"Yuzuki, I'm here... What is this mentz?"

Yuki and I came to the "Library" clan home in response to Yuki's call.

Those waiting there were representatives of the production clans who said "Crafters Union," "Noir Chamber of Commerce," "Orihalconhammer," and "Fresh Animal".

"Have you come? Can you just listen to me for a second?

"I don't mind that...... what the hell is going on and this member is gathering in the 'library'?

"I need to explain that to you for now. Actually, I'm from Zero City, or Event Server, but they're over-supplying the material."

"... oversupply yesterday today? Why would you do that?

"Apparently, you get quite a few event points, not only in monster crusades, but also in collecting and mining. It seems that a large number of players found out about it ran to collect material..."

"As a result, a large number of high-ranking materials appeared. … you can't use event points."

"... Isn't that a problem?

"Oh, it's a problem. It looks like other players are now able to use the Marketboard on the Event Server, but they're also flooded with material."

"Extremely, if you create an item using Event Server material on the Event Server, you will get Event Points. Thanks to this, we have a lively deal on the level of material that even the average player can handle"

"Isn't that a good thing?

"This is the problem from here. Intermediate class materials were actively interacted and processed items became available on the market as well. However, distribution of advanced items is lagging behind. There are no players who can process it, even if it can be collected as a material."

"That's why we're in a situation where we have to go over there and consume those advanced materials. We had them gathered in a hurry."

I'm sure that would be a problem.

Materials that can also be handled in intermediate classes are actively traded, but there is nothing that can be done about advanced materials that are inherently more rare than that.

So we go over there and create items that are made of such advanced materials?

"So, how does your clan plan to move?

"'Orihalcon Hammer' is already in motion. I'm the only one left to adjust."

"Same goes for the Noir Chamber of Commerce. Everyone who's logged in is going over there."

"The same goes for the 'Crafter Union'. I was ready before I got here, but you'll already be over there."

"The same goes for Fresh Animal. That said, we have very few logged in members, and we haven't been around much."

"Well, by the way, what does' library 'look like?

"Dwan and Illis are already on their way. They're supposed to be in production work over there."

"Right. Then why don't we head right for it, too?

"... I have something to decide before I do."

"What do you want to decide? What the hell is that?

"It's about what you do with the items you make. The gear and consumables we make are supposed to perform one or more steps better than the rest of us. The market will be even more chaotic if there are so many of those items out there."

"... That said, I can't help but siphon in the items I made?

"That's the hard part. As far as we are concerned, I want to sell the items I made. But you can't drive away the commodities of the average player either. It's a question of where to drop it."

"By the way, is it just the event point you use to trade? Can't we trade in cash?

"It seems that Event Server can only trade at Event Points. I can tell you that's why I'm in trouble, and I can tell you that I'm helping. That's the subtle part."

Is the transaction an event point only?

It's going to clap for extra confusion if we can trade in regular cash, but I guess that seems unlikely to prevent it.

But it looks like it's going to be a lot harder to market items made of advanced materials...

"The decision at the moment is to collect the material that is bumping on the event server and use it for production activities. It's a completely undecided state of affairs about the sales ahead."

"By the way, are trade and other specifications usually with the server?

"Right. They seem to have exactly the same specifications for you."

"I can't do it if it's so different."

"Anyway, the first step must be to get rid of the Event Server material to some extent."

"Must be. Do you mind if I take a look at the finished items and sell them?

"Agreed. I can't imagine how to move in my current state."

"Agree as well. I think we'd like to discuss it again, including intelligence clans and combat clans."

"So this is the place to dissolve. Thanks for the library, though."

At the end of the meeting, representatives of each clan will follow the clan home.

I guess they will also be working on creating items on the event server after this.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm going to have to ask you both to join me in creating the item."

"Okay. But do you have the material Yuki handles? There won't be much repertoire with all the monster meat."

"Looks like you're okay there, too. Monster drops contain all kinds of ingredients. They sometimes drop flour and rice, so I don't think there's enough ingredients."

"Okay. But can we buy and collect materials at our event points?

"I don't have a problem with that. You must have snatched rabbits during the day yesterday, didn't you? I've got a lot of Event Points at that time, so no problem."

"Was it? You didn't confirm the event point..."

"You're still missing those places, aren't you? Anyway, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the first one, so we're moving to the Event Server."

