Unlimited World - 90% of the battle for productive jobs is ready

288.10 Monthly Updates and Event Announcements

"Oh, it looks like we have an update for the month and an announcement of the upcoming event, brother"

"Yeah? Really?

Looks like one day in October, when the heat was softening, Yaohua found an update related announcement from the Unlimited World operation announcement.

It's just, I'm cooking right now.

"Yeah, yeah. So here's the update, but isn't your brother going to be busy?

"What do you mean?

"There was a" Add Weapon Species "in the update, but there was a" Add Shotgun "in the gun. And," [Alchemy] Addition of all kinds of weapons that can be made with skills. "

"... you've got a lot of focus on your [alchemy] skills with a pinpoint"

"Um, look, [Alchemy] skills haven't been on the table much before. Basically, other than making guns and accessories, there was a lot of backwork."

"Well, you're right."

"So, I wonder if this opportunity feels like a teco in. You want to be as skilled as any other production skill."

"I hope so. But even though there aren't many alchemy main players in the first place, is it okay to make updates at this time?

"Come on? Isn't that where existing alchemists work hard?

"... that sounds like a tough topic"

"Your brother has a shop, but it's too much trouble."

"I don't care what you say. As far as I'm concerned, I want to enjoy myself."

"You think your brother could work a little more, huh? Then I think you should spend it properly because you're saving too much money."

"... even if they tell you to use it properly. I don't have a place to use it. The equipment is already in place, and the consumables are all on their own. I don't spend money on anything other than adding materials."

"... from us who finally updated the accessories and stuff to 12 stars, I envy you."

"Doesn't a production job clan feel similar anywhere? Because we accommodate each other in our areas of expertise, the economy closes just between us."

"... I think the only people that get that far are the top production clans"

"Is that what this is about? We've been like that since we were beta."

"'Library' has been a closed population since beta, hey. I've always thought it was something that didn't fit."

"It's like a production maniac gathered in the first place. Fighting and other content was dominated by humans thinking like Omeke... I'll see you later."

"Rikai.... That's right, can I go visit your brother's house later?

"Yeah? It's a gypan mansion. I don't mind, but is that party okay over there?

"I plan to move freely today. No problem."

"Okay.... Anyway, dinner first."

"Yes, I'll help you get ready."

I serve a plate that I could have prepared.

Today it is an early ginger grill of pigs.

Served with chopped cabbage, all done.

"Yeah, it looks delicious today. Okay, I'll take it."

"Oh, I'll have it"

I'm just curious about update-related stories, but dinner first.

Can I find out about the update even after logging in at night?

Let's just say we focus on the dinner in front of us first.


"Yahoo, brother, I'm here to see you."

When I logged into the game a little while later, I was waiting for Hull at Zipan's Mansion, but apparently it came.

"Oh, Hal. You can come in as you please."

"Copy that. Then we'll head to the edge."

Apparently he found out from my voice that I was on the edge.

Hal came from the gate of the mansion.

"Brother, I haven't seen you earlier. Yuki, where's your sister?

"Looks like Yuki hasn't logged in yet"

"It is. That's unusual."

"Well, there's a situation over there. So, why are you here to see me?

"Hmm? Because you were free? I rarely see you in the game, and I was wondering if you'd mind."

"... I don't mind. So, what are we gonna do after this?

"In the meantime, let's read the announcement of the operation. And give me a pet. Yeneko is on your brother's lap, so I like bean wood."

"I get it.... Look, I called it in."

"Wow, thanks.... Well, let's just keep reading."

"I've been there since the beginning."

"With that said, is that right? Well, I don't care"

Leave the easy hull aside and read the updates and announcements about the event.

Sounds like this update has quite a bit to it.

Review update-related information first.

Looks like there are a lot of updates, but as Hal just taught me, I'll check for gear-related updates.

The first thing that comes to my attention is' Adding Alchemy Gear '.

Apparently, they'll be able to make a variety of weapons out of alchemy like accessories.

It doesn't say what kind of weapons can actually be made, but I wonder what the differentiation will be from existing weapons.

I'm sure there's something different about a normal weapon.

The next thing that seems relevant… or whether or not I'm going to be involved is "Weapon species: adding shotguns".

It would be quite important if it were to be an addition to a weapon species that has never existed before.

