We're back at the inn. We're in the room after the bath and dinner. All you have to do now is sleep.

And before we went to bed, we sat in bed staring at the smartphone for three. I have them in the middle, left and right.

"That's why it's the third Heihachi Carnival."

"You're still pulling. If you name it, it'll blow up again."

"Hehe, you don't seem to have any luck."

I was waiting for the date to change in order to turn the gear festival that the smartphone had been informed about. Looks like the campaign period is just for today.

Being a 0 o'clock believer, I was waiting to turn the chatter around just after the date was changed.

"Well, even when I say campaign, it's only three times more than SR this time. Do you want to use self-control up to 5 times?"

"Ooh!? Oh, I can't believe the word self-control came out of Ogura Hall... you've grown. I'm kind of glad."

Yes, it's a trap to probably turn it around this time because it's a campaign. This is just to say that the odds are up above SR.

I haven't said a word that SSR or UR is triple. It is also possible that only SR is abnormal.

Basically, I still want to aim for UR, but still, this chatter might be a good way to enrich my current gear.

So I'm going to impose a constraint of only five times this time. This will of my steel doesn't move so easily.

I am a man of strong will. I'll definitely only spin it up to five times this time.

"So, Knoll and Estelle, you can pull 11 streaks twice at a time."

"What!? Ho, is it true! Wow!"

"Oh, I wonder what kind of blow it is."

"The True Chosen One is what attracts the finest rarity... That was before the building, and Estelle and Knoll did their best this time. I think you should pull a lot of strings."

Knoll says something extra, but leave that alone. Last time I turned all 11 in a row.

I haven't done any more work this time than I did last time, so what I turn is a little awkward in itself.

So I'm going to ask them to pull it off this time.

I'm not worried about my luck, or that I'm going to give them a taste of the blast.

"Well, let's start with Knoll."

"It's kind of bad. Then go!

Hand Knoll a smartphone, now let Knoll sit in the center and me and Estelle peek at the screen from the side.

Receiving a smartphone, she taps 11 straight gacha with momentum.

A treasure chest is shown on the screen. And the chest, silver, gold. Stopped with gold.

[SR Explosion Voucher, SR West Pouch, R Estock, R Food, SR Excalibur, SR Beacon, SR Nike's Shoes, R Stuffed Animals, SR Treasure of Life, SR Magic Canceller, R Versatile Drugs]

"No, it's SR."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Well, here's the thing. Don't be depressed."

"Ugh, that's next, it's Ike!

A treasure chest is shown on the screen. And the chest, silver, gold, white. Stop in white.

[SR Hot Pot Lid, SR Magic Shield, SR Stabilizer, R Food, R Camp Set, SR Butterfly Grip, R Sandals, R Magic Dynamite, R Long Coat, SSR Kneeberg's Ring 'Gold of the Line', SSR Moon Shizuku (Moon Drop)]

"Hehe, I thought you had it."

"I heard it was Nor who let me out, but you're really lucky"

"Well, not UR."

"Why are you going to regret it...... In the meantime, yes. Now it's Estelle's turn."

Damn, I can't believe I caught SSR on two occasions. Plus you said two SSRs!?

I'm glad you're up for it, but I'm kind of sorry.

Knoll, who finished turning the chatter, hands it to Estelle, and now sits Estelle in the center.

"That's kind of exciting. I've never seen anything like it before."

"Don't be depressed, even if it's not good, okay? You can't just roll around on the floor and cry."

"It's about Lord Okura... Boomerang is flying"

Estelle, who received a smartphone, is unusual and soothing. That's kind of cute in a way that suits your appearance.

Ha, I need to get ready to console him not to get blown up and depressed with this. Knoll is saying something but I can't hear him very well.

Unlike Knoll, she tapped a little 11-series gacha.

A treasure chest is shown on the screen. And the chest, silver, gold. Stopped with gold.

[SR Shoulder Bag, SR Excalibur, SR Beacon, SR Eclipse Sword, R Ice Ring, SR Autoguard Sphere, R Shoulder Pad, R Food, R Toy, SR Cadukeus Crest, R Sleeping Bag]

"Ah... Mmm, this is more regrettable than I thought"

"Uh, don't go anywhere. Next thing you know, it's good to go."

"Sounds kind of happy..."

Estelle is swelling her cheeks with regret.

Ha, shouldn't there be more than SSR out there that easy?

She went on to tap the 11th straight gacha.

A treasure chest is shown on the screen. And the chest, silver, gold, white. Stop in white.

[SR Skull Ring, SR Pan Lid, SR Magic Shield, SR Nike Shoes, R Food, 10 x R Potion, 10 x SR High Potion, R Transceiver, SR Sage Stone, R Slippers, SSR Grimoire 'Eela']

"Heh, I did it. I could pull the SSR too."

"... kind of don't get out SSR often this time"

"And as always, you don't get UR."

Oh, my God. You think we both pulled more than an SSR!?

Wait, it's not what I planned. Now if only SR would come out...

"Heh, heh, heh, look at that. A man named Gacha Luck of the Truly Chosen!

