We were attacked by the tentacles again and again as we were moving towards the midpoint, the source of the tentacles.

In addition to Martina's Debuffs and Esther's Magic Combination, Luna's Kazykl slams her into incapacity.

Having finished her work, Luna took out a bottle of blood and drank it before the skill recoil came out.

"... ng, puhaha. The blood you drink after work is exceptional."

"You're drinking it very tasty." Is it that delicious? "

"The taste of Hirahachi is there."... I'm also curious about the taste of the elves. It feels healthy. "

"Eh... my blood is not delicious!"

"Hee, there's a difference in the taste of the blood, right?"

"Hmm, your blood looks delicious too." Negative force fits the tongue. "


Luna turned her nagging gaze toward Martina as she groaned her tongue, and she turned pale and stood back.

It's true that Martina's blood, which seems to be stronger than Luna's, looks much better than mine.

It is possible that the strength will improve even more if I drink it, so I might try it if I don't dislike it.

"Nevertheless, that tentacle doesn't seem to be cut." Even though I've already burned down a lot of bottles, they're attacking me. "

It looks like I could buy some time if it was charcoal extinguished, but I wonder if the vines are regenerating again in the walls.

"There are multiple bottles and they even play, so it's troublesome." It would be helpful if they didn't attack at the same time. "

"Unless we stop something in the place where we're relaying, it's likely to attack us." It's about time you got close, right? "

I tried to follow the vine earlier, but it's pretty close. What we've just attacked should reach us before it plays. "

We've had tentacle raids since the relay was revealed, but we're finally seeing each other.

The end of the Elder Plant that I just defeated was also baked until it turned into charcoal by sending in a flame magic that tripled the power of Esther's pursuit from a large open mouth.

The first one didn't chase after being disabled, but this process delayed the tentacles from coming out a lot.

Even Esther's magic takes a long time, but she can buy more time to raid, so she burns all her defeated tentacles until they carbonize.

If we destroy something at the relay point, we won't need it anymore... I don't know what the hell is going on here.

Moving forward with anxiety, a large space opened on the map app was reflected.

Perhaps that's the relay point, and we need Martina's Ghost to get ahead.

And when I was shown the state of the space in the shared vision, there was a huge black stem growing there.

It's too big to look like a tree trunk anymore, but the stem is closer because of the feel of the epidermis.

The whole thing is pulsating like a pump, and it looks like it's still pumping power somewhere.

Other than that, I didn't see anything that bothered me, or anything that seemed threatening.

Is this the part that connects the end to the body?

"It's just like relaying." I don't seem to have any fighting ability though..... "

"Mmm, it's not responding to my friends either." The vitality is pretty strong, so this must be supplying power to the tentacles. "

Hmm, the relay point seems to be quite important, but no other monsters... is it a trap?

Martina sent in multiple ghosts to inspect the entire room, but there was no sign of torrents lurking in the walls.

Too defenseless to look suspicious on the contrary... Okay, let's try another one here.

"Shall we strike before we enter the room?" Estelle, try to shoot the magic with all your might. "

"Oh, it's unusual to try your best." Well then, let's get this over with. "

"Pinpoint, let's get a pinpoint!" The blasting system is no good! "

"If Estelle blows up with all her might, the labyrinth itself will collapse and I'm scared..."

The labyrinth is very durable, so I think it's okay, but it looks like we won't be able to make it through the aftermath.

"Don't worry, I won't use the bombing system." If the opponent doesn't move, there's even better magic. "

I don't really want to use the word "full force" against Estelle, but I can't say that it's this labyrinth.

Soon as I asked, Esther is ready to open the grimoire and hold her cane.

A giant sphere of light converges in the center of the magic circle drawn in the universe.

Martina was in a hurry to evacuate the Ghosts.


The ball of light slowly began to move with the scream and headed toward the place where the stem was.

As we evacuated to the bend and watched further away, we discovered that the sphere had burst into flames with intense light from the end of the aisle.

It just emits light without any explosion or vibration, but it's probably quite powerful...

The light lasted for a while, but it finally subsided and Martina's Ghost went back to recon.

Now, I'm sorry that most of my opponents won't be safe if I use three times as much magic as the charged Ester...

When I checked what had happened with vision sharing, there was still a pulsating stem there that hadn't changed anything before.

"Unharmed!? Unharmed!?"

Is it intact under Esther's magic?!

"Hmm, I'm sorry." Can I shoot a couple more times? "

"Oh, oh, try it."

Then there were two or three shots in a row... a total of six shots of the same magic were unleashed by Esther while the cheeks were swollen and unwilling, but there was no scratch at all on the surface of the stem.

"Seriously... how could Esther's full magic not do any damage?"

"Is the magic resistance so high that even Ester can't tear it?" Or do you have some unique abilities and skills..... "

If you don't accept Esther's magic at all, you have unusually high magic resistance.

It seems impossible to defeat it by unilaterally attacking from the outside without going inside like this...

However, since no other monsters emerged from the attack, it was very unlikely that anything else was lurking.

There's no sign of those stems attacking us, so we're going to get close and make sure it's real.

When I went inside and actually checked it with my own eyes, the stem was big enough to look up, and it still radiated a presence that could be called a giant tree. It's a little round. It's like a fuel tank.

Now, let's see what this thing is in the status app for now.


●Elder Plant (Duplex) Race: Plant

Level: 90

HP: 450,000

MP: 200,000

Attack: 0

Defense: 10,000

AGI: 0

Magic Resistance: 200

Intrinsic Capacity Super Regenerative Anti-Coating Vitality Savings

Skill Plant Generation


"Even if we get close, there's no response." Even though the tentacles were so violent, I'm surprised. "

"From the status, it's strange that Esther's magic didn't pass at all." Is the anti-coating film due to its inherent ability? "

"I wonder if that hard skin looks like that?" How can I break it? "

"Do you want to try lowering your resistance with my negative force?" Then maybe we can defeat Esther by her magic. "

“That's right, I can be more powerful nearby, so let's give it a try.”