Naturally, the shotgun classification looks like a [gun] skill.

Apparently [shotgun] will be added as a derivation of that.

If you believe in official referrals, I hear you had a lot of requests.

Shotguns seem to come in two different systems, apart from each other.

Short barrel, short range, and high firepower short barrel shotguns, and long barrel shotguns with long barrel, medium range, and medium firepower.

The short barrel shotgun seems to be a highly offensive setting, instead of only having an extremely short attack distance.

Long barrel shotguns, by contrast, are about the same range of attack as handguns, but they're not that high on offense.

Also, they say the long barrel shotgun will be treated like a rifle with a two-handed weapon.

Short barrel shotguns are a one-handed weapon... well, we'll have to break it off with systemic constraints.

And a bullet, but this seems to consume multiple physical bullets in a single attack.

Attacks only seem to exist of a shotgun type.

Also, it looks like your firing system skills will be a single shot, just like rifles.

In addition, some skills are written as unusable.

I don't know which skills are unavailable, but I might also be required to change my standing around.

"Brother, have you finished reading the update item?

"Yeah? I only read the parts that seem to have something to do with me."

"That means we haven't had an event yet, have we? This month's event is Halloween."

"It's a Halloween event. Well, it's October, and if you say yes, that's it."

"Right. Well, I guess a promise is important, too, huh?

"I'm not denying anything. So, what's it like in terms of content?

"Um, basically it's pumpkin hunting. In terms of content, events have been added in each city, and pumpkin monsters appear in fields and dungeons. Sounds like an event to collect them."

"I see. So, is it also some kind of prize?

"If you give the pumpkin to the event resident (NPC), they'll trade it for an item. Most likely, there are few rare items like skill tickets, and Halloween costume gear seems to be the main thing."

"I'm in disguise. Is there any other event where the operation handed out costumes?

"Um, I don't know. They still have content besides the information published...... Oh, and I hear pumpkins can be used to create items besides delivering them."

"Create an item. Does that mean it can be used for cooking?

"They can use not only cooking, but also blacksmiths, sewing, carpentry, craftsmanship, conditioning, alchemy, that kind of skill, right?

"... you're a pumpkin, aren't you?

"Sounds like a pumpkin."

"What's a pumpkin blacksmith?

"Come on? We're just talking about the game, and it's not okay. It's about the beautiful material."

"You must be a pumpkin..."

"If you start caring where you say that in the game, you lose, brother"

The image of the pumpkin in me is about to collapse... well, let's just say good.

That, speaking of...

"Speaking of which, was pumpkin now implemented as an ingredient?

"Come on? It's not like I know."

"... is that true too? Then when Yuki logs in..."

"What's wrong with me? Twa-kun."

Apparently Yuki has been logged in just in time.

"Good evening, Yuki. I was just talking about this month's update."

"Yahoo, Yuki sister. I have a pumpkin hunt at this month's event, and I was just talking about whether pumpkins are an ingredient now."

"Pumpkins? I have pumpkins. The recipe also has pumpkin soup and stuff"

Was it?

I had no idea.

"Right. But I don't see them selling them in stores..."

"Um, isn't it because pumpkins are expensive and performance as a dish isn't very expensive? Comparing the correction value of pumpkin soup to the correction value of tomato soup, the correction value of tomato soup is higher, right? Now, if you want to buy pumpkins, you have to go to Wang Du, and although it is somewhat pricey vegetables..."

"I mean, you're not attracted to ingredients sold to the public."

"I wonder if it will. Maybe some people like it and make it..."

"It's a game, hey. Few people bother to make items with poor performance."

That's a tough neighborhood.

"... but this month's update about pumpkin hunting could be a fix."

"If so, are you happy as the cooking side?

"... as far as I'm concerned, it's called pumpkin-based equipment."

"That's probably a story gear.... Well, I'm curious"

"I can make gear, too. That's the game."

"... you see, this level of understanding is the least of my problems, brother"

"... I can't help but think about it."

Yuki also joined us, so the three of us decided to confirm the announcement from the operation, but I wonder if there has been any more dizzying discovery.

Hal said in his battle-related content, "Fenrill's eased! I was screaming."

The day ended with an update related confirmation and a relaxing chat.

It looks like the implementation is still ahead of us, so let's just relax until then.