Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Chapter 63: I'll explain the situation.
After the retreat of the soldiers of the Istonian Empire, I used the forbidden technique to open the gates of the Ground Height Kingdom faction.
This magic shortcuts the distance by compressing in the image the path of the place where it was once traveled and where it is now.
Incidentally, as long as the distance between the consumption of magic and the consumption of magic becomes so intense, the longer we need magic, the more ancient race and the more demonic power we can use, the more I can only use it, the difference between us.
Roy and I don't know how far there is, but if we don't cut our magic on the way, we'll stop being dangerous.
All right, let's go.
"... completely out of common sense in the book"
"This is happening..."
"What!? You are no tea!!
"You do it... but I'm negative!
No, no, no!
Because it's a war!!
There are four of us on this occasion, so why don't you be like the four of us?
Each reacted to my magic.
Well, I don't care what you say.
Besides, let's just say there was less dark air and it just changed.
Incidentally, soldiers of the Istonian Empire have begun to withdraw to their home countries under the command of their immediate cadres in Redonin.
Therefore, Wilhart, Sonin and Rednin are very much on their way to the Earthheit faction as important references for this war.
"I'm home!"
"What!? Mr. Hal!?
"Mr. Roy!?
"Ooh!! Safe and sound!!!... who are they?
Oh, I held a message to the Istonian soldier's Messenger of Reconciliation, but I magically chased him out.
Would it have been nice to use (...) such a thing?
Use the next tease (...).
In the meantime, Roy and I were in a hurry, and we explained the situation now.
"Hmm, was that a problem... anyway, the two of you were safe and sound. And you too are a disaster... no, you can't say that."
"Roy... such a dangerous thing... oh, something is missing"
"Mr. Hal... it's good to be back safely... but I'm too impotent..."
It's a threesome reaction here.
For now I'm (and probably Roy) preaching about the women (?) I was prepared to receive.
But Roy's father is a child who is showing understanding of the plight of the three brothers of the Istonian Empire.
"Let me explain to you what happened to me in the Istonian Empire about David."
That's right. Uledonin started explaining how it happened now.
About a year before Redonin had spoken, Davido, named Golzola bishop, had finally visited the castle, wishing for permission for Buddhism.
At first, the emperor felt strange about the unheard religion. However, Davido taught Wilhart Yasonin the unchanted and magical manipulation, and saw and took in the emperor the awesomeness of Golzola.
From there the emperor changed.
As Wilhart and Sonin became stronger, the emperor listened to Davido, and put Davido on his side at all times.
And then there's the case.
One morning, the Emperor's wife was assassinated by someone.
At that time, Davide discovered that a stranger had broken in.
As a result of his questioning, he said that he was from Earth Heights, and because of that, he leaned towards war.
At that time, he that seeketh shall be executed by David.
So I wondered about a series of currents. Redonin investigated the area around Davide, but the evidence was hard to see.
After David went to war, I saw a sentence indicating the relationship between him and David, who asked him to quickly adjust the house of David.
Davido escaped from the cell on the stairs where he testified with the Earthheit, and the hand to pay the report bounty may be the only constraint.
But Davide used it as much as he could to kill it.
Probably a lot of things.
And he that sought him died, and David fled.
I don't know about the truth, but Davide's reaction is different.
"Slippery, you mean a guy named Davido, leaping flat in his hand?"
"Father, I don't know about that..."
"Minutes are up. This is almost unharmed, and this time you two are the fruit of the war. So make sense of what you say."
Roy's father answered after understanding everything, for a more compelling reason.
Even though he is a wonderful king who understands Roy's father at times like this...
"Thank you, Father"
"Thank you for your heart"
Wilhart bows his head continuously to Roy's words.
Following that, Sonin, Rednin also bowed his head.
After all, Wilhart is more than just a selfish man.
Look at Wilhart so much. Roy's father opens his mouth.
"Mr. Wilhart... what are you going to do, give your brother the throne of the emperor?