It would be difficult to completely prevent that magic with only 200 magic resistance.

Esther's inherent abilities and gear reduced her magic resistance to a certain extent.

The Elder Plant's duplex doesn't seem to be attacking even when it's nearby, so Martina slowly inflicts a Debuff nearby, causing Esther to attack again with magic.

However, the result is still intact.

In addition, Nord and Freesia were physically attacked while experimenting, but the result was not damaged at all.

"No, you can't..." Even if we attack, the blade won't go through! "

"No matter where I look, I can't see my weakness!" Where am I supposed to attack! "

Is it just for carrying vitality and specializes in defense?

Hmm, it seems that the Nords' attacks are completely incompatible... Is this the anti-coating of their own inherent abilities?

Maybe this much defense means they don't have a defensive presence.

Well, there's a chance we won't attack because we knocked down the terminal tentacle beforehand.

"If I take the time, the tentacles will regenerate, so I have to do something sooner..."

Gralier, who had been silent for a long time, called out to her as she wondered what was going on.

I want to try something, but can you help me?

“Yes, if there's anything that bothers you, just say it.”

I want you to expose the tentacle connected to that double core with a magic tool that penetrates the wall.

"Do you have a tentacle...?"

”It looks like the vigor is flowing from the tentacles you just defeated. If I could touch the tentacles near that gap, I might be able to interfere with something.”

Even though I knocked down the tentacles, it was only the part that was outside the wall.

The part connected to this duplex remains in the wall, so after a while, the tentacles regenerated and attacked me again.

After all, I thought the Labyrinth Wall wasn't something we could destroy by ourselves... but maybe we could just open it up a little by using the Dimension Hall.

I tried to pierce the dimensional hole into the tentacle position inside the wall as Gralier instructed.

And when I open the wall, I can see the surface of the pulsating tentacle.

"Hey, can you use it not only to pass through, but also to expose the person inside the wall like this..."

It hasn't been long since I've seen this, but I have to learn from Gralier that I can think of something like this.

Mr. Gralier touched his exposed tentacle, but he frowned and looked something difficult.

{...... I can't interfere with it like this. I'm sorry, but can you use that technique with Luna's spear? ”

"Hmm, fine." This time, my Kazykul's behavior is massive. Heihachi, I'm glad you're storing blood. "

”Ah, ahhh... I have to stock up on blood again for a while...”

"I'd like to cooperate too, but I'm sorry it doesn't fit Luna's mouth..." Ask Freesia and Martina to donate blood instead. Don't worry, we can heal you with healing magic. It's about a litre. ”


With the help of Noel and Estelle, I was able to store a vial of Luna's skill blood so that I could use Kazykl as soon as the quadruple cool time was over.

Even if Luna's skills include recoil, it's the most user-friendly of us.

In fact, I was very active in defeating the end of the Elder Plant. "If you're always motivated by this..."

Luna, who had been asked by Mr. Gralier, had just poked an exposed tentacle at Bradborough, which was covered in a red aura.

Even a single shot that activated Kazykl would open a hole about the size of a fist, but Gralier pushed his hand through it, saying that it was enough to open a hole.

Watching what the Elderplant's duplex was doing while being alert to its surroundings, it suddenly began to tremble violently.

"What, what? The duplex is moving."

Mmm, there's a cut in the surface!

The skin peeled off when a cut appeared on the surface as if it was shaking.

The inside of the anti-static film is a red-black glowing sphere, which shines strongly and begins to shake around it.

Shit, something's coming! We need to crush the duplex before that happens!

"Martina, debuff that core!" Estelle, then attack! "

Roger that! Even if I lose my defense and become naked, I won't forgive you!

Yeah, I'll take care of it. I'll shoot you as much as I can.

Martina unleashes multiple Ghosts, wrapping Debuffs around their nuclei, and Esther opens Grimoire and begins to deploy more than 10 spheres of light simultaneously.

In the meantime, the flaky skin of the duplex stretched to the ground and the wall, and it was turning into a tentacle. Before that, Esther waved her wand and cast her magic.

The sphere of more than 10 lights instantly rushed into the red and black nucleus, bursting with a light that could not open its eyes.

When the light subsides and the eyes are opened, the original stem remains, but the red and black nuclei are completely extinguished, and the remaining skin and tentacles are gradually beginning to wither away.

Without the anti-foil, Martina's debuffs and Esther's magic would have made her look like she was overkill...

"It's very important to expose even the contents." What did you do? "

"I used the flowing essence to attack with spirit magic from the inside." Even if the opponent could be called an attack, it seemed like there was a reason to do it. "

"It was strong against external attacks, but it seemed to be weak inside." I didn't expect to take any damage, but I was in a hurry to create a Plant. "

"It would have been nice if the duplex hadn't moved like that." Usually, it is blocked by the labyrinth wall, so I can't attack like this, so was it an emergency from the Elder Plant? Anyway, it looks like the tentacles around here will disappear. "

Let's follow the main body from the remaining duplex remains. Hopefully, we can get to the deepest part of it. "

That said, Gralier touched the wreckage of the Elderplant, which was beginning to wither, and seemed to be tracing the source of the power.

"With this, I'll be able to eliminate one of the duplex nuclei that were the source of the tentacles and trace it to Daiyuan..."

Even the tentacles and the duplex are such a threat to the body of the Elder Plant.