A few days after that disturbance, we were coming to the battlefield in Shting. It's a circular building with no ceilings very similar to a stone colosseum. They can hold about tens of thousands of people.

The battle seems to be played with an audience here. Competition between adventurers by demons was one of the entertainment in this city, and this time the Adventurers Association prepared it for me in Norinoli.

The demons we use use use the ones the demons have taught us, so they told us not to worry about us dying. Think about the difference in rank between us and Dius. It's a game at the C-rank demon.

"You've come a long way without running away. I'll just compliment you on that."

"Thank you very much for that."

There's already an audience, and it's noisy inside the arena. There are more people in the audience than you can imagine. You're in 10,000 units? What are you scared of?

There was a handsome bastard coming up to the contestant's pantry, in a position where the central square was visible.

And he sees me and tells me he hates me early. Can't this guy even have a conversation without saying he doesn't like it?

"You're going to do your best not to be ashamed of yourself. I'll tell you what the overwhelming difference between the B and E ranks is."

"I will definitely use it for future reference."

I catch my mouth like I'm good at it, and I'm so annoyed because I'm going to say it with a doya face. I want to punch you.

Behind this guy was an armor with a big shield, a woman with a bow, and a woman with a cane dressed like a costume. Armored people would be physically men.

"Estelle, don't hesitate to tell me if you want to come to our party after this. If that's what you want, you can have a knight over there."

He smiles and speaks to the two people who are familiar to me.

Are you tired of Estelle and trying to solicit even Knoll?

"Hehe, I'll keep you out of this."

"Please don't."

"Ha, you're still a strong girl. Well, I hope that keeps going after the battle."

He refuses with an instant answer and makes his face pull with a smile. Misleading with laughter, Dius leaves with one hand up to the party.

It's a good idea.

'Thank you all for waiting! We will now begin the battle between Adventurer Dius and Adventurer Heihachi Ogura. Fact sheets will be served by me, Arte, Assistant Director of the Association of Adventurers Schting Headquarters!

As soon as the conversation with him is over, a woman's voice echoes inside the arena.

What is this? You can't just talk normally. Is he using magic or something?

"Eh, we will use the Crusade Rank C Auga for this battle. We asked Lisa, a demon of A-rank adventurers, to secure it. So don't worry about the audience '

audience screaming about auga. You know, it's awesome to make Auga listen to you or something. A-rank.

I heard it was a C-rank demon, but it was an orga. Cyclops was C and we'll figure it out.

'I will now explain the rules. The time limit is until this candle (candle) burns out 5. The battle ends when 5 candles are burned out. During the Auga Crusade, you will see the rest of this candle and you will be judged. "

There was a slightly larger candle when she looked at her hand in a live space. Will you light that and weigh the time?

"Items can only be used with healing items. It shall be the defeat of the Adventurer at the time of the party's declaration of total annihilation or withdrawal. And to the winner, the loser pays a million G! Those are the rules of this battle. '

There are also attack and support items in this world, and only healing items can be used this time. You can't use smoke balls or magic dynamite.

'Then we are at the forefront, Admission of Adventurer Dius Party!

When the good-looking bastards were declared in, the audience raised their voices in unison. Really awesome cheer, so much so that I wonder if the ground is rocking with my voice.

Around the slightly louder yellow voices of women, there still seems to be a lot of female fans. Damn, I hate handsome people because of this.

"That's very popular."

"Yeah, really. You're so popular, that guy."

"Well, you look good. But this pressure sucks."

Those guys are probably some of the most popular parties in Wangdu. Cheer tells the story of it. I support them with a voice that also seems crazy to young and old.

And what about us? Anonymous just from Brunne. Plus E and F-ranked parties. I'm scared to imagine how they'd react when we got out after this fight.

'Mr. Dius' party is still popular. It's a party configuration balanced with warriors, shields, bows, and clerics. If a magician joins me here, my quality as a party will rise grossly. This battle seems to have been boring about this magician. '

The sights on the site begin to gather at once. What is this pressure? I've never seen people pay so much attention. There's a cold sweat coming out.

The two of you sitting next to me look cool. I don't know about Knoll in the helm, but maybe he is.

Are these guys feeling nothing, this overwhelming pressure? My stomach's starting to ache.

