After the show called the Twelve Heavenly Generals' Probation, Yuki and I returned to the Clan Home.

Because I haven't made the potion for sale for Norma today yet.

Norma doesn't mean that it was decided by someone, but the lowest number I've ever decided for myself.

By the end of the summer vacation event and the replenishment of consumables, the upgrade of the advanced production set has also been completed.

So now there was a 100% chance that the highest quality potions could be made.

My potion is also sold in stores because of the 12 star ban, but it basically feels like it is sold from the side of the line.

Yuki's dishes are in the same situation, and unlike the gear they don't make unless asked for, they usually sell in stores, but there is no indication that the sale will be dull at all.

I have a limit on the number of purchases and a limit on post-purchase trade so that it cannot be resold easily, but it still sells without any problem.

... There seems to be a loophole where you can resell consumables even if you have trade restrictions, but if you care that much, you can't sell them, so the resale measures are to that extent.

Anyway, since we continue to be able to sell just what we make, we try to make potions for sale every day.

I don't have the muscle to complain because I didn't make it, but I sell the minimum number so I can't complain.

That's why I was contacted by the professor that he was creating a potion for today.

Around 30 minutes, as I was just saying in time, I don't know what the book is.

In the meantime, I ask you to wait in the talking room, and as soon as the potion you are making is ready, I decide to head to the talking room.

"Hi, Mr. Twa. That's the first time I've seen you."

"Oh, just now. So, what are you talking about?

"Um, it's the result of releasing Twelve Heavenly Generals information on a bulletin board before the main issue, but it seems quite resounding"

"... because it's a flashy skill. So, what's wrong with that?

"I don't think so. Twa, the way you got it is also public, so you should understand that it's not that easy to get in a regular player."

"So what players don't understand?

"... well, I want you to defend yourself there. Twa, are you trying not to accept texts or chats from anyone other than someone you know? I want you to do something about it."

Professors have a lot to deal with.

... Well, there's only one player I can use, so even if I hide it, I'll find out soon enough.

"Somehow, that's a throw. Well, if it's not the same as usual, I'll deal with it here when the idiot gets here."

"That's where I left it. Twa, you wouldn't be a problem... or because it's a bulletin board release that includes a decision to end the operation. If you're a regular player, you care more about anonymity."

"Even in my case, it's something you want me to be concerned about, isn't it?

"In your case, Twa, there's nothing you can do about it. It is a well-known fact that you use it flashly in defensive combat events, and there are many videos of the scenes you use, Twa. Twa, it's published on the bulletin board, including that you remember your skills, so it's no different now that you've hidden the informant. At best, other than you, Twa, whether or not a skill acquirer showed up is something we can talk about."

"I feel a little blinded, even to that extent."

"It would be just as difficult. Normally, some players delivered live test shots, and hiding only the message boards doesn't make a big difference."

"... is that what they say? So, what's going to happen to you over there?

"Interested players would head towards Japan. However, as far as official broadcasts go the other day, they have hidden high magnification skills besides Gypan."

Official broadcast?

Not just me, but all the members around me are missing out, so you have no idea what's going on.

"Hmm. With that said, I'm not watching that official broadcast, what were you publishing?

"Well... First of all, there was an explanation for the special genre skills of physics skills. Most of all, it was a known fact for the superiors."

"I guess. I wonder where I can remember what kind of genre skills later."

"It was also partly published about it. In the King's Capital of the Kingdom of Sail Gardens, he remembers the genre skills of swords and spears, the genre skills of heavyweight weapons like axes in the Urzasky Empire, and the genre skills of bows in Forestania, the land of elves."

"I see. But you didn't mention being able to remember the genre skills of a knife in Zipan?

"You were rattled about it in the comments, so you were rushed. It was private about how many different kinds of classroom skills there were and how to remember them."

"If you publish so much, there's no point in looking..."

"That's why physics players are desperate to find the conditions to remember their genre skills. We also have a lot of inquiries into the Index."

"Oh well. Speaking of which, what about the sword-based genre skills that Mitsubaki and I have provided?

"… I was told and thought. Mr. Twa, I'm sorry about next time, but I need you to take me to Dragoneut's den."

"Yeah? I told you how to get there, didn't I? So you couldn't get there?

"It was impossible to get there. Twa, I asked you. There was no division near here, only the main road continued as it was. At the end of the main road is also the city of Dragoneworth, so it's too much confusion."

Yeah, was there a city in Dragoneworth up ahead?

That said, is it a problem that we haven't been able to reach the hiding place?

"Really? Does that mean that a player who's been there once has to show you the pattern?

"It probably is. Or do you need to flag in advance for players who have never been there to get there on their own?"

"If that's what you're saying, I'll show you next time. I need more aftercare than just selling information on Tsukikage's swordsmanship."

"... Well, from what I've heard, it's going to be hard for normal players to learn Tsukikakagi style swordsmanship"

"Really? We just need to fight the NPC normally and be recognized, okay?

"That admissibility is the problem. As a matter of fact, no one can pass the exam yet."

"Really? I don't know because I don't remember, but you're that tough."

"It seems tough. Including special genre skills, high multiplier skills seem to be more aggressive the more stringent the acquisition conditions."

"I see. Twelve Heavenly Generals and other preconditions are strict, and SP80 consumption means that power."

