Unlimited World - 90% of the battle for productive jobs is ready

372. Underground: Challenger of Heaven's Trials_1

For now, the day after I got to the level of 80, I was driven out by Reid that I would now try to experience The Challenger of the Heavenly Trials.

Apparently that day was a regular raid challenge day, which actually seemed to bring together members to fight.

"So, here we are, okay, but do we have a frame to participate in?

"It's okay there, brother. Because the two members of" White Night "who were at our party are missing."

"Aren't you usually stronger with those two?

"Hmm, probably not a big difference, huh? My brothers are lower for a simple status, but I don't think it would be much different if I even looked at player skills, and the presence of my Yuki sister's buff is huge"

"I hope so."

They don't have a problem joining us.

Yuki has heard directly from Mr. White Wolf about his movements since Reid began.

Well, I guess I'm right to move, huh?

"Hey, Twa, haven't seen you yesterday. You ready for this?

"An iron ghost. You're not ready at all, are you? I haven't even heard the details of Reid."

"Ah?... [Demon Sword Princess], at least explain what Reid is about."

"Um, because I thought Mr. White Wolf would do the same around there. It's easier to understand than I can explain, isn't it?

"... tiny. Dana the White Wolf is in the process of explaining it over there, so I'll just give you an overview."

"I asked."

According to what Iron Ghost told me, the Reid I'm about to challenge is going to be a battle with the whole boss thing.

The name of the boss is "Phantom Odin" and the level is 80.

In addition to physical attacks aimed at the avant-garde, they also regularly fly magical attacks at the rear guard.

You think the magic of a rear guard aim has a type that comes sniping at you with a warning beforehand, and the type that has a warning takes instant death damage when it hits you?

He also said that sniper attacks also diffuse damage around the landed area, so the player being targeted also needs to scatter and minimize damage to the area.

Seems like the avant-garde has a lot more to watch out for than that, but I'm basically a rear guard stationary, so they just need to watch out for magic attacks.

Note that all magic attacks are attacks of the lightning attribute, so lightning damage cuts caused by the lightning beast material are enabled.

Though it is a lightning beast material whose rank drops several levels compared to the frontline if it is considered a material, it still seems to be a first-class product as a material of lightning attributes.

"... there are a few more details, but that's it for the way the guard moves. If you have any questions, ask Dana the White Wolf."

"Roger. Thanks for explaining."

"Then I'll go back to my party. Let's do our best today.... I know you can't win."

"You've been weak since before we started?

"You're new. That's why I can say that.... until the second half of the game and you'll see why you can't win. Bye."

Yuki and Mr. White Wolf came as they dropped off the iron ghost as they waved away.

Apparently, the explanation to Yuki is over.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Twa.... Iron Ghost, did you explain that to me?

"Right. Overview explained."

"Right. Well, I guess I'll explain to you what I want you to do personally, Twa."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. White Wolf"

I was briefed by Mr. White Wolf that my standing position was that of an attacker and healer.

Usually he joins the attack on Odin as an attacker, making healing a priority only as a healer when the rear guard is damaged by a range attack, seems to stand around like that.

That is not a problem in particular because it is something that I have been doing from time to time in itself, but what is likely to be a problem was what was said next.

"That's all right in the first half, but I'd also like to ask you for something else in the second half"

"What is it?

"Sometimes in the second half of the game, Odin throws a spear at me. Twa, I want you to prioritize that interception."

"Is it spear interception...... is that so hard?

If you just listened, it's not going to be a problem.

"The problem is when you destroy the spear. At the point of destroying the spear, a small spear flies for the top three players who were damaging against the spear. If you hit this, you die instantly."

"... instant death damage, not instant death"

"That's instant death. I've brought a phantom wolf bracelet and tried it, because it slipped through the special effects of the bracelet and was instant death. I decided it wasn't damage, it was direct instant death."

I see. Is it because I tried the part that I could try?

"By the way, what if you didn't destroy that spear?

"You're all going to die instantly. If you can't destroy the spear within 30 seconds, you're going to be wiped out."

Hmm, is destruction a must?

But I don't think that would be a reason to hold back the offense.

"Is that so hard?

"The problem is when you're resuscitated, right? Reviving a player who died instantly with the effect of a spear grants him a debilitating state. Players with this effect get 60% less Attack and Resilience for 600 seconds."

"... that's a hassle"

If we lose 60%, we'll be out of battle.

With more players like that, you won't be able to fight properly.

"Then, attacks by spears take place every two minutes. As a result, more players become out of battle and end up losing out of time."

"Are you out of time? Is that Reid's offensive time out?

"No, 60 minutes after the first attack, the whole immediate death attack will fly, won't it? As a result, time runs out to wipe it out."

Is the time limit practically 60 minutes?

That's so annoying.

"Players who have been debilitated are practically out of battle, and spear destruction is a must. But fewer and fewer players can destroy it. It's a negative spiral."

"Is that what prevents you from clearing it?

"Well, I guess that's the direct cause. There are a lot of other details and mistakes and recovery leaks, but that's something that's none of your business, Twa. I've been fixing it in my previous plays."

I mean, if we stick to what was in the explanation earlier, we can handle it, right?

As for movements other than mine, it seems okay to just watch them at first.

"I'm talking about trying it this time. It's okay to fail and wipe it out, so let's just take it easy."

"Okay. Well, thank you for today."

"Oh, let's do our best"

When Mr. White Wolf finished his explanation, he headed to another party.

I guess there's a lot of willingness communication before we start.

Yuki has spoken as she prepares for battle.

"Twa, what explanation did you get?

"I wonder if it's basic standing around and precautions for the second half of the game. What kind of explanation did Yuki get?

"Eh, they basically explained to me that they wanted me not to cut the buff. He just told me to evacuate immediately when I was about to get caught in a range attack. Sounds like it's harder for the buffer to take damage than for the buffs to run out temporarily."

"I guess so. With more players to heal, the healer won't be able to get around."

"... can I do it too?

Yuki looks anxious, but you won't have to worry about it there.

"You'll be fine. Because this time it seems to be a trial, and Mr. White Wolf will be rooting for me."

"... right. Let's do our best today."

"Oh, suppose I'll do my best"

Thus, while leaving some anxiety behind, our first challenge was to open the curtain.