Unlimited World - 90% of the battle for productive jobs is ready
Behind 354. Official Bulletin Board 44_1
[Come] Militant Games Jazz Class General Bulletin Board [Strongest Craftsman]
1. Administrator with name @ Operations GM @ Shinohara
This thread is a general bulletin board for the militant tournament meister class
Jazz class by non-combatants today and tomorrow!
What tons of demo gear and tons of demo items will pop up this time!
Come and cheer up everyone!!
However, keep your remarks moderate
Operations are constantly monitoring bulletin boards
'Cause I run it, too.
Repeated defamation and all that, you're gonna get dirty BAN, right?
I don't think it's going to have to be the next thread, but > > if we get to about 9900, AI will build it on its own.
105. Unnamed Spectator
Finally, Jazz begins.
106. Unnamed Spectator
War of Combat + Economic Power
107. Unnamed Spectator
It should be noted that they do not incur that much cost because they are moving at cost
108. Unnamed Spectator
But, in fact, I wonder how many craftsmen are coming out this time.
109. Unnamed Spectator
Cathay for equipment quality 11 and above
110. Unnamed Spectator
> > 109
It's more like twelve unification or something, right?
111. Unnamed Spectator
The fact that top production jobs usually make quality 12.
112. Unnamed Spectator
Why does 11 and 12 open up so much difference?
113. Unnamed Spectator
> > 112
You need new skills to make Quality 12
Blah, that sounds hard.
114. Unnamed Spectator
But the quality 12 has been confirmed since the summer vacation.
115. Unnamed Spectator
I don't know what clan I'm making...
116. Unnamed Spectator
Fair enough.
Let's just move on to winning predictions.
117. Unnamed Spectator
Who's up against Twa and the Iron Ghost?
118. Unnamed Spectator
It's gonna reach those two?
119. Unnamed Spectator
Gear would be solid at 12 stars, too, and it's not where those two hit.
120. Unnamed Spectator
You want to see it in the finals this time.
121. Unnamed Spectator
Tragic news: Twa not participating
122. Unnamed Spectator
It would be seed, and you're working so hard not to hit the finals.
123. Unnamed Spectator
If you hit it outside the finals, that's the real winning decision.
124. Unnamed Spectator
> > 121
Oh, seriously?
125. Unnamed Spectator
> > 121
Is that true?
126. Unnamed Spectator
Isn't that demanding?
127. Unnamed Spectator
> > 124-127
It sounds serious.
I heard it from a member of the Library.
128. Unnamed Spectator
The Iron Ghost is strong this time.
129. Unnamed Spectator
Why not?
No, Twa could be a "pain in the ass" and not participate.
130. Unnamed Spectator
They say there's a lot of absenteeism today, tomorrow.
You know, not exactly this morning and tomorrow night.
131. Unnamed Spectator
Wasn't it just qualifying this morning?
132. Unnamed Spectator
Anyway, this morning, tomorrow night's gonna be a problem.
third-place decision or final, either will be undefeated
133. Unnamed Spectator
> > 132
You're decisive to get to the final battle.
134. Unnamed Spectator
> > 133
I can't imagine Twa losing anything but the Iron Ghost.
135. Unnamed Spectator
Anyway, Twa doesn't participate.
Instead, Iris, join the war.
136. Unnamed Spectator
137. Unnamed Spectator
I'm more surprised that way.
138. Unnamed Spectator
... Is that it?
Didn't Iris suck at exercising?
139. Unnamed Spectator
> > 138
"Library" officials say, "Because the comparison is between Twa and the Iron Ghost."
140. Unnamed Spectator
You're not actually that bad...
354. Unnamed Spectator
Oh, Illis appears at the qualifying venue.
355. Unnamed Spectator
Iris, cute...... cool!!
356. Unnamed Spectator
Your protective gear's been refreshed.
Skirts are as usual, but rare as Skyle Armor and all that.
357. Unnamed Spectator
Black Skyle Armor means Black Wyburn?
358. Unnamed Spectator
You're from High Black Wyburn, aren't you?
If it's a normal black Wyburn, it's materially out of shape.
359. Unnamed Spectator
High black Wyburn or something. Pretty expensive, huh?
360. Unnamed Spectator
> > 359
Funding power of major clans
Note that there are fewer than 10 'libraries'
361. Unnamed Spectator
Whatever your gear is, it's a bad initial placement.
Ranged weapons, near the center of the stage...
362. Unnamed Spectator
The biggest weakness in long-range equipment is that there's no omnidirectional attack.
363. Unnamed Spectator
What do you think Twa would do?
364. Unnamed Spectator
> > 363
Hit the people around you and get out.
