The night after Martina finished checking her strength, I heard a shout as she left the bath and returned to her room.

The voice was heard in Martina's room, and the door was open and round.

"Wow, Martina's sickle is so cool!"

Um, not bad.

"Cook, that's right, that's right!"You're my kind! "

When I looked inside the room, Freesia was carrying a sickle.

Luna looked at it with her arms crossed, and Martina nodded joyfully with a full smile.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah, Heihachi! I'm visiting Martina-chan's room!"

“They brought me to Freesia.I just can't help it. "

"Come on, we just got a room, so don't push it." I'm sorry, Martina. "

"Bee, it doesn't matter."Rather...... it's been a long time since people have asked for me. "

Martina's face turned red as she glanced at Freesia and Luna.

Hmm, that must have been before I was summoned to GC.

I don't know anything about Martina's character scenario, so I don't have the details.

Considering what you've been saying and what you've been doing in UR unit battles... it's very likely that you were a botch.

But being summoned like this and getting along with the Freesias was a good thing.

So the three of you were watching the scythe?

"Yeah! Martina likes to be cool, so she told me that the special equipment is also cool."We were also showing our gear to each other. "

"I wonder what your words and deeds are.However, the preferences match quite well. "

"I think Mr. Vallado's cloak and spear are cool."Even a vampire will long for it. "

"Hmm, I've never been told that before.I knew he was a different person. Shall I bite you and make you my family? "

"That's kind of... but I want to be..."

"Oh, I'm just kidding."

Luna was slightly drawn to Martina's anticipatory gaze.

Don't be puzzled by what you're joking about.

But is it true that Luna has a good sense of taste?

Maybe Freesia wants to hear what she thinks, but she's pointing at herself and making a fuss.

"Hey! I'm me!"

"Mr. Freesia's bow and arrow are also cool."I feel like there's some mysterious power in it. "

"Ehehe, my Divine Lux and Divine Arrow are using a spirit tree!"The blessing of the spirits lives in it! "

Spirit Tree!? Really a great weapon!

Wow, it's just UR gear, and it's made of unbelievable materials.

It seems that valuable equipment that is usually unavailable is also used, such as equipment dedicated to Nol and Estelle.

Martina took a breath and made a calm gesture as she began to speak in a bleak atmosphere.

"The people here are amazing."Vampires, elves, wizards, priests, all kinds of admirers.Especially the knightly Fanja-san! "

"Hmm? Knight? I don't think he's that kind of guy, but... he's a pimp."

"That's not true!" Speaking of knights, we all admire them!I used to want to be a knight, too. "

"Oh, that's why you're a necromancer?"

"I don't mean to say that I wanted to be... but I had a talent as a necromancer."It's the result of trying to be stronger than you.I made a lot of friends thanks to you. "

"Martina-chan, are you talking about your friends... the Undead?"

"Oh, everyone gets along really well with me."Look, I'm still with you. "


When Martina patched her fingers, several purple lights began to appear around her.

Don't suddenly let out ghosts!What a surprise!

She had a deep smile on her face, and from what I've just told you, it looks like the darkness is very deep...

I was too worried about the necromancer's goal and the fact that many of my friends were called Undead.

"Speaking of which, can't you get out a zombie or something?"It's as typical of the Undead as a skeleton. "

"Hmm, I can cum, but... it's not cool."Besides, I'm scared of how I look... do you want to see my worn-out human form? "

"I certainly don't want to see it when you say that..."

"Don't be afraid of the Necromancer."... I know how you feel. "

Luna shakes her head vertically and agrees.

Even with my imaginary zombies, I don't want to actively look at skin that is worn out and muscles can be seen, eyeballs that have popped out, limbs that have been cut into thousands, etc... yeah.

If I was a necromancer, I wouldn't understand using it as a skeleton.

Freesia had a question, too. She's following me and asking Martina a question.

Which is stronger, a zombie or a skeleton?

"I think it's about the same strength."Zombies are more resistant to magic and blows.If you don't wipe out your flesh after you've been hit, you can sabotage it.Even if your body is in half, you can still move, so you're sticky.Instead, it's very slow. "

"If you're a superior zombie, don't you think you can run?"If you bite again, you'll infect something and become a zombie. "

"I wonder if ghouls can run like warrior skeletons."Even if I bit it, the opponent wouldn't become a zombie.The Undead I give out are the same core souls, only forming their bodies with negative forces.It's a little different from the monsters that spring up naturally. "

In other words, does Martina's Undead use the Ghostly Beings as their core, forming separate flesh to become the Undead?

So when I fought in the UR unit battle, even when I defeated the Skeleton, the Ghost dived into the ground and came back to life.

If they had used ghouls and other zombies in that battle, they might have made us struggle harder.

If a fallen zombie grabs my leg and bites me, I'll definitely panic.

In some cases, I could use a Zombie Summon Monster."I don't really want to see it either..."

"Nevertheless, if you can talk to Luna normally already, it seems that Sisha and I will be able to deal with it immediately."You admire gurus, don't you? "

"Ugh... that's right, but..."

Sisha-chan can be scary sometimes, but it's okay because she's gentle

"Hmm, Sisha is a good guy."If I'm a vampire, I'm sure. "

I didn't think Martina had a clergyman in her admiration.

Luna had no grudges about being defeated in the UR unit battle, and she seemed to be in good company.

However, as soon as Sisha spoke, Martina leaned down and spoke with a floating expression.

"It's true that some of the battles at that time are still in trout."But even if you long for it, you're still afraid of the guru... "

Are you afraid of the guru? I don't know because I'm a psychic, but have you ever done anything?

"Inadvertently used the powers of a spiritualist in front of a shrine official."I didn't mean to hurt anybody, but I was lucky enough to be part of an extremist faction... and I got chased all over the place.I wonder what would have happened if I had been caught then..... "

"I see. They're a group of people who come at us with negative power without question."It doesn't matter if we're willing to be hostile.But don't worry, Sisha isn't like that. "

"If Vallado says so, I can rest assured... but I need more time."

Hmm, even Luna, who was liked by Sisha, took a long time to get along with just the guru.

It looks like you've got a lot of darkness on the guru himself, so I guess I'll just have to leave you here until you get used to Freesia and Luna.