"Heihachi Ogura's party against him consists of two warriors and a magical mentor. That's a party with a slightly pointy impression. Is it like not playing defense and pushing it with fire? I'm still running out with the E-rank, but I'm looking forward to seeing how strong they are coming from Brunne. '

Like she says, we're definitely out of balance. Push it completely with fire. Push it.

Nevertheless, the silence of the venue the moment we said we were from Brunne. And even the guy who laughs out.

I guess they think he's an asshole to come to Wang Du early in the e-rank and play with B-rank or something.

Something suddenly walks into a quiet venue making loud noises with Dosun Dosun.

He has a big stick in his hand and is chained to his limbs and neck. It feels like a circle smaller than the cyclops, but it is still bigger than 3m.

Is it someone named Lisa who's pulling it and bringing it in? I can't see her face wearing a hood, but she's a woman because of her health. Hooded shoulder outfit on shorts. Maybe he does sound like a tutor.

I wanted to see the status, but it's too far out here for the camera to respond.

'Looks like we're ready, so it's time to start the fight. Are you ready, Mr. Dius? Now let the battle begin!

When the person who brought the Auga left the scene, the bell, which was a signal of initiation, was rang.

Auga runs out for Dius and the others. Intercepting is an armored man with a shield. A hoisted stick crashes into his shield with momentum.

But he was not blown away, and he stayed on the spot and took the stick.

Dius pops out from behind him and slashes the orga that was attacked and stopped moving. From the rear a woman with an even more bow releases an arrow.

In the meantime, the light wrapped around the person who was the shield under attack, and the light sucked into his body. Apparently, the cleric hangs the restorative magic on him.

"It is received with a shield, the cleric recovers, and the bow and warrior attack. That's a solid flow in party combat. '

The first offense makes me cheer again.

Is this the fight at the party? After all, when it comes to B-rank, the party moves smoothly. It's still different compared to the people who were carriage escorts.

Knoll can do enough shielding, but we want shielding or clergy, too. If Estelle gets hit by accident when Norr and I aren't here as avant-garde guards, it sucks.

"Ooh! I'm out! This is Mr. Dius' special sonic blade to fly slaughter!

The damaged aug moves to retreat, but Dius senses it wields his sword with an aug. I wondered what you were doing when you weren't in a position to reach the sword, but blood blew right out of the leg of the orga.

Did you use your Ranged Attack skills?

Then such an offense continued for a while.

"Well, that's gonna take a long time."

"I'm tired of watching you."

"You're moving well, but you're not aggressive enough. Hehe, attacking power is still the right thing to do!

Estelle next door leans against me like she's asleep, and Knoll sees the fight and moves his hands up and down with the boom to see if his body hurts.

Compared to Knoll's firepower, I have a little sympathy for him, even if he's a boulder.

It's been about 5 minutes, but Auga is still alive. I'm reducing Auga's HP to the tunnel with an earlier royal party attack.

Dius must have been proud of the warrior, but he wouldn't be attacked on purpose to reduce his time.

Don't you know I have it in the first place? But I think I know the sonic blade, and maybe I can see the status or something in some way.

"Dius party, the crusade is over! Two and a half candles left! Fast, did I just say this fast is a boulder b-rank!

Fall as Auga makes a dozen noises. Then the body turned into light and turned into a drop item.

The audiences watching it raise their voices and become enthusiastic. Are you excited about the situation? It's a little quick.

That candle looks like one will melt out in about 10 minutes, and Dius and the others defeated the orga in about 25 minutes. Is this early?

"Is it finally over?"

"Wow, you're done"

"It's finally our turn. The blood of a knight rolls!

"Don't overdo it, okay? Never use your skills."

Estelle is stretching with her arms up. Then he yawned as he hid his mouth with his hands. This guy wasn't asleep, was he?

Knoll can even boom his hands with Knoll, and he can already play! I'm excited to say something like that. This guy needs to do something soon. It sucks.

Given Dius' status, Auga's status shouldn't be that high. She won't need to use her skills.

I don't like being used to see that hell again.

"Ha, how about that? This is the strength of the B-rank. Can you guys crusade that early? I doubt you can even crusade in the first place, but don't worry if you're stronger than us. Well, you worked so hard. Ha ha."

Dius' party returns after the crusade. His face is already satisfied. And besides, they say they don't like it.

All right, all right, let's dye your spare face in despair.