At dawn of the night Tuesday, even today, I did not go with Huilong Gear after logging in in in the morning to complete the morphological archery of swordsmanship, prepare breakfast, etc.

Lu Dou came with his homework with the sound of snow.

"... so why did you come suddenly with your homework again?

"No, my avatar is in the boat until after noon today. You can go to the event map, but this morning you're free to move around. Then I'd like to move on with my homework."

"So why did you come to my house?"

"Isn't that nice?... I don't do much homework on my own, and Snow Sister doesn't teach me much homework."

"You always tell me to do the range I can solve myself, don't you, Lu Dou?

"No, I am."

"Ha... I can't help what's come, so I don't mind doing my homework with you, but how far is it over?

"Um... is this it?

"... you're gonna go at this pace and finish your homework during the summer break."

"... that's why you're here asking for help"

"Ha... well, fine. Then we'll start homework early."

"Whoa!... by the way, what about Yaohua?

"If you're Yaohua, aren't you playing a game? He's almost done his homework."

"... As always, Yaohua is an excellent scholar"

"If I keep playing games like you, my parents will soon give me instruction. He's acting like he's around here."

"... and I'm jealous that you're a little bit more skilled than I am."

"I think it's a big deal to say you're inferior to real skills in your case, huh?

"... uuuuuuu. Don't say that because I understand that."

"But Yaohua can study, and exercise nerves are good, right? Am I a little jealous, too?

"Instead, he doesn't seem to be very good at ball games. He said," I can't do that kind of detail. "

"... Yaohua has a lot of momentum left to her."

"I hear you include that.... Well, I don't want time, and let's start homework early."

"... so is that. Suppose we start."

"Yeah, let's get started. I'm almost done with my homework."

"Right. I'm almost done, too."

"... why are the two of you playing the game as much as I do already done with your homework..."

"I think it's simply the difference in time you're devoting to your homework, huh? Me and Snow Sound are basically doing homework in the morning."

"... but I'm not convinced."

"Look, don't blur forever, I'll move my hands"

"Yes, sir. I know."

After that for a while, the three of us got to homework.

... although it was basically in the form of me or Snow Sound teaching where Ludou was jammed.

As it was, I was going to kill time with my homework in the morning, and with my homework cleared up in advance, Snow Sound and I were going to focus on seeing Ludou's homework.

If Lu Dou's homework is delayed, we will be the ones affected by it.

Time passed as I taught Ludou my homework, and eventually the snow noise headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch as lunch time approached.

The snow sounds and the kitchen in my house is on its own. What a guy to say, I understand exactly where and what is there.

So I decided to leave it to the snow noise for lunch.

By the way, they're planning on making pasta.

"With that said, did Yu and Snow Sister buy a house in Japan? What do you think, how comfortable are you with it?

"That's not bad. Well, Zippan's mansion hasn't got his hands on it yet, so nothing."

"It's not a house, it's a mansion..."

"At that scale, it's a mansion, not a house. Because there are 10 private rooms with fields and dojos."

"What a luxurious mansion. How much did you do?

"Hmm, maybe 8 million in total. Half the time with the snow sounds, it takes the form of a joint purchase."

"... you mean we came out with 4 million each. I envy the way you can pom money like that."

"You're pretty much monopolizing the top potions and food sales. Even considering the purchase value, the profit is quite significant. Unlike in real life, we don't pay for labor or taxes."

"With that said, don't you even have a commission if you trade in the market when you sell directly in a clan home? That would make a lot of money."

"Other bespoke equipment has been handled more recently."

"That's just that you were skipping too much originally. You're the only one who can make the best guns, so there's a lot of demand."

"I guess so. I had a hard time getting orders."

"... so don't stop production..."

"For once, I was careful not to blunt my arms with my own weapon or something."

I'm talking about flowing around for that matter.

"If I had an order, I would have flushed it."

"That's because you rarely take orders. I know you were treated like a dick on a bulletin board."

"... I wasn't hiding anything else. It was just a hassle to get on the table."

"I'm not pulling it off in a clan home.... but home? I think I'll buy one, too."

"It's tough if you try to have a workshop because it's a gypan, otherwise it's not that expensive. Why don't you even think about buying it?

"It might be an advantage not to have to think about where to log out and where to log in. The question is what to do with the commute..."

