chief probably just wants to go to fairy land. There will be no other reason."

"... Really? I defeated , the guardian beast of the land, so I am well qualified to visit the fairy land..."

"Is there a problem?

"It's troublesome if they use this scale of technique on boulders in fairy towns."

"Ha ha. I don't use the power of the Twelve Heavenly Generals for no reason. I promise you that."

"... ok. Now, that's a pretty exceptional treatment, but let's give it fairy protection."

"Oh, that'll help."

"... now the fairy protection should have dwelt on you. I know it's going to take a while to get acquainted with your body, but don't try to make it look impossible because that's what you're saying."

"Right. Then we'll stop doing what we can't."

"Yeah, really, please."

"Titania, do you not give Clo the protection of fairies?

"Right. Let's give you some protection. … now you must have been sheltered by a fairy."

"Oh, it seems so. Thank you, Fairy Queen."

"No, because that's the role. Well, it's fairy town, will you be on your way soon?

"Right. If I can do it, I want to go right away."

"Okay. I will transfer you to Fairy Land with my help."

"Helpful, Lord Titania"

"Then I'll go"

A magic formation unfolded beneath our feet, and as it glowed, we were being transferred to fairy land.

"This will be the fairy land."

"Well, is this the fairy land?... Hmm, the quality of magic seems somewhat different from our world. Interesting."

"... Indeed. You feel a little strange."

"... the fairies are in big trouble today"

"Huh. Is it usually busier?

"I have visited Fairy Town several times. At that time, the fairies were dropping by..."

It's quiet today, if you say so.

"Naturally. If you show up with that much power, it will atrophy."

"Hmm, has my power atrophied the fairies? I'm sorry I did that."

"... long. It's time to go back?

"... right. I'm going to leave the Yin and Yang dorm empty forever. You interrupted, Lord Titania."

"No. If you are returning with the art of metastasis, please return to the human world once through that entrance and exit. It won't be easy to get back from a fairy town in another dimension, because it's hard to connect two dimensions poorly."

"Aye, okay. Now, if you'll excuse me.

"We apologize for the inconvenience. Fairy Queen's Palace"

"No, come back when you have time. Twa and Yuki are welcome, and the fairies seem to like them."

"Yeah, I'll see you then."

"Excuse me, Mr. Titania"

Returning to the human world from the Fairy Circle, we went straight back to Lord Seimei's room in the Yin and Yang dormitory with the art of Lord Seimei.

"Hmm, is that Fairy Town? That was quite interesting."

"Right. This one doesn't seem to be the same."

"... we don't know the difference."

"Yeah, you are."

"It's called getting used to it. Lord Twa and the others will find out if they get used to it.... Now, I have to thank you for taking me to Fairy Town. Anything you want?

... apparently you'll get paid for this event as well.

It's just that you can get rewarded for not doing anything.

"To be honest, even though I didn't do anything, they said it was a reward."

"Yeah, I don't know what to get..."

"Hmm, is that what you say?... Right, I might as well be Lord Twa. You'll have to wait."

That's all that's left to say, Lord Seimei disappears with a metastasis.

And after a little while, he showed up again.

Put a scroll in that hand.

"This is a scroll with the Yin Yang technique I used earlier, a copy of it. Let me give you this."

"... it looked like a hell of a high-end technique from what I've seen, don't you mind giving it to me that easy?

"I'm still going to look people in the eye for sure. Besides, they are so missed by spirits who supposedly spot evil. You wouldn't use it for bad purposes, would you?

"... well, I'm not going to use it for evil"

"Then you won't mind. You should take it. Oh, that scroll is a skill book. Be careful because if someone remembers, it won't disappear. And then you can't even bring it up more than Zipan."

"... our base is in the Kingdom of Sail Gardens."

"If you put it that way, you did. So you want me to read it here? I'll lend you a room."

"Uh, wait a minute, please"

I'll open the scroll.

It says something about the earlier technique surprisingly… I would say that I can't remember my skills without reading this.

"... I think it will take a while to finish reading this exactly"

"Right.... Right. There's Lord Yuki too, let's make him take another reward. I have prepared premises for the Gentiles. Let's give you the right to buy the house there. This mansion cannot be bought without a recommendation from a dignitary in Stargaze Capital. I can't complain about that."

"Well, then. It's not just a right to buy and give me the mansion, is it?

"If you want the mansion, you can have it there?

"Just the right to buy is fine"

"You have no greed. Well, fine. Then, I don't mind sometimes, so I should show my face. I'll tell the guards. Then again, this is a shortcut instead of an ID. I can't use it as a weapon because it doesn't have a blade on it, but if you show me this, I will tell you that it is an introduction from me. Something will help, so take it."

"... can I give you something like an ID that easy?

"What, the lords have no problem. This is the letter of introduction. Okay, clo. Show them the guests."

"I understand.... then we're going."

"Now if you'll excuse me, Lord Seimei."

"What, I enjoyed this one too. Thank you."

"Excuse me. Mr. Seimei."

Thus, the first meeting between me and Lord Seimei ended.

It should be noted that even after this, I will occasionally receive calls from Lord Seimei to be the speaker, but that is another story.