"I'm finally looking at it. I hope it doesn't roll on the floor."

"Brother, don't be depressed without a good answer."

Pick up the smartphone, and now I'll sit in the center. They stare at me next door.

Shit, my hands are shaking from nervousness. This is the first time I've ever turned a chatter around like this. How did this happen?

Tap 11-series chatter with your trembling fingers.

A treasure chest is shown on the screen. Crates change to silver, gold, white, and rainbow.

I got it! UR's here! Apparently, I'm loved by Gacha!

Uh, no. Brain juice is going to overflow.

Whoa, I was so excited by the momentum of breakdance headspinning because I was too happy at the stake.

I can't show you that I'm not taking it for granted to leave here.

"Well, I guess so."

"... Estelle. He's pretending to be flat, but he's absolutely ecstatic inside."

"... yeah, right. Look at that mouth. It's so loose."

He's whispering something behind me, but it doesn't seem like he cares.

I feel so good right now. I'm not the kind of little person who cares about trivial things like that.

"Mm-hmm, I don't hear you. Well...... Huh?

Touch the screen that was stopped when the UR was confirmed. And when I saw what came out of the rainbow glowing chest, I stopped thinking.

[R Food, R Campset, R Chrome Armor, R Versatile Medicine, SR Excalibur, R Potion x 10, R Hot Ring, R Transceiver, SR Thermometer App, R Telescope, UR Leggi Eritra]

"What's wrong with you... ah"

"Hmm? What's wrong..."

They peered into the screen when they saw me solidifying. And the two of them are losing their words when they see it.

"Oh, um... the Ogura Hall?

"Yes? Why should I?

"Hino, I didn't do anything wrong!?

Turn the knoll who has been speaking to you only by moving his neck.

She jumped out of bed and hid behind Estelle when she saw my face.

"Hey brother, don't you feel sorry for me. It's not Knoll's fault."

I meant to smile and respond, but what the hell is wrong with you?

Hold Knoll tight so Estelle can shelter. Okay, fine. You're caressing your head.

"Huh? What is it? I haven't done anything yet, have I?

"My face and words don't match. It's like watching your parents' revenge."

"The anger is acting so strange... your eyes aren't in focus..."

Whoa, my head was apparently unconsciously dead. I shook my head left and right to regain my sanity.

And Leggi Elitra will wear it. Seriously. They're coming out over the wall of probabilities like the same thing on UR.

Besides, it's almost R, and what do you mean? Harassment!

"Ugh, ooh... ooh"

Regrettable, UR out but regrettable. I feel like crying as I roll on the floor right now.

Trembling hands unconsciously approach the screen of the smartphone. I'm not pulling anything.

But it's an accident that your arm accidentally slips due to air resistance and you happen to tap an 11-series gacha, right?

The progression stopped before the arm, which was stretched as it was, touched the screen.

"What is it, Knoll? And Estelle."

Two hands came out of both sides of me and they grabbed my hand holding the smartphone and the hand I was trying to push.

"Hey brother, what were you trying to do now?

"Osakura Hall. Up to five times, you said, right?

"Oh, of course. I'm not going to do it. Now get your hands off me."

Apparently, I slipped my hand in anticipation and went into a stop.

I try to move my arm trying to push it, but I don't move forward at all.

Even if I try to get my hand close to holding the smartphone, Estelle holds me down and I can keep my other hand away from Knoll.

Damn, I should have put a power bracelet on it! This is out of range!

"I believe in Lord Okura."

"Then why don't you let go?"

"If you let me go, I trust you to spin the chatter."

What a disgusting trust. I'm shocked you can't trust me that much.

"Come on, let's take a break and turn it around for three."

"Where the hell have you been taking it!

There's nothing you can do about it, brother.

"No, this is coming! Definitely coming UR next time! Please, please! Let me pull the chatter!

"No, you don't have to go that far... you have no choice anymore. How about Estelle?

"Well, that's all I'm saying, and I'm good."

I bowed my head in captivity and begged the two of them to cry.

You accepted my desperate appeal, two of you let go.

No, I think I'm really sorry. I knew I couldn't beat Gacha.

But even if I did, I mean it. This is the last time.

"Then let's go! No, no, no!

I also decided to push them together with their hands on the hands tapping the 11th series of chatter.

A treasure chest is shown on the screen. Crates change to silver, gold, white, and rainbow.

"Whoa! Did I tell you? He said it was coming!

"I can't believe I'm really getting out... is it your brother's sticky win this time?

"Ugh, I have to admit... I think you're coming to Ogura every time."

"Never mind! Which..."

Also, tap on the screen that was stopped when the UR was confirmed to confirm the ejected item.

I think this would break my heart if I were a dub again.

[R Food, SR Happiness Ring, SR Protection Ring, SR Skull Ring, SR Beacon, SR Butterfly Grip, SR Eclipse Sword, SR Beacon, SSR Wind Bracelet, SSR Power Bracelet, UR Holy Wreck Cloth]

Yikes! Now you're getting your first UR gear!

But it's not until I see the performance and think about balancing it with the other emitted equipment.