[Christmas] December Events Bulletin Board Part 1 [Giveaway]

1. Unnamed Gentiles

This thread is from the December event: "Get your Christmas present back! 'It's an information thread.

Okay, let's write things down, thoughts, stupidity, etc.

But let's keep the manners, huh?

Caution because in some cases every sled is erased!!

The next thread is to be built by > > 970

99. Unnamed Gentiles

It's been an hour since the event started.

I don't have much information.

100. Unnamed Gentiles

Well, we're just getting started.

Sometimes a gift box drops when you defeat a monster for now

... That's all you know.

101. Unnamed Gentiles

There are two ways to use the gift box

Use it yourself to earn content or give it to Event NPC to earn points

102. Unnamed Gentiles

If you give it to a resident, you can get a prize depending on the point

103. Unnamed Gentiles

There seems to be a redemption for points, as well as prizes at cumulative points

104. Unnamed Gentiles

Sounds like there are some high-ranking weapons in the cumulative points prize.

105. Unnamed Gentiles

The main thing about point exchange is the material.

... By the way, why are cats mixed up sometimes?

106. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 105

Because there's a point exchange NPC in Ketsey, too.

107. Unnamed Gentiles

Inside Ketsey, independently, prizes are different.

108. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 106-107

Is that exclusive to people who can get inside Ketsey?

109. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 108

If we find Ketsey in every city, we can get inside.

110. Unnamed Gentiles

Ketsey, you're taking care of people who haven't got it.

So, what's a Ketsey's limited edition?

111. Unnamed Gentiles

Cat figurine.

112. Unnamed Gentiles

[]/(n) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)

113. Unnamed Gentiles

It's matatabi.

114. Unnamed Gentiles

It's an accessory with special effects.

115. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 114

What special effects?

116. Unnamed Gentiles

> > the fact that there is no practicality except 114

117. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 115

It's random until I try to get it.

Note that the confirmed effect

DEX temporarily rises with MP consumption

Recover ST by consuming MP

Consume ST to temporarily raise STR

118. Unnamed Gentiles

Matatabi booze gets more favorable when you give it to Ketsey.

119. Unnamed Gentiles

It should also be noted that if your liking is above a certain value, you will get a kettle siege.

(Confirmed myself)

120. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 117

Temporary status increase.

Is it user-friendly?

121. Unnamed Gentiles

There's a mix of rush and ketsy acquisition reports.

122. Unnamed Gentiles

operations, have you started distributing ketsy w

123. Unnamed Gentiles

But, Ketsey, is it convenient to be here?

If you're in a production area that makes consumables, give me the materials and they'll make it an item.

124. Unnamed Gentiles

Blacksmiths are handy, too.

If you increase your skill level, they'll repair and enhance you.

125. Unnamed Gentiles

And then, I'm healed by cat language.

126. Unnamed Gentiles

If you don't expect battle, that's where practicality lies.

127. Unnamed Gentiles

Somehow, but I think the operation's about to fix it.

466. Unnamed Gentiles

Get 11-Star Dragon Emperor Gear with Total Points

467. Unnamed Gentiles

There's a mix of rare items on the replacement material.

468. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 466

Oh, my God!

469. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 466

Learn more

470. Unnamed Gentiles

Finally, the Dragon Emperor gear is in the distribution.

471. Unnamed Gentiles

I got it for 200,000 cumulative points.

It should be noted that all you get is a weapon, and you can choose your type.

Oh, gnarly, I'm telling you, but what I got is usually from NPC.

472. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 471

I thought it was from Ketsey, W.

473. Unnamed Gentiles

Two hundred thousand...

474. Unnamed Gentiles

That's a sarcastic and obsolete statement.

475. Unnamed Gentiles

Because you only get about 10p for one box.

476. Unnamed Gentiles

You, how many monsters did you take down?

477. Unnamed Gentiles


I opened the gift box and it was 10-star gear.

478. Unnamed Gentiles

200,000 or something. Too far. W

479. Unnamed Gentiles

How much should I collect in the gift box...

480. Unnamed Gentile

> > 477

Evidence, Camon.

481. Unnamed Gentiles

Here, evidence.


482. Unnamed Gentiles

There's a bee in the box. There's a drool.

483. Unnamed Gentiles

I don't know what to do with this.

484. Unnamed Gentiles

Note that the points exchange material also mixes dragon emperor material.

485. Unnamed Gentiles

Redeem points if you want to go hard

If you're after one shot, open it.

486. Unnamed Gentiles

Don't forget to get Ketsey...

487. Unnamed Gentiles

No, what's going on with the cumulative point of Ketsey?

488. Unnamed Gentiles

Ketsey, I'm trying.

I want to be healed.

489. Unnamed Gentiles

Almost got Ketsey!

490. Unnamed Gentile

> > 487

Right now, it's about 10,000 cumulative points for Ketsey.

You got some gear for Ketsey.

Pretty good performance.

491. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 487

I guess Ketsey's main gear > Ketsey's Cumulative Points

492. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 487

Ketsey's gear, but if you get it, Ketsey can fight it, right?

493. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 487

Ketsey equipment is cute

494. Unnamed Gentiles

Ketsey gear.

Getting that strong?

495. Unnamed Gentile

This is another sign that we're going to split up as an option w

496. Unnamed Gentiles

> > 494

A skilled level 20 Ketsey, though.

If you get a set of combat gear (heavily loaded) to fight Tiger Bear.

I could normally Tiger Bear and Tyman (note that recovery assistance is needed

497. Unnamed Gentile

Even though it's Ketsey, it knocks Zakomonster out silly.

(Magician Equipment

498. Unnamed Gentiles

Monster opponents of the same level will be as powerful as they can be.

499. Unnamed Gentile

The fact that the operation is focused on strengthening Ketsey

500. Unnamed Gentiles

Ketsey too fortified w

501. Unnamed Gentiles

Because it was a bad affair for regular players. > Ketsey

502. Unnamed Gentiles

At least it'll be a unicorn class force.

503. Unnamed Gentiles

When that happens, will the enhancement of Ketsey also be an option

You're too busy, aren't you?

504. Unnamed Gentiles

It's Christmas!

505. Unnamed Gentile

Killing Christmas taking gifts from monsters

985. Unnamed Gentile

Ketsey, seriously, it's too fortified.

986. Unnamed Gentile

If it was a Zako fight, you'd be a force of war.

987. Unnamed Gentile

Isn't this a Ketsey enhancement event, practically w

988. Unnamed Gentile

Touched by how heavily armored cats run and go w

989. Unnamed Gentile


Where did the setup fly to that you can't heavily equip?

990. Unnamed Gentile

> > 989

Here's an explanation.

Ketsey, as a combat gear, I'm sick of magical machining.

991. Unnamed Gentiles

You know, you can only equip Ketsey with special machining instead.

992. Unnamed Gentiles

In the meantime, the players who want to use Ketsey are going to storm inside Ketsey.

993. Unnamed Gentiles


Well, it's time to bury it.

994. Unnamed Gentile

Move to next thread


995. Unnamed Gentile


996. Unnamed Gentile


997. Unnamed Gentile


998. Unnamed Gentile

Cat, psycho.

999. Unnamed Gentile

If it's 1000, Cat, it's even more fortified.

1000. Unnamed Gentiles

If it was 1000, you'd understand cat language.

1001. System

This thread has reached its maximum limit.

You can't write any more.