Using My God Skill “Breathing” to Level Up, I Will Challenge the Dungeon of the Gods
Episode 67: The Battle of the Laid Boss vs. King Club
Eleventh layer.
Out of the savepoint room, far away, I saw Mr. Kani and the swollen adventurers fighting.
Looking back, the giant castle is rising. The savepoint was inside this castle, but nothing else existed that looked like an entrance. Is there only one room in this castle? Hariboth? Is it the castle of Hariboth?
"You built it for one save point...... God of the dungeon at all..."
"Ra, if you talk too badly, you're gonna hit a bee, right?
"God sees," he said. I know. "
That thief - God-Eyes, maybe God is the sponsor. I guess I'm receiving a trust in some way. Well, not now.
Prine raised her admiration when she saw the multiplayer battle.
"You're a big crab! There's plenty of one!
"You're a reid boss. We're partying temporarily."
"Heh! You don't have to go back to the guild!
"Oh. They have someone to undertake instead. Or, in this case, is it less human"
"Born in a dungeon, the guardians of the dungeon...... Well, fairies, spirits, that sort of thing. God in the dungeon ordered me to contact the adventurer."
"Spirit to the fairy. Magic will help you a lot, won't it?
"They show up at a level where they can have a conversation, not temporarily with help... You're not here. Want to come a little closer?"
Step away from the castle and walk to the bats. If you get too close, the monsters will be after us.
"... hmm?
"... that?
It was time for the bow to get to the distance it was going to reach, and I got eyes on him.
It's a palm-sized little fairy.
When she looked at us, she pleaded with her hands together.
"The traveler. I'll take a look at you, adventurer. Could you please take out that crab monster? That monster screwed up our castle."
"It's good."
And I'll take it lightly.
Are you sure? To the prine I'm going to see with my eyes,
"Laid boss fights are easy to get good items for. And lots of experience."
"It is!
Fairey extended her hand to show gratitude.
"Thank you, adventurer. Can I have your name, please?
"Rana Plata"
"Pu, it's Prine Ramode!
"Yes, I did. Dear Larna, Dear Prine. Thank you for listening to my request. From here on out, we're going to have a tentative party with the adventurers who are fighting over there right now."
With the magic of Fairy, the names were written in letters of light one after the other in the space where there was nothing in front of us. It would be a list of party members. Behind it are HP and MP, jobs and their levels? They share the same amount of information as guild cards.
The explanation goes on.
"Recovery, cover magic, etc. depends on everyone, but the larger the number of people, the weaker the effect. Your active adventurer will have a special blessing from the Dungeon God. There's something else special... I'm sorry. I just wanted to explain to you that it's time for those adventurers to be in danger."
I guess.
I saw the avant-gardes flashly blown away in a widespread attack by a big crab - the name on the list was' King Club '. The HP on the list is diminishing.
I hold the prine,
I rushed out. Looking back as I ran, screaming.
"Thank you, Mr. Fairey. I'll do something about it!
"Take care, Lady Larna, Lady Prine. Good luck!
"Aye, aye!
Well - let's do it!
King Club is a red crab. Has eight legs and two giant scissors. It looks delicious when boiled. It's already red before it's boiled.
It doesn't look great on giants and is quick. Horizontal movements and rotational attacks are troublesome. See, the adventurers are being beaten and blown away again by King Club's twirling scissors.
- Six warriors, two sheafs, one monk and three monks?
Apparently, it's a mixture of three parties. There are three pairs of four.
The monks heel the three sworn warriors.
Three remaining warriors and two sheeps are attacking King's Club's leg.
"Damn, I can't get my weapon through!
That's crustaceans. Looks like he has a lot of defense.
Seeing between the avant-garde's retreats, the rear guard magician cast his magic.
"- Water Ice Thorn" Ice Pickle "!
Ice thorns froze crab legs only for a moment, but were immediately bounced off. Apparently it doesn't work like the same crab-shaped monster "The Great Crab" that was on the fifth floor.
- Shh shh shh shh shh...!
White bubbles accumulate in the mouth of King's Club. Sheaf screamed.
