The night I finished my training with the Knolls, I was going to finish what I was going to do and go to bed, and Sisha called out.

"Osakura-san, how about this in a while? This!

Sisha holds a cup and tries to carry it to her mouth in a quick fashion.

Um, an invitation to drink? You're the same guy who likes to drink.

"It's booze. I don't mind if I don't have anything in particular tomorrow..."

"Thank you! Then why don't we call Mr. Friesia and have a drink with us!

What, you think it's Freesia? How did that guy's name come up here...

I thought, I heard butterflies running, and the van and the door opened and Freesia came.

"I called!

"It helps because you just come by to call your name. Mr. Freesia, I'll have one!

"Alcohol! Wow!"

Sisha invites him as he turns his hand around Friesian's shoulder, and she is so happy with it.

Yeah... Friesia drinks and stuff - I'm surprised.

"Did you get to drink Friesia?

"You can drink!

"Instead of being able to drink, it's very strong. I found out a while ago, so I get to hang out with him every now and then."

Seriously. It's pretty good to say that Sissha is strong.

Friesia will also participate in the ride, to go to the Sisha room and have a drink, just like before.

... To be honest, I'm very anxious if even the usual noisy Freesia is okay with drinking.

If you get drunk, it's going to be a hell of a thing.

Speaking of which, the chatter that hit the Friesian summons stone was also the one that came just when I was drinking with Cisha.

Sisha delighted to serve large quantities of liquor bottles and began pouring liquor into each other's glasses to drink.

I'm licking my little one, but Sisha and Friesia are drinking with a lavish cocksucking throat.

"Hehe, the liquor Cisha has is delicious."

"Ugh, I'm glad you understand. These are the dishes I indulged in comparing drinks in the stores over there! Hey, thanks to Severia, we've got more kinds."

"You really like liquor. Well, your choice of booze is delicious."

Did you even go drinking in Severia?

Sometimes Quelles tells me to take you, and you look like you're collecting booze over there.

Some alcoholic beverages seem to be made of magic, and sparkling liquors are also placed on the desk.

Even I just think it tastes good when I let it drink like this, so I have a great sense of choice.

"And it was a surprise that Friesia could drink."

"I used to drink fruit liquor in there! The spirit tree fruit alcohol that comes out during the celebration was delicious!

"Spirit Tree Fruit Alcohol!? That's a very intriguing drink... I'd like to try it!

"If you come inside me, you'll ask the village chief!


"Ha ha, maybe he's coming out of a gacha fancy drink."

"Become!? Was that even possible! Let's spin more chatter, Mr. Okura!

Gashy, grab my shoulder. Sissha is making her nose rough.

I seem to have more enthusiasm for chatter than usual.

Even for me, the spirit tree fruit liquor is very interesting.

Even so, you lived in Friesia.

"You guys are the original worlds...... you talk about in the GC world or something?

"Uh, sometimes you do. That said, there may be less common topics because the countries in which you lived are different. Mr. Friesia has never been to anyone's town."

"That's right. So it's fun to listen to the Sissy Ha and the others!

"Heh, I see"

Sure, if they're all in different positions, they'll live in different places, and maybe it's hard to talk to them unexpectedly.

Is it not inherently possible that we are gathered in a similar position in this context?

Though he's in the same regiment on the game, there wasn't much talk about UR characters being aligned in the same place in the character scenario.

It can never happen in GC that Sisha and Friesia are all there to drink like they are now.

"If I could have a drink with the Knolls, I'd have fun."

"Knoll is so vulnerable to booze, don't ever let him drink it! It was in the confectionery. He was drunk with booze.

"I know you say that's weak, but if it's Mr. Knoll, he eats a lot. Yes, so maybe that's the cause, too"

Uh, if you ask me, it sure looks like I was eating a ton... still vulnerable to booze I'm pretty sure.

If we're going to get him drunk, we need to get him drunk with healing magic right away, on top of the Cisha sitting.

While we had that conversation, we prepared knobs along the way and continued to serve alcohol for a long time.

Sisukha takes a look at Junmai Dajinjo, a fancy drink from Gacha.

"Puha! I knew the alcohol that came out of this mess was exceptional!

"It's delicious. There's a lot of alcohol besides fruit tree liquor."

"I'm scared of how much you guys drink. You can always drink with such cockroaches."

"That's how normal it is. Hey, Mr. Friesia."

"Yeah! Let's drink more and more Heihachi too!

Sisha is getting pretty red in the face and getting drunk around, but Friesia is flat with no change in complexion at all.

How much alcohol are these two going to drink... over 20 more bottles are going to be emptied.

Without stopping, Sisha poured more liquor into the glass, poking her cheekstick at her as she rattled the karakara and the ice inside.

"Ha, this is how I drink it, I'm worried about the alcohol Mr. Caron gave me."

"Caron's alcohol bothers me, too. I wonder what kind of alcohol it is."

"You can't imagine a dragon god's liquor. You keep it properly?

"Isn't that natural! This house will blow up, but it won't break. It's tense by multiplying the junction! You will never be taken if a thief enters!

"You've done too much of anything! Or you can protect the house!

Ten tiers and how tight it is to keep it! Protect the house first in that bond!

But the liquor Karon gave me is definitely valuable. Is it good to keep it safe?

The drinking lasted until late at night, when Sisha finally fell to her desk with her face bright red.

"Hick, hehe... drink more."

"Sisha, I think it's time to stop. I won't be able to use healing magic anymore."

"Seriously, Sisha crumbled first... Friesia, you're amazing."

"Really? I can still drink, but Sissy's going to fall asleep, so stop it."

Friesia should be drinking about the same amount as Sisha, but her face is not red at all.

He's an alcoholic, he's an alcoholic elf! No, it's more of an elf, so you're resistant to alcohol?

But I feel kind of weirdly calm.

Maybe the other way around is when booze comes in.

That's fine, we have to do something about this shitty face and the priest who's going to sleep.

"Hey drunk. That's why we're open today."

"Ahem! You can't take it! Still drinking. Huh!


Taking the liquor away from Sissha, who was about to pour more liquor with his nosy eyes, Ba and I hugged him.

Thought you'd come and take the liquor as it were, cheeks on my chest.

"Oh, let go!

"Eh heh... I still drink... su"

"... fell asleep"

Sisha went back cheating as she was, and started to sleep holding onto me.

... I was about to fly my consciousness first before, but did Sisha fall asleep this time?

Looking at the sleeping Sisha, I noticed Friesia looking over at me drinking with jitty eyes.

I've never seen this guy turn a blind eye like this!

"Heihachi Niya is jerking off. I knew it was Heihachi."

"Bebe, I'm not fucking around! Look, I'll get rid of it!

"Yes. Good night, Sisha."

Put Sisha to bed and clean up the liquor bottle and the glass. Leave her room behind.

... in a way it became a beverage to learn about the unexpected side of Freesia.