Using My God Skill “Breathing” to Level Up, I Will Challenge the Dungeon of the Gods
Episode 47: Confrontation with nobility
"What, you guys...?
A knight who pulled out his sword looks at me and Prine in surprise.
"Do you know how to behave with this one - the son of Lord Franca, Ray Blanco Nogueira Franca!
Screaming, a knight pointed a cut of his sword at me.
I tap the stick in my hand with my finger and trace my memory to Lord Franca. [M]
He must have been a great nobleman in the south. Same as Mr. Martina's, adventurer. I hear that's top notch too. The lady there and the knight? Pretty nasty though......
The clown in me was switched on.
"This is Lady Franca. I don't know, I'm so sorry."
Take the hat with your left hand, spread your hand wide, and try to exaggerate it. The right hand has just been repositioned to hold the stick. Make it easy to hook up.
Lift your head and wear a hat. At the same time as the movement, my stick shook, hooked the knight's sword, and fixed it.
"Huh!? You...!
He didn't seem to see any movement. It's no big deal.
The stick with the handles in the T-shape does not let go by hooking the knight's sword. If he pulls the sword, he pushes, if he pushes, he pulls, he keeps the antagonism. This knight may be the end of the adventurer, but so am I.
Don't lick the swordsmanship LV27.
"Well, well, knight. Here's one, spare me my boring art, will you put your sword away?"
and take the hat again with your right hand fixed. A bright white pigeon that flies with judgment from the inside.
Cheers rose from the gallery surrounding the noise far away.
"Oh......! Brilliant......!
"Look, it's a clown trick. You're lucky to be seen for free."
"Well true. Still, why is that one pulling out his sword? Is this one of the pleasures?
Knight Sama looking around like a frustration. I close one eye and put my hat back on. [M]
The lady who watched calmly in the back opened her mouth.
"It is true that the man defiled my dress. I wonder what the blame would be?
"I can't believe it's just dirty...! I was just sitting there, didn't the end of the dress just touch a little when you were passed beside me......!
When the beggar raised her voice, well, the lady raised her eyebrows as she was surprised.
"That I got a lot stronger as soon as I got more allies. Do you think the begging mood is on track and forgiven?
- Excuse me, Franca's lady.
I pinch my mouth.
"If you are certain of what this man has said, your actions will touch the laws of Sukku. Wouldn't it also affect your lord who is in your territory?
"Alas, your father is in the King's Capital. So I don't care what happens at this point."
"But doesn't everyone around you think so?
There are also many aristocrats in the gallery. The name of Lord Franca was also made known by Sama, the Knight of Uccari. It would be rumoured that the daughter had boring causes for begging.
In this country, where humans are relatively peaceful among themselves, force is rarely used in disputes between nobles. Many see settlements in a political way, Dr. Diego told me.
There should be nothing more terrifying for them than the spread of bad rumors among the nobles.
The lady also guessed it, and she did not object.
Just instead,
"... who are you, who are you? Is it firm enough to give an opinion to me?
"Do you need to say that?
"I didn't say stupid. Naturally. You think someone who's not noble or a big merchant can have a conversation with me, this great nobleman?
I didn't get a fed up look, thanks to Job the Clown.
No matter how true that is, nobles do not have to listen to the words of the civilians. There are still many aristocrats who think this way.
A lot of people in the gallery seem to think that way, and they hear voices like, "That's right," or, "I wonder what house you're holding a clown in," or, "It's just weird that an adventurer would turn his teeth."
Oh, my God. I'm just the son of an innkeeper, an adventurer. I don't know what kind of family...
- It's Ramodo.
I heard a voice from behind. That's the voice I've heard so many times before, but it sounded like the most Rin voice I've ever heard.
Prine says again to the lady's inquiry.
"It is Ramode, a merchant who deals in spices, mainly sugar. My name is Prine Lamoud and I am her daughter."
- Is that what you want me to say?
I look back surprised, but it's too late.
When the gallery learned about Prine's home and spoken to it,
"Well, you were Lamoud's lady"
"Those sweets are delicious."
"There was a sugar worker at home made of Lamoud sugar."
Prine tells Franca's lady. Sneaking at the end of my suit.
"To get to know the world, we are now adventurers"
The situation is reversed.
If the man who speaks the truth is the daughter of a great merchant who is also known to the aristocracy, he must listen.
No, the gallery is waiting for Lady Franca to react.
The lady, who received a gaze from around her, raised her chin and looked down at the prine.
"Well...... good. Let's get you out of here. Forgive Lamoud for his name and your boring art."
At the end of the day, look at me and say, lady. Don't tell me it's your pride to be boring. I'd definitely have said it if Job had stayed a warrior though.
"Damn, let go of the good...!
During the conversation, a knight who had been pulling all the way groaned. I'll read my breath and loosen my strength.
"What, wow!?
I pulled with all my strength, and the knight flipped me over with all his strength because it was broken badly and I let go. Well, of course, I timed it to be.
"Damn it, dammit...! What, dammit... remember...!
The knight, interrupted by his cloak, stood up and fell, and managed to get up, left me with a throwaway dialogue and ran away after the lady who had just gone first.
"Oh, boy."
I shrug my shoulders.
Chan, chan, and coins were thrown around. The aristocrats in the gallery left it as a "spectacle price".
Damn, you're a nobleman everywhere.
Sighing, Prine started picking it up. Come on...... if I thought I was, I'd give it to the beggar I was picking it up with.
"Yes, go ahead"
"Shh, I'm sorry, lady..."
"No, were you not injured?
