The day after I summoned Martina, I prepared a lot and got a little hasty.

Martina was so excited about making a private room in the house extension after that.

It's a mystery why he was so happy, but he used his candles to go to town to buy interiors with the Freesians.

I went to Martina's room with Frisia because I had some errands for her when the sun went up and she didn't come to the living room after a while... but I knocked on the door and didn't hear back.

"Is Martina here?"

"No, I can't go somewhere by myself... hmm?"

Luna and Sisja had various experiences, and Freesia was suddenly taught not to open other people's rooms.

I was worried about what was going on, but Martina's voice could be heard in the room.

Hmm, is this better?This is good, right? Is this it? Is this it?

"I can hear you! I'm inside!"

"Oh, hey."

When Freesia opened the door without stopping, Martina took a mysterious pose in front of the costume mirror.

They don't even realize we're in the room, and they're screaming and changing the form over and over again.

When I saw it, Freesia leaned her neck with a suspicious face, so I called instead.



"What are you doing in front of the mirror?"

"Cumming, cumming... I was practicing a cool pose because I finally got my own room.Exploring decisive poses is always essential. "

"Yeah, well, for now, I'm gonna have a meeting, so come to the living room."

Getting your own room is posing research... and he's really obsessed with cool stuff.

The interior of the room is entirely black and unified, decorated with a satin crystal and its own weapon, Osaka.

We've only just made it light, so if we go to King's Landing in the future, it'll be a more unique room.

Freesia, who had returned to her senses while doing so, greeted her vigorously in the morning.

"Good morning, Martina! It's a good morning!"

"Oh, good morning... you're always fine."

"Er, it's so normal.Martina has low tension in the morning. "

"It's not that low... it's just that it's been a long time since I met someone in the morning..."

The goodness of the prestige just now vanished like a lie, blushing her cheeks and staring at Freesia.

Hmm, I think you're embarrassed, but I feel like something's different...

Well, it looks like you've already sort of figured it out with Freesia, and you'll get used to it.

I just took Martina to the living room, and I had a meeting with four people: Nor, Esther, and Freesia.

By the way, Luna is sleeping in a blast, and Sisja seems to be sleeping with her.

I didn't call Martina here because she seemed nervous when she was there.

"So what's the meeting for?"

"Oh, Martina's here, so I'm going to have to decide what to do and what to do next, so I'm going to hunt."

"Cook, you know why I'm here.If you add as much power as I do, you can't help it. "

"Would you be able to react the same way if you knew about it....."

"Oniisan, you're thinking about not being Roku either...."

"If it's too bad, you'll definitely stop it...."

Hey, what are the three of you looking so worried about?

If you react like that, Martina would be suspicious of being so confident.

Well, I said the meeting, but the agenda for this discussion is about Martina's abilities.

"Martina, how long can we use the undead in our current state?"

"I want you to stop calling me an officer.They're just my friends helping me out. "

"Speaking of which, when I was fighting, what do you mean by friends?"

"That's what it means.Friends are friends, no more or less.I'm not giving orders, I'm asking everyone. "

"Hmm, I'm kind of scared of the atmosphere..."

"It seems better not to step too far..."

Freesia and Nor are afraid to see Martina's cloudy, dimmed eyes.I'm bluffing, too.

This is definitely a landmine topic for Martina...

I'm not sure that Undead is a friend, but I'm afraid I can't hear the details until we get closer.

Martina has been worried about how many undeads she can manipulate as it is.

"Hmm, now the power is 30 for the Ghost alone, 20 for the Skeleton, 10 for the Warrior Skeleton, and 3 for the Mementomori.Suppose we had one menthol fight, we'd have six warrior skeletons at the same time. "

"Quite a lot. What's the difference between Skeletons and Warrior Skeletons?"

"It's just different strengths.You have a sword or you wear armor.Normal skeletons can break your body with a single blow.The more you give, the lower your combat power will be. "

"Was it the Skeletons that could easily have been defeated when we fought?"

"I wonder if it was a mixture of Skeletons and Warrior Skeletons at that time.You were too strong to compete with Warrior Skeletons, so I switched to a combination of regeneration-focused ghosts and skeletons. "

"It was hard to break through.I knew Martina's strength very well. "

I see? When Fanya-san tells me, I get irritated.

... oh? Somehow you're bad at Noel.Do you have any thoughts?

Nevertheless, the number of undead appears to be far enough.

If we could introduce this number into the hunt, we could no longer get Magic Stones at the all-you-can-play level!

However, it is still too early to be happy with the number of undead that can be served.There are other things to consider when hunting.

"How far apart can the undead be?"

"No, that's impossible. It's based on my negative power, so if you leave, you won't be able to maintain your presence.The Ghost will be fine to a certain extent.If you leave me for the same reason, my combat power will drop and my number of movements will continue to decrease. "

"... Hmm, I see. Then we need to verify how far apart it will weaken so that we can't defeat the monster.And may I ask you a few more questions? "

"Fuck, I didn't know you wanted to know so much about me.Very well, I'll tell you anything! "

If Martina wants us to hunt, we need to see what more we can do.

First of all, when I asked if Undead was tired, it seemed that the Undead, who were called friends, did not make much self-assertion, but if they made imprudent demands, their reaction would be slow.

For example, if you fight too long, more and more combat power will fall and you won't be able to maintain your worst health.

Not only that, Martina's request becomes difficult to hear, and if you force yourself to give an order, you will need a lot of negative power and increase the burden.

When that happens, you run out of negative power and you can't manipulate the many undead.

The other thing I checked was if Martina and the Undead would fight while she was asleep.

It seems possible, but while asleep, Undead's combat power drops and he lacks precision in his movements.

I'm sure Goblins and orcs can defeat them without any problems, but we need to find out how weak they are.

Hmm, I wish Undead hadn't had to hunt all the time, but that's not going to work.

When asked if they had any other abilities, they could show Martina their shared vision.

There's a map app, so I don't know how to use it, but working with Freesia might help me shoot long range.

"Fufu, how about my power!... but why do you always care if your friends can fight for a long time? "

"That's because I want Martina to hunt for as long as possible.Depending on the strength and continuity of the Undead, the efficiency of obtaining Magic Stones will change overwhelmingly! "

"Hunting and Magic Stone Acquisition Rate...?"

"I think oniisan has some knowledge in his memory, but it's something he needs to spin around.I was wondering if we could use the undead to collect it efficiently. "

"Well... how long have you been thinking about that?"

"We're an at-home party.I wouldn't say that.Usually from morning till noon, until night if you can.You may be hunted for more than 12 hours in an emergency. "

"Ju, 12 hours!? You can't hunt for that long!"

Martina is looking at me like she sees something she doesn't know.

Nor and the others looked at it and said, "Ah."

"After all, that's how it reacts....."

"But it's improved a little lately."

"I see. Let's see what happens when we actually hunt."

"I see...."

Martina admitted to seeing Nor's reaction and causing him to pull his face.

I told you honestly because I am troubled when I cut my feathers in the future, but when I heard that I was hunting for 12 hours, there was nothing I could do about it.

The rewards from the hunt will be distributed properly, and the more loose items you have, the better your daily life and combat skills will be.

Since the number of people has increased, we don't hunt Death March like before, so the burden of hunting has decreased.

In the meantime, I think it's best to go hunting and have Martina hunt.