365. Unnamed Spectator
> > 363
Running out of range attack in a straight line.
366. Unnamed Spectator
> > 363
They won't be targeted in the first place.
367. Unnamed Spectator
In the meantime, I know you guys are treating things like buckets about Twa.
368. Unnamed Spectator
Match starts
And you're going for it, Iris.
369. Unnamed Spectator
Against, Iris, activate your skills toward the bottom of your feet.
Blow up every opponent you've been after and leave the siege.
370. Unnamed Spectator
After all, the 'Library' members weren't sweet
371. Unnamed Spectator
Skills are in the description. Okay, but, uh, what skills do you use?
372. Unnamed Spectator
... Well, you're usually a distant enemy.
373. Unnamed Spectator
In the first place, long bow skills aren't what you use underfoot at the moment.
374. Unnamed Spectator
If all you can do is fight Theory Street in a people-to-person battle, you lose.
375. Unnamed Spectator
And after we left the siege, we went running around and attacked.
She's cute, Iris.
376. Unnamed Spectator
... cute like a little animal running around
377. Unnamed Spectator
So, the offense all sounds like skills, but why?
You're supposed to be bad at skill-only in a people-to-people match.
378. Unnamed Spectator
> > 377
Normally a bad hand, but with some weapons, Skill Only is stronger.
For a bow, it's shorter to attack with skill.
379. Unnamed Spectator
> > 378
Usually the other way around, right?
380. Unnamed Spectator
The normal attack of the bow requires three movements: take out the arrow, aim, shoot,
Skills, you can target them, activate them, and attack them with two actions of
All you have to do is be rigid after the move, skill-only enough.
381. Unnamed Spectator
Detailed description available
Looks like the qualifying round could pass if it stays that way.
382. Unnamed Spectator
Oh, I see.
Not as overwhelming as Twa, but solid.
383. Unnamed Spectator
You're usually strong.
Twa's a bummer.
384. Unnamed Spectator
> > 383
Oh, yeah.
385. Unnamed Spectator
It's a reassuring way to fight.
428. Unnamed Spectator
Okay, Illis, we're safely entering the final tournament.
429. Unnamed Spectator
At the end of the day, it was dangerous, but nothing else was wrong.
430. Unnamed Spectator
I was completely distracted for a moment.
431. Unnamed Spectator
Range of your own involvement. Attacks and stuff.
432. Unnamed Spectator
That's normal for a long distance job, isn't it?
433. Unnamed Spectator
It's harrowing to watch, but that's not a rare method of warfare.
434. Unnamed Spectator
Okay, and then I hope you don't suddenly hit with an iron ghost or something in the final tournament.
435. Unnamed Spectator
... can you break [the castle fortress] or something with a bow in the first place?
436. Unnamed Spectator
They suck compatibly.
437. Unnamed Spectator
That's where you rely on hidden balls.
438. Unnamed Spectator
That's not a good offense.
439. Unnamed Spectator
In the first place, regardless of the weapon, [the castle fortress] is a tulai.
440. Unnamed Spectator
And then let's hope you don't win the raffle with a strong enemy.
611. Unnamed Spectator
Time for the raffle
612. Unnamed Spectator
Seed has been in the game since World War II.
613. Unnamed Spectator
Well, reasonable.
Last time, I was only third and fourth.
614. Unnamed Spectator
... Well, that's it.
615. Unnamed Spectator
I wonder how that went as a Jazz trend.
616. Unnamed Spectator
> > 615
It was normal.
You didn't have any players fighting in a particularly prominent way.
617. Unnamed Spectator
Or if it's qualifying, there were no players using consumables.
618. Unnamed Spectator
I guess the consumables were kept warm until the final tournament.
619. Unnamed Spectator
By the rules, you could have used it in the qualifying round, and it's temperate.
620. Unnamed Spectator
Well, what kind of match cards come true.
621. Unnamed Spectator
Hmm. Iris has been around since World War II.
You're early.
622. Unnamed Spectator
The problem is the opponent.
623. Unnamed Spectator
What kind of guy doesn't have a compatible bow?
624. Unnamed Spectator
> > 623
Tank that can move
625. Unnamed Spectator
> > 623
I don't like highly-defensive opponents because they have less penetrating attacks
626. Unnamed Spectator
> > 623
He's like chopping off an arrow.
627. Unnamed Spectator
> > 626
That's another dimension of the problem.
685. Unnamed Spectator
Final Tournament Match Table Completed
The second game is a battle between distance jobs.
686. Unnamed Spectator
Archer vs. Gunner
687. Unnamed Spectator
... Is that it?
This game...
688. Unnamed Spectator
Don't say that.
I'm gonna feel sorry for Gunner.