"So it ended up in its original sheath."

Yuki...... a few days after I talked to Snow Sound.

I reported to Yuzuki that we made up properly.

Yuzuki also has a reassuring look on his face.

"You say it fits in the original sheath, or you just put a kezime on the words"

"At any rate, it's a pleasure for Yuki to be able to wave a major player back. He's almost there, and he's going to be able to reach the premium production facilities."


Yuki was trying pretty hard while I couldn't log in, too.

"Nevertheless, I'm relieved that we seem to have made up properly. My uncle told me you were a little twisted."

"I guess that worried me. Don't worry, it's no longer a problem."

"Yes, okay.... By the way, I don't see Yuki, but he's not home with you?

"Mm-hmm. Yuki, I've been out of school for quite a while. You're just earning credit for staying after school to fill that hole."

"You are.... Twa, isn't that where you come home with me as your boyfriend?

As I nibble, Yuzuki tells me.

Is it true that Yuzuki also loves romance stories?

"Unfortunately, I'm supposed to go home first. Or I'm only home with you when you don't have Yuki's errands."

"Oh yeah. I don't think you care enough to wait for Yuki."

Well, Teak Moon is certainly right.

But there's a reason for this.

"On the first day of Yuki's supplement, I used to kill time until Yuki's drop-out time. But then Yuki pissed me off. If I wait till I finish my supplement, it's going to be dim."

"Oh, you're still walking on crutches"

"Besides, I'm used to it."

Still, it's pretty hard to get around after dark though.

"On the contrary, one day my rehab will always accompany me. I can't solve it."

"That's all I worry about about you.... By the way, is Yuki feeling better? Talking about Twa, I think it's a tough day to day life."

That's right.

Sure, I guess so......

I answer, shrugging my shoulders.

"The best thing that was a mental burden seemed to be about me. When my relationship was repaired, I felt better at once."

"That's cash again."

Yuzuki answers with a sigh.

... but mental problems can get better at something.

Due to the possibility of a temporary recovery state, of course, follow-up observation is always necessary.

"There are a lot of mental problems. However, Yuki's attending told me that for some time to come, I want you to stay as close as you can and pay attention to your health."

"... In fact, you've been home for about two months, so you're losing strength."

"Oh, when Yuki and I reunited, we were pretty screwed. It's healed."

After weeks of reuniting with Yuki, Yuki's condition also regained its brightness and vitality before December.

Besides that, there's been a little more trouble, but that would be minor.

"So, Twa. When are you going to be able to return to selling your products?

"... it's still going to take a few weeks. Not yet, and even if you do it carefully, 11 stars is the limit."

"Why is my arm falling off again?"

I wonder why my arm fell off.

Well, is it okay to talk to Yuzuki?

"It's with me hiding my right eye with my eyelid. With the aftermath of the accident, my right arm is barely functioning on the real side. That's not true over here (the game), but it's fatally awkward to work with your right hand because you're drawn to a real feeling."

"... I wonder what kind of accident it was... making money just because I had a life"

"My right arm and my right eye are gone, but my legs are going to manage to heal. There are restrictions on exercise."

"... really, what kind of accident did you have?"

Teak Moon looks worried about this one, but I can't say I was "attacked by a passing demon".

Let me keep pushing it off with an "accident".

"Anyway, in the current situation, it's often 11 stars, basic 10 stars. Wouldn't Walnut's made pills be better?

"If it's the same quality, it's more effective to make it via alchemy. … maybe for a while I'll be selling the two pills together"

"Okay. Are you convinced Walnut too?

"That's confirmed. He said he'd stay in the 'library' until Twa got into the book."

That's good.

I don't have a lot of quality or quantity right now.

"So, I'm going to..."

"Ah, Twa! I'm home!"

blocking Yuki's words, Yuki walks into the room and hugs me.

And I nod my face on my chest, rubbing it around.

"Hmm, I can smell Twa. It feels like the fatigue of the supplementary course is blowing away -"

"... Yuki, I'm here, too?

"... Ah, good evening, Yuzuki. I'm not giving you Twa, am I?

"Nobody's gonna take your boyfriend..."

Teak Moon drops her shoulder with a fed up look.

Yuki is still holding my body and not letting go.

Yes, the trouble is Yuki's behavior.

There's more skinship in real life, but in the game, it's intense with a circle to it.

Hugging me right after I log in is the norm.

Dwan, Iris, and Manzushahua to the old man were also smiling bitterly at this.

Manzushahua also said, "Take responsibility, take it".

"Yuki, I need to talk to Yuki a little more. What do we do?"

"If it's not out of the way, I want to be with you."

Yuki wants to be present.

Even the teak moon will resume one nod if there is no problem.

"There's nothing to disturb you, so it's okay. So, the consultation is about the future system of" libraries, "but there are quite a few requests to join the group. With Twa gone, they found out the alchemy was thin, right? So, the prospective joiner pushed me..."

"Do we need to deal with that?

"... blah, you don't. What do you think of Yuki?

"I refuse because I'm going to have less time with Twa"

Teak Moon can only smile bitterly at Yuki's answers that prioritize his convenience everywhere.

It seems Yuki is not that the atmosphere of the clan changes, or that I am anxious about my relationship.

"Then this is all about dismissing it. … Instead, Twa should resume alchemy early."

"Okay. I mean, if you're just going to build a gun, your right hand is just going to go with it, and if you have the material, I'll give it a prototype."

"Copy that. There's got to be some practice material available, thanks."

Your plan today is to practice your alchemy skills.

That's what I tried to decide, and there was someone who had been interrupting me.


"No. Twa is going on a date with me in Japan today."

"... Oh, yeah, Twa?

Teak Moon asks me strangely, but it's also the first ear for me... no, I'm sure...

"Yuki, we did talk about having a date in Japan, but don't you have to be today?

"No. I want today."

"... Twa, you go with him. There's no problem with guns being a few days late."

"I'm sorry, Yuzuki. Then let's go, Yuki."

"Yeah! Let's go!


After moving to Zipan, the two of us hung out appropriately and walked.

In real life, my left leg is still in rehab, so I can't walk much longer.

But if it's a game, I can walk normally because I don't have any left foot discomfort.

... With a full dash, I'm worried I can run well.

And after hanging around the city for a while, Yuki tells me she's sorry.

"I'm sorry, Twa. I was forced to refuse Yuzuki's request."

"... no, you don't have to worry about it today. It's not a rush job."

"Oh well, good. Now you can have Towa-kun alone today."

Nikoniko smiles and talks Yuki.

Yes, Yuki's appetite for exclusivity has increased once and for all since that discussion.

I don't have a problem talking to Yuzuki, Iris, or Manzu Shahua.

But when I talk to girls at school or something, I get visibly upset.

... I'm glad they like it, but I want the yakimochi grill to be a little more calm,

I like that snow sound, so there's nothing I can do about it.

"Come on, Twa. Enjoy your first glance today for not being able to attend the Christmas and New Year events!

"Yes, yes, I get it. I'll hang out until Yuki feels better. Tomorrow's my day off and I don't have any plans."

"Yeah! Let's go to the shooting range first!

Yuki pulls back on me fine.

Also today, the sky of "Unlimited (Gay) World (M)" was blue and clear.

"Twa, let's go! Even if we stay up late, time is limited!

"Okay, okay. I'll be right there."

If you wish, may today's blue sky continue tomorrow.