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Behind the Section. Official Bulletin Board 28

[For Summer Vacation] Floating Island Exploration Board Part 98 [Adventure!

1. Unnamed Gentiles

First Half of the Summer Holiday Event: Treasure Hunt on Floating Island! 'This is a thread to discuss

Enjoy the summer vacation for everyone!

But keep your manners.

Operations are constantly monitoring bulletin boards

Caution because in some cases every sled is erased!!

The next thread is to be built by > > 970

Previous Thread


14. Unnamed Gentiles

The floating island Ibe is on its last day, too.

How are you guys doing?

15. Unnamed Gentiles

I can't do it, I can't do it.

I was able to get the extra event gear and was very satisfied

16. Unnamed Gentiles

Since the information from the index that we can add attributes to the Holy Spirit weapon came out, we've been planning a pretty frequent Reid Boss tour.

17. Unnamed Gentiles

It's a big deal to add attack attributes to a Holy Spirit weapon.

You're basically going to be attacking with the most damaging and efficient attributes, so if you put a weakness attribute on it, you're going to have a damage multiplier don.

18. Unnamed Gentiles

But what was the difference between a player who could only add one attribute of Holy Spirit weapon and a player who could add two?

Even the index remained a mystery, I guess?

19. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 18

There was a powerful hypothesis about that coming out of another intelligence clan.

You know, the number of attributes you can add depending on how much Holy Spirit weapons grow.

He said it was a Holy Spirit weapon that hasn't grown much since the initial state. It was only for one event weapon, and when it was pretty grown, it was possible to add a second one.

20. Unnamed Gentiles

Does that mean the players you've worked so hard to raise were in your favor?

21. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 20

Basically, it does, but what matters is, "How strong have you gotten from your initial state?"

Weapon that was strong from the beginning was hard to increase attributes, and it seemed easy to increase attributes when it was a weak weapon at first

22. Unnamed Gentiles

Isn't that more advantageous for the players who were weak at first?

The players who built the Holy Spirit weapon with a powerful weapon from the beginning are more at a disadvantage.

23. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 22

Hi. I hear you're not.

The Holy Spirit weapon has an item called the Holy Spirit level, but it seems the number of attributes that can be added depends on its value.

So, that Holy Spirit level seemed weaker in the early stages. Weapons are easier to ascend

I don't know where the Holy Spirit level is Kanst, but I can't say which is generally advantageous because it seems to perform better at the same level than making it with a strong weapon from the start... it seems

24. Unnamed Gentiles

At the end of the day, if the Holy Spirit level rises somewhat, even a strong weapon can add attributes, right?

If the Holy Spirit level kansts, can you also do all the attribute weapons of your dreams or something?

25. Unnamed Gentiles

Don't let your dreams swell.

Hey, it's time for the predicted event boss to show up.

26. Unnamed Gentiles

Event on the last day, boss. Salute the great fellow who checked out the appearance time.

27. Unnamed Gentiles

Don't be silly. Just get ready...

That's a stupid big dragon came www.

28. Unnamed Gentiles

Status Breakthrough Success

The boss says his name is Evil Emperor Dragon Cars Dome, and his level is 90.

29. Unnamed Gentiles

I feel like it's only gonna be level 90 or a snort scream, www.

30. Unnamed Gentiles

Anyway, it looks like the battle's about to start.

Let's go without alarm, Oler.

31. Unnamed Gentiles

When we show our solidarity!

(I'm the # 1 damage ranking!!

32. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 31

He's trying to run out while he's talking about solidarity and whatnot.

681. Unnamed Gentiles

... you managed to repel

682. Unnamed Gentiles

Oops, tired.

I knew you had a lot of dead bodies.

683. Unnamed Gentiles

I can't stand an attack from a Level 90 boss on a boulder or anything www.

684. Unnamed Gentiles

You weren't that aggressive. The front tank was mostly there.

685. Unnamed Gentile

Too many tank ignore attacks, too spicy...

686. Unnamed Gentiles

We can fight without a real Despena.

Don't give up on the floor.

687. Unnamed Gentile

The rankings have been announced.

# 1 damage ranking is [Swordsman]

That's a reasonable place.

688. Unnamed Gentiles

The other two names are eating at the top of their rankings in their respective fields.

689. Unnamed Gentile

I thought the # 1 damage ranking was [meteor rain], but you're not surprisingly prolonged.

I mean, the top momentum that was DPS higher than that meteorite rain is a monster.

690. Unnamed Gentile

I'm telling you, Meteorswarm isn't that expensive.