As prompted by Teak Moon, we also move to the event server.

The transfer gate square ahead of the move was dwindling in the number of people as if the crowd was a lie yesterday.

Still around hearing the party call, the fact that the heat hasn't cooled down yet?

...... I can't do it if the heat is cooling on the second day of an event that lasts 12 days though.

"Well, we're moving to the clan home. Marketboards are also available in this clan home, so let's go from there and buy materials and move on to production."

"Yes, I understand"

"Copy that. Looking forward to seeing how much material you have."

Move from the transfer gate to the clan home on the event server.

The destination of the transfer was usually the same talking room in the clan home as the server.

"Nothing's gonna change here, is it?"

"Not only here, but the rest of the room will be the same. However, I can't use any housing features like object placement or wallpaper changes."

"So you can't even sell stores?

"You can't. More than that, it wouldn't make sense to have a setting that allows store sales than no other clan member can come to the clan home, would it?

"... is that true too? So, what if I start making potions, too?"

"I'll start cooking, too."

"I'm going to the workshop first. Call me if you need anything."

Drop Yuzuki off at the workshop one foot away and we'll see what's going on in the market.

Then there it was, quite a demonic realm.

"... this is another dramatic increase or decrease in price"

"Right. The difference between the cheapest and the most expensive flour is over 1,000 points."

"Let's just buy it from the cheaper one and see how it goes"

"Right. If you buy too many, you'll have trouble using them up, so you can buy some quantity at a time."

The premium material means that you choose to buy more materials than the high potion.

However, I know that high potion materials can usually be collected on the server, but I have never heard of a color potion based material being able to be collected.

I also sell resuscitation medication materials, and you prioritize and secure these materials first.

Once you have secured the material, move to the workshop to create the item.

Yuki has also been able to secure ingredients that will be high ranking dishes, and has already started cooking.

However, it seems unfortunate that medicinal herbs for cooking medicinal meals could not be obtained and that you cannot prepare them.

I also started creating high potions, but the effect of changing jobs was that the maximum MP was down, and the number of potions I could make at a time was down.

So I started with the MP potion, but the influence of becoming a senior alchemist makes potion creation easier than ever.

After that, if you keep an eye on the amount of MP and ST left, you'll have no problem.

And after about two hours of doing the loop of producing items to get event points and buying and collecting more materials at that event point, a large number of potions were complete.

Note that the event points available for potion creation were 100 for high potion, 250 for color potion and 400 for resuscitation medicine.

I can only make a star 11 and a star 12 for quality, so I don't know what the event points would be if they were below that quality, but at least they were the same event points for a star 11 and a star 12.

"Good day, Twa. Shall we take a break?

"Right, will you? Let's head to the conversation room."

Moving into the talking room with Yuki, Dwan and Illis were also taking a break.

These two are also sitting in a chair looking pretty tight on the boulder.

"Oh, the Twas. How's it going over there?

"Fair enough, I guess. How's it going over there?

"Honestly, it's an infinite loop because you get quite a few event points. Complete one piece of gear to get 5,000 points."

"If we don't stop somewhere nice in Kiri, we can make it all the way to the time limit. I can't even sell the equipment I made, so I'm just saving it in the warehouse."

"By the way, how much is the price of equipment on the event server so far?

"Something like 5,000-10,000 10-Star Gear. That's why it's so hard for us to put a price on it."

"Normally if you price from the cost, even 12-star gear won't give you 20,000 points. You'll get 5,000 points when you build your gear, so even if you think about the cost of the material, it's going to be pretty cheap."

"Well... that's a hassle"

"What about Twa?

"Uh, about 500 points in high potion when I try to put a price on it too. I wonder how much the middle potion costs?

"Definitely about 300 points at 10 stars. If you think about it, you'll be driving out the middle potion all at once."

"I knew you couldn't sell it to a detour. Is Yuki something like that?

"Uh... yeah, I guess I feel the same way. It's hard to differentiate the cost of cooking, so you earn extra points."

"I guess we'll have to meet in plenary session about that."

"It is. … Now it's time for us to go back."

I'll see you later.

Dropping off the two of us going back to the workshop, me and Yuki go into a break.

Along the way, Hal and Rik brought in potion materials and ingredients, which increased the amount of work, but we decided to create items as long as time allowed.

If this happens on the second day, don't be considerate about the situation after this.