"It is beyond your control because it has been further strengthened. It would be difficult to use in PvP because of the nature of the skills."

"Not tough on PvP. Same goes for consumption, but it's tight because there are gaps before and after use"

"Well, even in that sense, the balance seems to be striking. They also have a bundle of exams, acquisition SPs, and post-acquisition training methods to remember special classroom skills."

"I see. By the way, Tsukikage Stream Knife Technique was SP20, but how much does Ouka Stream Knife Technique cost?

"From what I've heard, it's SP40. It seems to be a famous school in Japan, so it is easy to get to the exam, but the exam is very demanding. On top of that, there are more SPs consumed, so the acquirer can hardly come out."

"Hmm, I see. Well, I'm not gonna remember."

"That would be wiser. It seems to be a skill attack power reference for the STR main with a knife-based equipment that is supposed to take the DEX main reference value. It seems that the endurance value will also be considerably reduced, so it will be in a position where I said difficult special skill to use"

"I see.... so, professor. What's the point?

That's just getting longer, so it's time for you to get down to business.

I still have to make items after this.

"Well, let's get down to business. In fact, even magic skills have found high multiplier skills."

"Well, you are. So, what's wrong with that?

"There are two types of magical system high magnification skills currently discovered, Spirit Magic and Original Magic"

"Hmm, so, what's wrong with that?

"Well, listen a little more." Spiritual sorcery "can be remembered in Forestania, the kingdom of the elves. In contrast, the original magic needs to go to the Magic Kingdom Mana Reef."

"Is there a different country you can remember"

"That's right.... Well, here's the problem." Spiritual sorcery "and" original sorcery, "but I can only remember one of them."

"... if that's what the system says, then what isn't?

"Um, I thought it was a system that said so at first, too. But as we looked into it, we found that it was possible to learn both skills at the same time."

"What are the possibilities of remembering both sides? Did you have any information that could be substantiated?

"There was an SS (screenshot) image uploaded on the official bulletin board that acquired the skills of both parties. If it is an official bulletin board, false information processed and made will be deleted if it is reported, but the image remains the same even if it is reported."

Well, that certainly doesn't seem fake.

"Hmm, so, you want me to look into that?

"That's what you're saying. We are also doing a lot of research, but the preceding members have already learned one skill or the other. I can only say that it was a detour, but it is difficult to investigate any further in the Index."

"I don't care if they say... Even with me, there's a lot to do, and most importantly, it would take a lot of time to travel between countries, wouldn't it? We don't know if we can afford that much, do we?

"We don't have to worry about inter-state mobility, because the September update now provides a service called 'dragon cars' that will automatically travel to the border. This will get you to the border while you're logged out."

"Is it like a fast ship when you go to Japan?... Looks like a handy system has been opened up for a long time, but is something wrong?

"It's more like we built a system because there was nothing there. There seemed to be quite a few players who moved to another country during the summer holidays. Even during the event, we needed to create a more convenient way to get around."

"I see. By the way, how do I get in a dragon car?

"You can ride from a dragon car departure point in a determined city. Most importantly, we need a lot of money…"

"Well, that doesn't really matter to me. E has quite a bit, or too much."

"That's what I'm saying. I was wondering if you could help me with the investigation?


Honestly, I'm not really interested.

"Blah, I guess I don't have the advantage of looking into that. I don't care if you get paid for it."

"I'm thinking about it. The price is paid in kind with information."

"Information and in kind?

"Um, it is. First of all, it's information, but Twa, you'll also be concerned about the production system content added in the September update, giving us the information we looked into 'Adding Special Effects'. Twa, you don't know much about this either, do you?

"Right. I only know that you need special items to add special effects."

"It provides the information that we 'index' examined about that part. Of course, you can also present items that serve as catalysts."

Hmm, information from the 'index' or...

You'll get more information than we'll go through, one by one.

But I don't think it's going to be easy to finish our investigation.

"... in the meantime, can I just say that this matter is on hold? If you're gonna get the information, you might be interested in someone other than me."

"It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, you can repeat your previous explanation."

"... then would it be quicker to have just the members who are here? I'm gonna have a little rendezvous, so just wait for me."

"Um, please."

Well, I wonder how many other members are logged in... So are they all logged in?

I knew Yuki was producing in the workshop, but are they all working in their respective workshops?

Why don't we just hang out in the clan chat?

"Guys, can we get some time out of this?

"What's wrong, Twa? I thought you were talking to the professor about something.

"The professor asked me to do something for you. I want to talk to you all once, can we get some time?

I'm not gonna be okay.

"Me too."

"I wonder if my uncle will be okay too"

"If you could just give me a moment, I'd be fine."

'I have no problem with that, either. So, what did you ask for?

"An investigation into magical skills. The reward is for the information on the production system content added this time."

'I see. Then we should all listen to each other for once. Well, I was wondering if you could give me a moment. I'll be on my way when the work I'm doing is done.'

"Copy that. I'll wait for you."

Looks like they're all gonna be okay for now.

"How was it, Mr. Twa?

"They're all gonna be okay. We'll all be together in a little while."

"That was good. Then I'll have to wait too."

Well, I'm supposed to listen to you for now, but I don't know what's gonna happen.

Maybe you'll take it, but how are you going to act?