Urban Boyfriend System

Chapter 214 Someone Is Coming?

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Hmm...

No one would have thought that this ground... is so slippery.

This time, it really resembles all dog-blood idol dramas.

He Xuan and Qin Kelan were dumbfounded on the spot. They were a teacher, a student... But what happened in this office?

This kiss!

What a surprise!

This kiss!

So soft and so wet.

He Xuan widened his eyes and looked at Qin Kelan who was pressing on him.


The mouth was blocked, the body was pressed, I went, He Xuan, is this the rhythm to be reversed?


Qin Kelan was stunned for a few seconds before she hurriedly got up.

Her heart jumped wildly, and there was a blank in her mind, there was no time to think about how to face He Xuan.

Her face was flushed, and she licked her lips, as if reminiscing about the kiss.

This is when both of them are sober!

Rather than kiss He Xuan secretly when he was asleep like yesterday morning, these two feelings...but they are completely different!

However, He Xuan's lips are still so soft, so comfortable, so nostalgic!

So comfortable!


You must not act comfortable, you have to pretend to be angry!

Otherwise, if He Xuan found out that he had been kissed by him, he would still be very happy, the majesty of being a head teacher...Where did he go?


Before Qin Kelan could get angry, He Xuan, who got up from the ground, had already "sue the wicked first."

"Ms. Qin, how can you do this? This, this... is this my first kiss?"

He Xuan, who was aggrieved on his face, suddenly possessed the spirit of the drama. He was aware that Qin Kelan seemed to be angry, so... he simply became angry and angry first.

"What? Your first kiss?"

Suddenly, it was Qin Kelan's turn to look speechless.

She just wanted to reprimand He Xuan and also showed that this was her first kiss.

But whoever wanted it, He Xuan actually said this line first, so... Isn't it... he has become wronged, as if he was the head teacher forcibly molesting him and taking away his first kiss.

"Yeah! Teacher Qin, this is my first kiss! Just to save you, it turned out to be... you gave me a strong kiss..." He Xuan, like an aggrieved little girl, fell on Qin Kelan. .

"What makes me forced to kiss? He Xuan, this is the truth, the teacher should talk to you. This was a complete accident just now! The teacher didn't want it, but the body just fell involuntarily, and..."

Speaking of this, Qin Kelan said righteously, "Moreover, this is also my first kiss!"

"Teacher Qin, you are a lie! How can you still be in your first kiss when you are so old? Didn't you ever fall in love when you were in college?"

He Xuan said he did not believe in Tao.

"It's true. I swear, my first kiss was taken by you. If not, let me...so that I can't find a boyfriend in my life, okay?"

Facing He Xuan's doubts, Qin Kelan cleverly used such words to evade.

Indeed, she was not wrong. Her first kiss was taken by He Xuan, but... not just the one, but yesterday morning, in Su Menghan's bed.


Qin Kelan was happily in her heart!

I'm afraid He Xuan, a silly boy, will never know... His first kiss was actually taken by himself yesterday morning, not just now.

Of course……

Hearing He Xuan just said that this was his first kiss, Qin Kelan also felt a sense of joy in her heart.

That means...

He Xuan had never kissed any other girls before?


So it seems,

With his first kiss, He Xuan's first kiss was exchanged.

Moreover, now... I kissed so unexpectedly, when He Xuan was completely awake, this time... Although the kiss was short, it was very enjoyable.

"This is also Teacher Qin's first kiss? Then... Then am I not at a disadvantage?"

He Xuan, who pretended not to understand, said stupidly.

In fact, He Xuan's heart is as clear as Ming Jing, Teacher Qin is fooling herself!

She thought she didn't know that she secretly kissed herself yesterday morning?

She thought she didn't know, did she actually like the feeling of kissing herself?


These words can be understood clearly and must not be said.

Once he said it, He Xuan could guarantee that Teacher Qin would definitely avoid him desperately.

She has such a thin face, if she knew that she knew all of this, and she was awake when she kissed herself, she was pretending to sleep on purpose, haha...that would be fun.


It's not that He Xuan deliberately pretended to be acting stupid, but that there was no way. Since both sides were lying from the beginning, they could only use lies to continue this matter?

"Humph! More than you are not losing money! He Xuan, you are simply making a lot of money."

Qin Kelan curled her mouth, pretending to be very disgusted, and took a piece of paper from the table to wipe her mouth, and then said, "He Xuan, your saliva is really stinky!"

"Hey! Teacher Qin, but your saliva is very sweet! Like... Nongfu Spring, a little sweet!"

He Xuan spoke lavishly, and at the same time slowly approached Qin Kelan.

"What are you going to do? He Xuan, I am your teacher. Now it's okay here, you can go back to the classroom..."

Inexplicably, Qin Kelan became a little scared in her heart. Although she knew that the person in front of him was He Xuan, after all, the disgusting vice principal just now brought a certain shadow to her psychology.

As a result, when someone of the opposite sex touched her, Qin Kelan couldn't help feeling a little panicked in her heart.

"Teacher Qin, don't be afraid! There is something in your hair, I will help you remove it..."

Walking forward, He Xuan gently inserted his hand through Qin Kelan's beautiful hair, and then took off a scrap of paper stuck to Qin Kelan's hair.

that's it……

The distance between the two of them is only ten centimeters, and they can smell each other's body, feel the other's breathing, and hear the other's heartbeat...

Qin Kelan was very nervous. He Xuan was half a head taller than her. This height made her want to slowly approach He Xuan's hot chest.

However, just when the two were in such close contact.

There are footsteps in the corridor, someone is coming?

Sure enough, Teacher Jiang, who had just finished the meeting, suddenly walked in from the door...

"Ms. Qin, you guys..."

The scene that Teacher Jiang saw from the door was as if Qin Kelan was leaning against He Xuan's arms.


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