"All I can tell you is to buy a home portal there. I'll give you a lot of money."

"That's where it is. I wish I could at least fit in at about 1.5 million."

"Yeah? If you're buying a house in Gypan, it usually fits within that range."

"Seriously. … Should I seriously consider purchasing this when everyone gets together in the afternoon"

"Well, do as you please around there.... Look, your hands are stopping, okay?

"Oh, wow.... So, what else is the benefit of buying a house?

"Um, there's no clear benefit to it. Personal warehouse, or storage? and there's a shared warehouse, but that's because I wouldn't really use it at parties."

"Uh, I sure don't use it much. I distribute what I need on the spot."

"In the first place, I have no use for buying a house by myself other than enjoying the housing."

"... you will, in the end. Anyway, why don't you ask everyone if they want to buy a house?"

"That, Mr. Lu Dou. I was here. Does that mean Snow Sister's here, too? I hear things coming from the kitchen."

Yaohua, who came out of his room, came to the living room.

Sure, it's normal for me and Yaohua to be the only ones in the day, and since I'm here and Ludou is there, it's normal for you to think that snow sounds are coming too.

"If it sounds snowy, I'm cooking lunch. You said you'd make it pasta, so you could do it soon."

"Snow sister for lunch. What kind of pasta is that?

"Well. You said you'd make it from certain ingredients, and it's easy stuff, right? There are only a few pasta sauces available."

"It's Snow Sister who adds a lot of work there. If you're my brother, it's easy to make and finish. Still delicious though."

"Then you don't mind.... What were you doing in the morning?

"Hmm, if you enjoyed your sailing trip, would you go to the event map and earn points? The view of the ocean from the high-speed ship was quite good."

"That's good. What about the homework guy?

"You're almost done. What about your brother?

"Don't end me, too. It's about Lu Dou that's not over."

"It's Mr. Lu Dou. You don't have a choice."

"... underrated by Yaohua..."

"It's the usual difference."

"Yeah, yeah."

"These brothers and sisters..."

"We're ready for dinner, people."

"Ah, Snow Sister. I heard it's pasta, but what's on the menu?

"I had this pasta sauce, so I tried pepperoncino-style pasta."

"Sasa but Snow Sister! Then we'll have lunch soon."

"Wash your hands properly, will you?


Then we'll have lunch, too.

"Oh, right. Mostly, homework has progressed."

"You have to be able to do your own homework, Lu Dou"

"Yes, yes, I know. So, what are we gonna do this afternoon?

"Well, I have something to do this afternoon, so I'm going home."

"What do you want to do?

"For now, let's have dinner. Pasta's gonna get nasty."

"So is that. Do you want to continue after eating?"

"Right. Well, let's make it better."

Separate the stories once for lunch.

After all, you can't beat the snow noise no matter how you scratch it with your cooking skills.

After I finished my lunch, I went back to the rest of my earlier story.

"So what do you want to do with the snow noise?

"Yeah, I'd like you to help me, too. It's time to take good care of the mansion."

"... so is that. I'm talking about a ceremonial god for the management of the mansion, but I'm not using it."

"Right. I have to buy some more furniture."

"So is that. Will the production work crumble at night and the mansion be ready during the day?"

"Yeah, please."

Then, when we come to Japan, we'll go to the Stargazing Capital.

"Right. You had a boss on the way?

"Yeah, but I don't think you're gonna struggle there anymore because you're level 45."

"Right. Please show me everything you need to know about Japan."

"We don't even know that much about guidance."

"That's it there. I'll call you when I get there, please."

"Well, okay. So, what time does it take for a ship to arrive in Japan?

"Um, I think it's around 3pm in real life. If it's on schedule."

"Oh well. It would be 5: 00 or so early to reach the Stargazing Capital."

"Right. Then I shall return to my room. Nice to meet you then, brother."

"Okay. Bye."

"... Well, then lunch is almost done, and when I clean up after, I'll go home"

"I'll wash the dishes, if you leave them in the sink, they'll be fine."

"I'll clean it up, too, okay?

"I'll clean it up later. In the meantime, I need you to go home and get ready for everything."

"Yeah, okay. Well, good to see you."

"Oh. Take care and go home."

"Yeah, thanks, Yo-kyun"

"Oh, I'll see you later."

Drop off the two of you as you clear your homework and go home, wash dishes and clean up.

