Urban Boyfriend System

Chapter 382 I am very happy to serve you!


Zhu Yuqing, who had been waiting for a long time, couldn't help but cried out when he saw this short message.

After all, she felt that this shared boyfriend would definitely come.

"Where? Where?"

Ye Yinuo, who was waiting impatiently, also looked around immediately, but did not see the target.

"Look at the text message, a promise! It's within a hundred meters of me. It's already here." Zhu Yuqing handed over the phone and said.

After reading it, Ye Yinuo frowned, "Really? One hundred meters range? Look...with so many people coming and going, who knows which one it is? What's its name?"

"do not know!"

"What does it look like, is there a photo?"


"Then... Then how do you find it? There is always a secret code for your connector, right?"

"It seems...neither."

"Isn't it? My Miss Zhu! Nothing, how can we find him? No, you are a customer. You should be asked to come to you. Anyway, I still said that, three o'clock on time , He didn't show up, let's go back."

Ye Yinuo still doesn't believe that there will be a shared boyfriend.


At this time, He Xuan had already walked towards Zhu Yuqing step by step.

The system is still very intimate, knowing that He Xuan can't see it, but still in his sight, giving a big "!" as the character of the mission.

Right at the gate, above Zhu Yuqing's head, there was a big exclamation mark that only He Xuan could see.

"I found someone..."

Now that he saw the "!", He Xuan kept walking along the blind path and walked quickly towards Zhu Yuqing.

But who thought...

Suddenly stepping on your feet, there is nothing under your feet.


He Xuan screamed, and then his body fell down.


How did this build the road?

A sewer well was built on the blind tunnel, and which goddamn man stole the manhole cover?

Even an ordinary person with intact binocular vision is very likely to fall off accidentally, not to mention that with He Xuan's listening position, he can't find a sewer without a manhole cover.

However, it should be fortunate that although He Xuan's eyes are invisible, his kung fu is solid.

At the moment he fell, He Xuan's two hands grasped the side of the road, and then he flew up again within two seconds.

It just so happens...

This scene was seen by Ye Yinuo, who was looking for people everywhere.

"Hahaha... Sister Yuqing, look over there. Someone fell into the well just now. I guess he must be walking and playing with mobile phones instead of looking at the road..." Ye Yinuo couldn't help laughing.

"Yinuo! You can still laugh when someone else fell into the well? It's too ethical. Hurry...call the fire station to save people!"

Zhu Yuqing frowned and said.

However, Ye Yinuo, who leaned forward and backward with a smile, said again: "No! Look...that person is fine! Why did he jump out, a little capable. Or...that well is not deep at all. It’s only over one meter, right? How could it be possible to jump out so easily?"

"You! You are always so jokes, not everything can be used to joke."

She shook her head, but when Zhu Yuqing looked towards He Xuan, she couldn't help but startled.

This young man who came over, why... closed his eyes?

"Huh? Sister Yuqing, look at this guy who fell into the well. He looks... and handsome. That's... he really doesn't open his eyes when he walks? No wonder he is falling into the well."

Ye Yinuo also noticed He Xuan's appearance. She is also one of the four beauties of the magic capital, and she is used to seeing various male celebrities and supermodels.

To be called "looks good" by her is a high honor.

"No! Who can walk with eyes closed? Isn't it... this man is simply blind, right?" Ye Yinuo guessed.

"Yin promise! What kind of blind people, how ugly. They are blind people, disabled people, and a disadvantaged group. Are you still making fun of you like this, don't you lose your heart?" Zhu Yuqing shook his head and taught.

"Yes, yes! My kind sister, people are just quick talk, you know... I have no malice. I donate tens of millions to the Disabled Persons' Federation every year! That's..."

Seeing He Xuan who came by, Ye Yinuo felt very strange, "I just think, this blind handsome boy, there is something wrong with it..."

"Something's wrong? It seems really a bit. But, I can't tell..." Zhu Yuqing also nodded.

"That's right! He doesn't look like a blind man at all!"

Ye Yinuo said straightforwardly, "Look at the blind people we usually see, who are not wearing sunglasses and carrying a walking stick to explore the way! Some people have to bring a guide dog when they go out. But Look at him, even if you don’t wear sunglasses, and don’t hold a stick in your hand, it’s no wonder you are about to fall..."

"Blind! By the way, he is blind, and I..."

At this moment, Zhu Yuqing remembered that the last requirement for the shared boyfriend she wanted was to be a blind person?Just to be invisible to the eyes.

"En? He's coming towards us. God! Isn't this blind handsome guy's ears so sharp? He heard everything we said so far. Did you come to me to settle the account?"

Ye Yinuo quickly covered his mouth.

However, Zhu Yuqing has already understood everything, and said with some excitement and some worry: "No! I think... he should be... the shared boyfriend I want..."

"God! Sister Yuqing, you...you, you are not mistaken? You want a blind man to be your boyfriend? This...is this too trivial? Let's talk about it! What can a blind man do? You just I also saw that he couldn't even walk well and would fall into the pit."

Ye Yinuo said silently.

However, in the next second, she seemed to understand again, pointing at Zhu Yuqing with a smirk and said: "I know! I know! Sister Yuqing, are you dissatisfied with the marriage arranged by your uncle for you privately? Is such a blind boyfriend going back and angry with them?"

But Zhu Yuqing smiled and shook her head: "Do you think I will be as naive as you? I'm serious."

"What is it! Where is a little naive in my whole body?"

Pouting his mouth, Ye Yinuo said with his arms akimbo very unconvinced, "Anyway, I can't understand you. Looking for such a boyfriend back, I think Uncle Zhu will definitely be furious when he sees it, and there are so many guests today. Here, your Zhu family...I'm afraid it will... be disgraced!"

As soon as her voice fell, He Xuan had already walked in front of them.

After determining the position of "!", He Xuan read the character attribute table about Zhu Yuqing, and said with a very polite and handsome smile: "Miss Zhu Yuqing, hello! I am very happy to serve you, I am you this time. 'S shared boyfriend... why bother!"


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