Urban Boyfriend System

Chapter 495 Free Order Volume

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update!No ads!

"Great! It turned out to be a false alarm..."

After walking out of the police station, Zhang Haoran wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I hope so!"

He Xuan squinted his eyes, recalling the surveillance video footage, it was clear that Teacher Qin was kidnapped.

But, why, now she is by her father's side again, still visiting the scenic spots leisurely?

There must be something wrong with it.

He Xuan did not impulsively redeem the positioning and teleportation items, because his boyfriend coins are not many, even if he uses the items now and immediately appears next to Teacher Qin, it is useless.

The key is to figure out, what is going on in this...?

After all, after Teacher Qin was kidnapped, her father rescued him?

Or, from the beginning, the person who kidnapped Teacher Qin was sent by Teacher Qin's father?

"Ma Yuanyuan, yes, yes, yes! You told everyone to stop worrying and searching. We just came out of the police station and Teacher Qin found it. She returned to her home in the capital, and today she is visiting the scenic spot with her father!"

Zhang Haoran hurriedly called and told other students who were anxiously searching for the good news.

As a result, everyone's hanging heart fell.


He Xuan didn't stop there. He thought, if Teacher Qin was really "safe and sound", how could she miss the last meeting with her classmates in the class?

It was even more impossible. She left without saying a word, even the school didn't know where she was going.

"It must be that Teacher Qin was restricted to some personal freedom."

He Xuan came to this conclusion and knew that Teacher Qin was by her father's side, and there should be no danger for the time being.

However, in such a situation, how should He Xuan rescue Qin Kelan?

If it is really an ordinary gangster, it would be easier to handle. He Xuan directly teleported it to defeat the gangster ko and rescue Qin Kelan.

But now facing Qin Kelan's father, He Xuan didn't even know the relationship and what happened in it. He didn't have any clue about the relationship and what happened.

"Anyway, I'll talk to the capital first."

Because Qin Kelan is safe for the time being, He Xuan didn’t waste her boyfriend’s currency in exchange for props. Instead, he told his parents that he wanted to make an appointment with his friends to go to the surrounding area for a few days, so he immediately booked the fastest flight to Beijing. , And then hurried to the airport.


At the same time, Beijing, Jingshan Park.

"Ke Lan, the police came to inquire just now, saying that there was someone in Shenghai City who reported that you were missing. It seems that you are there, and there are still friends who care about you."

Standing next to his daughter Qin Kelan, Qin Han was not furious, with an aura that made people unable to refuse.

In the face of such a character, most people have a sense of oppression invisibly, and they dare not even raise their heads to speak loudly.

However, when Qin Kelan faced his father Qin Han, he directly retorted with stubbornness and disgust: "I live very well in Shenghai City. Of course, I have my own friends and my social circle. You don't need to interfere. "

"You are my daughter, am I still not qualified to take care of you?"

Although Qin Han was very dissatisfied with Qin Kelan's attitude, he suppressed his anger and continued to talk to Qin Kelan calmly.

"Yes! You are not qualified." Qin Kelan said rudely.

"You have changed! Ke Lan, when you were a child, you were not like this. Your favorite is that Dad will hug you to watch cartoons and take you to this Jingshan Park for a walk. I brought you here today just to remind you of that part of us Don’t you...don’t remember the warm time of a family?” Qin Han said with a sigh.

Qin Kelan still said in a very sharp tone: "It's not me who changed! It's you who changed. My father died twenty years ago. You are not my father.

"Bastard! What does your mother's death have to do with me? I asked her the best doctor and gave her the best living conditions, but she didn't want it. And you... was also badly taught by her. Don't you even recognize your own father?"

Speaking of her mother, Qin Kelan's words immediately angered Qin Han.

"Yes! My mother didn't teach me well. Before she died, she even told me bitterly that no matter what, you are my biological father. However, she wants me to leave here and stay away from you. Ground, because...she knows, what kind of person you are. It's like, why did you take me back to the capital this time, I think...it won't be so simple because you miss me, right?"

The stubborn Qin Kelan's sharp gaze seemed to directly see through Qin Han's mind, but it inevitably made him feel a little guilty.

"I have said many times in the past few days. You are my Qin Han's daughter and the eldest of the Qin family. Dad hopes that you will return to the capital and live in the Qin family. We have money and assets in the Qin family. Did you go to a high school in a county-level city to be an English teacher and make that deadly salary?"

Qin Han suppressed his anger again, then changed the conversation, and added, "Moreover, you are not too young anymore. It's time to talk about marriage and marrying. This time Dad has found you and he has already found you. The right person..."

"Blind date? I'm not on a blind date! You die of this heart! Anyway, no matter what kind of object you find, as long as you find it, I will...not...same...meaning!" Qin Kelan's attitude Very determined.

However, Qin Han said more decisively: "This matter is not for you! Moreover, this is not a blind date, but a marriage! You are the eldest lady of the Qin family, and you can't help but decide your marriage. This marriage is basically It has already been booked. Just wait for you and Master Zhou to meet, and if the other party has no opinion, we will pick a day to get married."

"What? You... You booked my marriage without asking me? No! I won't marry! You don't have this right? Ha ha! Even if the other party sees me and has no opinion, just pick a date? You? Do you really think that I am your daughter? Is this what you did to your own daughter?"

Hearing this, Qin Kelan's lungs were really about to explode. With an idea in her mind, she said directly and decisively, "Moreover, I already have a marriage partner, and I have a boyfriend."

"If you have a boyfriend, break up with him right away. In the Qin family, not all cats and dogs can climb high. The door is not right, you are not suitable for being together."

Qin Han stared unceremoniously.

"Haha! Qin Han, you are too high to see what kind of shit your Qin family is, right? My boyfriend, your Qin family can't afford it!"

Qin Kelan smiled slightly, and remembered the free order book she had received from her shared boyfriend.