Because of the long recast time, even if the instantaneous damage is high, the continuous damage seems to grow.

I know you recognize the problem around there is [meteor rain], but I'm guessing you couldn't even do a lot of silly ska shooting because of the MP problem.

691. Unnamed Gentiles

[Swordsman] cut the boss from start to finish.

If it looks like that, it would be 0 Death, and I'd nod the first place in the damage rankings.

692. Unnamed Gentiles

... That being said, I don't have [the Sangami] 's name anywhere.

693. Unnamed Gentiles

Oh, seriously?

694. Unnamed Gentiles

Oh, really.

Player name search won't hook you up

Does that mean you weren't in it?

695. Unnamed Gentile

I bet you do.

If you were in it, you'd eat into the top rankings.

696. Unnamed Gentiles

I thought you had something to do with the summer break, though.

In fact, there are quite a few players who have two names but have no names in the rankings.

697. Unnamed Gentile

Socialists will usually have a lot of people at work...

Okay, let's get ready for the next fight.

698. Unnamed Gentiles

I don't know about society...

Unlike students, I have a summer vacation...

699. Unnamed Gentile

Wye, normally paid.

700. Unnamed Gentiles

Next time it was around 16: 00.

By then, we'll have to repair our gear and refill our restoration items.

701. Unnamed Gentiles

I hope [Demon Gun Ghost] opens the store.

You've earned more points on this Raid Boss, so you can buy a lot of luxury healing items.

702. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 701

You didn't even open the store because you weren't at the event.

I'm glad you're doing an outdoor.


[For Summer Vacation] Floating Island Exploration Board Part 103 [Adventure!

800. Unnamed Gentiles

Cars Domea Complete Crusade Over Good Luck!!

801. Unnamed Gentiles

Seriously, good job.

I mean, the last one, most of the players were Zombie Attack, right?

802. Unnamed Gentiles

The final form is strong, Iknai.

And by the second war, recovery pills were almost gone from the market, too, Iknai.

But your last performance was hot.

803. Unnamed Gentiles

It was cool for the Pendragon Emperor to fly in and cover me after it became the final form of Carsdomea.

But then I guess you could have come from the beginning (

804. Unnamed Gentile

> > 803

It's like you could have won because of that, and no complaints.

805. Unnamed Gentile

Speaking of which, the final game ranking and overall ranking were announced, but the damage ranking went on for three fights and it was [Swordsman].

806. Unnamed Gentile

[Swordsman] Seriously, he was strong.

I mean, I've never seen a weapon used by [Swordsman], but did you make a new knife again?

807. Unnamed Gentile

> > 806

I asked, but it sounds like a giant knife equipped with a Huilong.

They're gathering the material, and they're asking for it from the library.

808. Unnamed Gentile

Uh, you were a Huilong gear.

But why was the design subtly different from the normal Hui Long gear?

809. Unnamed Gentile

We don't know that far from the boulder.

Also, the only ranking reward for each hour was the event points, but I hear you got a special item for your overall ranking.

[Swordsman] was happy to get a new knife soon.

810. Unnamed Gentile

[Swordsman] Because we only really use sword-based weapons.

What kind of weapon was that, by the way?

811. Unnamed Gentiles

A knife that unleashed a so disgusting aura.

I didn't even ask the boulders for performance.

812. Unnamed Gentiles

Looks like the other top guys were getting all kinds of gear.

Looks like it's basically equipment from Cars Dome.

813. Unnamed Gentiles

I haven't dropped any Cars Dome material, so this event is geared exclusively for the top ranks...

I'm jealous of those boulders.

814. Unnamed Gentiles

No, they don't.

815. Unnamed Gentile

> > 814

Out of the way.

816. Unnamed Gentiles

I've been checking for official announcements, but I'm sure you'll be eligible for an Event Point Exchange later.

And the event points will also be handed over to the urban defense in the second half of the battle.

We'll find out later, okay?

817. Unnamed Gentile

All right, I'm gonna be a city defense hero.

818. Unnamed Gentiles

Cars dome gear, less aggressive, but baste reinforcement for baste 'curse' grant.

That's the gear I want for a debuffer.

819. Unnamed Gentile

Even if you're not a debugger, you're strong enough to grant a 'Curse' effect to an attack.

Anyway, I'm tired.

820. Unnamed Gentile

People who want to join us because they're going to be launching near the central camp.

821. Unnamed Gentiles

Oh, come on.

822. Unnamed Gentiles