"It's a brace, let it go!
- Bushaaaaaaaaaaaa!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
The breath of white water, blown out in a semi-circular fashion, once again swept away the avant-garde adventurers.
A sheaf who has escaped difficulty comes forward and gathers the enemy's aim while concentrating on dodging. In the meantime, the monks recover, but the party was no longer in disarray.
"No, it's too hard!
"Monk Squad, hang more of the Frazier!
"No, you can't, you won't be able to keep up with your recovery!
"Damn! [Martial Arts] Then the damage will go through inside!
"As long as there are martial artists......!
"- Yes, yes, I'm here. - Take!
Down on the way down Prine, I run past the side of the collapsed avant-garde and leap out in front of the King's Club.
He hit a positive fist thrust on his left forefoot with Dash's momentum.
- Kickin '!
The shock noise of the hands and crab feet rings high. King Club fell ill. Oh, my God, you don't have to use 'chi' to look good.
"Oh, you...?
"Martial artist! Can't wait, can you?
I answered briefly. A counterattack is coming. Scissors on the left. It's bigger than my height. Fast. Sounds heavy. If I avoid it, I'll hit straight at the warrior who's falling behind me. If so,
"- Defensive Shield!
It takes a prine buff. In addition,
"- [War moves] Iron Wall" Guard ""
Temporarily activated combat skills to increase defense and received scissors. I breathe.
With all my strength, I threw it.
- Giggly!?
Raise your voice funny, King Club flips.
Party members raised their voices of surprise.
"Are you nuts!?
"Sorry, that helped!
A warrior of leadership issues an ordinance.
"Guys, not yet! There's no guard in the back!
Adventurers attacking the back of crabs with weapons in their hands (...). Shh, shh, and black blood blew out, and King Club's legs moved squeamishly and painfully.
At that time.
- Shh shh shh shh shh...!
White bubbles gather at the mouth of the flipped King Club. Someone who noticed screamed.
"- Run, it's the braces!
I scream.
My partner replied, it was a spell.
"- Protective space" Sayfield "!
Everyone at the party was wrapped in a clear bubble. The braces released as they circled, the avant-garde barely hit directly into the rear guard,
"Is that...?
"... safe. Nothing!"
"This is...! High level magic with no braces!
"Wow......! I've never seen it before......!
Surprisingly joyful adventurers.
Meanwhile, King Club, who regained his posture with the momentum of the braces, waves a huge scissor with a monk in the rear guard.
"Hih no!
At that time, I had already finished saving my 'chi' right behind King's Club, placing my hands flat on his body.
"- [Martial Arts] Gongqi" This Is The Day "!
- Don't!
Crab giants bounce vertically. In a body protected by thick, hard shells, King Club, exploded with every gut, blew white bubbles out of his mouth, and fell to the ground.
Eventually, it becomes fog.
"Hey, what...?
Party members who don't know what happened.
A magical letter emerges in front of their bewildered eyes.
The list was updated, next to the name of the monster, marked as a victory.
After a moment of silence.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!
"Yay, yay, yay!
"I finally won. Ahhhhhhhhh!
Everyone exploded their joy.
It is a victory for the Reid Boss battle, tentative party.
When I was breathing with remorse, my partner came running.
"You did it, Ra-kun!
"Oh, that was brilliant, Prine"
Pan, and hi-touch.
The adventurers around us glorify us.
"Thanks to you guys. Thanks!"
"Hey, I can't believe you have such a strong martial artist coming!
"You didn't throw away the god of the dungeon either!
Respectful eyes directed from party members.
Even so, when me and Prine tried to dance out on Nori as it were,
Before all, a treasure chest appeared from the void.
A blessing from God in the dungeon would be the one.
There seem to be several types of crates as well.
Qualitative wooden boxes, sturdy looking iron boxes, and luxurious decorative boxes. And, there are three kinds.
There was an explanation next to the list. Apparently, the rewards given vary depending on the degree of activity.
Me and Prine are thankfully the most luxurious decorative boxes.
I opened inside.