The kind of cookware was cleaned up by the snow noise, and now there's no problem.

Suppose I start the game by doing my part?


Login to Zipan's Mansion.

There's no point in logging in with a clan home to put all sorts of hands on the mansion.

Looks like Yuki hasn't logged in yet.

In the meantime, open the admin menu of the mansion to activate the five ceremonial gods that were in an inoperative state.

They took the MP as a startup cost but I don't care.

Ceremony God seems to be taunting his looks a lot, so I left him in the sitting child shape for now.

You can change your appearance at any time from the menu, and it won't be a problem if Yuki formally decides after she comes.

"Well, I hope you activated the ceremonial god, but what can you do?

"You can manage the mansion and everything."

"... you can talk about ceremonial gods."

"We can do everything necessary to manage the mansion. What should I do?

"... by the way, how am I supposed to manage the mansion?

"You can clean, organize your luggage, manage your garden. And the management of the fields."

"Management of the field?... How long does that take to be usable?

"Since the field is not yet maintained, it will take about two days for the two ceremonial gods to use it."

"Hmm, well, can you do me a favor? I wonder if the rest of the ceremonial gods are cleaning the house. There's nothing in the package itself."

"Okay. Then I'll go."

The sitting children went to their respective tasks when they were thankful.

Looking out the window, the sitting children were plowing the fields in the field compartment using wax (wax) and wax (suki).

He's a little uncomfortable because he's a small looking kid, but he's plowing the fields without any bitterness.

Yuki came after watching that for a while.

While holding one sitting boy.

"Twa, what's wrong with these kids? She's cute, but when did she start living in the house?

"Uh, that's the ceremonial god I got when I bought the mansion. I'm asking you to take care of the fields and clean the house for now, so let him go."

"Oh, yeah, okay"

The sitting boy who escaped Yuki's confinement went back to clean the mansion when he was greeted.

In front of the owner of the mansion, do you give a thank-you every time and then walk away?

"But do you need to clean the mansion?

"Oh, that or. There's an item called cleanliness when you open the management menu of the mansion. In fact, I'm not sure what that means."

"... oh, really. So you asked those kids to clean up. So, ceremonial gods can only look like those kids?

"No, there are different patterns, but I thought that was the easiest one. I can check the list from the mansion menu, so you can look at it and change it."

"... Yeah, a sitting boy is the easiest. I'd rather have a sitting boy than a normal townsman or something."

"You seem to like it. Above all. Well, then let's go buy some furniture."

"Yeah, okay"

Me and Yuki went out again to the furniture store where we went to buy futons before, and walked in search of various pieces of furniture.

I basically leave the taste of choosing furniture to Yuki, but I'll buy a tan or something to keep in my room.

I'm sorry that fine furniture can be left to Yuki, but there's nothing I can do about all this because it's a difference in taste.

Looks like Yuki decided to buy some old-fashioned furniture to suit the atmosphere of the mansion.

I can't even ask the boulder to pay for the purchase, so I'll do the accounting on my side.

When you buy the furniture and come back, all you have to do is install it.

Yuki instructed me to install the furniture, but the sitting children were also helpful at this time.

It's easy to install even heavy furniture with unseen power.

There was anxiety about the furniture in the high places because it was low, but it seemed to be able to float and it was easy to install.

After installing the furniture, the furniture was maintained in a private room, but I rubbed it a little with where to put my personal private room.

I mean, I could rub it, but Yuki wanted to be in a room for two, just like Cranhome.

It's also kind of embarrassing to share a room with a boulder all the way to his mansion, so he decided to call it a different room here.

... In fact, it is a room that is overrun, so if you open it, it becomes a large room.

By the way, the private room decided to be upstairs instead of the previous first floor.

The first floor is more convenient to get around, but the second floor still had a better view.

Relax and tea on the edge with Yuki when all the work is done.

In the fields visible from the edges, sitting children plow the fields with zakuzak, but it was also decided not to think too deeply as one of the landscapes.

From the edge there is nothing to block it to the sea, so you can look out over the sea.

I can also make walls etc...... now it would be nice to stay like this.

Hal texted me when I was resting somehow looking out at the sea.

Apparently, we've reached the stargazing capital.

Looks like Rick's party is with him, too, and let's try to get together and give him some guidance on Zipan.