It's an uncontrolled smile. A smile from the bottom of my heart. I thought you were an angel.
"Oh, oh...... Thank you, young lady...... He's sweet... he's cute... hehe..."
A beggar received a change from Prine's hand, but grabbed it and began to rinse and stroke it. Sticks that just fly in. Later I realized that was what I was waving.
"Hey, old man, don't touch my prine with a nasty hand."
"Aww! Oh, I'm sorry..."
"Return one favor with a vendetta... Neither alarm nor gap...... Not that nobleman, but thank God his hands aren't flying."
"Heh. Sorry... sorry..."
"? What's wrong?
Prine is the only one, I don't know what you're talking about, and so on. Well, if you're not feeling bad about it, I've never been over it.
"Let's go, Prine. Damn, help him like this..."
And I said, no, I think back to you that it was Prine who tried to help, and I stop saying any more.
Denying you helped is the same as denying Prine's actions.
"Oh, wait, Ra-kun!
"Yeah. You okay?
"I'm fine!
Then fine, I stroked Prine's head. Then take your hand, and I will.
"? What's wrong?
"Disinfect...... No, I think it stinks. Territorial claims?
"I like the smell of Ra-kun!
"Run... come on ♪ Heh heh heh heh ♪"
As it was, Prine grabbed my hands and started taking some steps. Improvised dance that begins by force. Job the Clown is more of a jolly bad tease to knock. Takkata kata kata ♪ Takkata kata kata ♪
"Oh, brother and lady..."
I said when I saw us begging earlier but suddenly started dancing on the side of the road.
Stakkatakatakata ♪ Takkatakatakata ♪
"Apologize for your help and your disrespect earlier, and I'll advise you..."
"? What?
Takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata, takata!
"... you're not gonna stop dancing that?
"As it were, well, it's nothing... Uh, yeah..."
And, begging suddenly looks serious and tells.
I accidentally stopped breathing. I was unconsciously in a battle posture.
"- There are more people out there. The slave traders are trying to expand their business at once. Adventurers are no exception. Be careful. Especially young lady, you have a magical"... "that attracts one. It's not just humans."
Because of my mind, it even seemed like that voice had changed.
Unexpectedly stop dancing, I snort.
"... ok. Let's be careful. You, what the hell?"
"Hehe... Bye, brother. And your daughter. I'm gonna change places a little bit..."
"Oh, hey..."
"Bye, thanks..."
and begging to leave with his back round. I can't do it because Prine is dancing with my hands around her like a chase.
Is it my fault that the signs just seemed to change for a moment earlier?
"Hmm, well..."
"Come on, Prine. I'll go to Elena."
"Yes! Ra-kun, you're dancing better! Wow!"
"Awesome is Job"
And I started walking - and I noticed that.
"What's going on?
"My wallet's slipped."
"What!? Oh, my God!
"No, it's okay. It's Fake's purse. Sometimes this happens."
"Huh!? You had a fake purse?
"It's strange. When I became a clown, I suddenly got scared. I always wondered why you had such a careless purse."
"What do you mean?
He said, "If I wanted to steal it, it would be easy to steal it."
"That's not Mr. Sheaf's skill, is it?
"Looks like you were a dungeon strategy specialist over there. In other countries, the source of the sheaf is" bandits, "but in this country, there are theories that the Seeker" Seeker. "
Well, of course, Sheaf has bandit-like skills, and he has the same 'technology' system of jobs, so he has the kind of skills to wear with clowns. I'm good at both of them.
Incidentally, warriors and martial artists are classified as' combat 'systems, and magicians and monks as' magic 'systems, and some skills and magic can have the same effect.
After hearing my explanation, as Prine was impressed,
"It is! Ra-kun knows everything."
Dr. Diego's for sale.
"So, what do you do with your stolen wallet?
"I'm going to give it to you - it's a little tricky, too."
"Like what?"
"Like this."
Pan, I rang my finger. Magic LV1.
"Nice purse pigeons and flies away"
"Whoever took it will be surprised!
"Yeah, so I know who did it... That's it"
judgment, and the dove flew away into the sky.
If you look at the shadow directly beneath it...
An earlier lady and knight looked around in surprise. Then the lady said something to the knight and punched him. Here, full of power.
"Those guys...? No, no, it can't be. I can't imagine being touched by such a mutt without knowing..."
When I was stunned, the next prine, um, put her finger on her chin.
"Maybe the person who stole it put it in their luggage."
"Ah............ I see. That's Prine. Don't lose your head. Might."
"Well, there's nothing to praise."
Hehe, I'll stroke Mr. Prine, who can illuminate.
"Then let's hurry to Mr. Elena's. I ate a lot of time."
Guild Street.
A group of men and women were rubbing somewhat at at the corner of the road, looking away at the pigeons who flew away from the people they were going to meet.
"You're not stupid! Why are you wearing that kid's purse? You were so prominent!
"Follow me, follow me! Something else was distracting me, so I thought I'd be able to!
"You don't target kids because you can't steal from top warriors!? Besides, they ate a whole cup!
"... no, that's not just a kid"
"You must be a clown."
"Now I am, but you've probably changed your career. He's probably a warrior."
"Ugh. 'Cause from what I've seen, you're still young..."
"You were stopping the knight's sword, weren't you? And it was perfectly sealed. I'm not a clown. It's swordsmanship, that's"
"The level at which you can change careers…"
"It's top notch, so are they"
………… Not good, not the best. "
"Oh, you've got all the good ones... and Anna (...)"
Nodding each other, the men and women eventually disappeared.
Like shadows, like smoke.