Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Story 71: What's Done in the Kingdom of Silent Two
"Brother (...)! Thank you so much!"
"My lady is adorable. How dare you! Look, one more thing!
I'm here by the sea at the Silent Festival.
There are a lot of festivals out by the sea.
The smell of roasting meat and seafood, the sweet smell of sweets, all kinds of delicious and smelling drifts, stimulates the hungry stomach.
As a matter of fact, after that, we all lost lunch while obsessed with the course.
So I came to the Silent Festival a little early to eat at the store.
Already in the evening, but the sun falls high and hot.
In the meantime, I'll be waiting for you all to come home.
Now, you're practicing what I taught you in every other course.
I spend so much price-fixing money, I negotiate value deductions and buy them.
Well, a bit of a gaming sensation, unexpected. Everyone was into the ride.
Again, the royal family and the large businessman's family, so although the common people are fresh and entertaining.
"Mr. Hal! Look, look!
At first Shirley came home happy to hold a skewer with meat roasted in both hands.
Apparently, I'll make the mission a success.
"I got five of the seven bronze coins, plus I got another one! Yes! Hal, go ahead!
Shirley delighted to report her accomplishments to me as she bounced her voice, and gave me one extra bottle.
The fact that seven pieces of bronze coins received only one, in addition to five pieces, is less than half the price.
Well, the original value of seven bronze coins is a little expensive. I can't help but pay the festival price.
But this achievement in the first battle of value bargaining... is terrifying.
"Thanks! Then you'll get Shirley for the fishing, won't you? That's the result of the course."
"What? But..."
"The value and the importance of money is all that counts? So be self-absorbed and stubborn."
"... yeah!
Shirley puts two big bronze coins in her own bag.
That's right.
I was only greedy to understand that even small amounts like this bronze coin are important.
A long journey can be a small pile of money, but it can be a big one.
It's a lot of money now, but I don't earn it regularly.
And you can't count on your parents or your family.
I'm going on a journey of my own free will.
It's just like a child's confession when you can do it.
"Mr. Hal! How about this?"
Then Ali came home.
I have drinks and hold fruits squeezed in my hands.
In addition, he has come from behind, holding it in both hands, and carrying it in a basin like a shopkeeper.
... What happened here?
"Allie...... what now?
"Hal, you're right, you negotiate the value discount, and you say you're welcome to pay for it, but we don't want you to pay for it... and then you pay for it because you're evil, and you pay for it because you pay for it."
I see.
I was the evil one.
Shirley said she didn't go out much to be a child of the Grand Chamber of Commerce. She said she was a big husband.
Besides, it's the Great Chamber of Commerce and the average person.
Ari's country. Let Ari buy something.
Still, two bronze coins in one cup but two bronze coins in six cups...... 60% discount?
Ali, if you want to......
"Hal! Are we good now?
Roy returned with a large quantity of seafood grilled on a large plate with both hands.
I knew it.
The Kingdom of Silent Roy is famous for being Allie's fiancé.
Five bronze dishes of baked seafood... how many dishes do you want?
I don't know how much more to gain.
"... yeah"
I've already said nothing more.
"I'm home!"
He returned as Sonin flew and jumped in exhilaration.
He holds three bags in one hand.
The inside is cookie.
"We said we could try it and deduct the value, but the people we were with asked to eat delicious cookies for a number of people!
Sonin puts a full smile on his face and reports to me as he jumps.
Look at me smile. I'm just happy to talk to you.
That's not true right now.
More than enough to accomplish.
How does that make you feel?
Normally, there is nothing for you to say.
... Bullshit?
Well, anyway, Will.
"... Back"
Will came home faceless.
Can I help you?
In my hand...... is that it??
I don't have anything!?
"Will, what are you doing?!?
"... I got it for sale"
... Huh?
Oh my god!?
The customers are gods!
Go home and sell it!!
Are you a stubborn father!?
"Only such a guy can eat for the flavor!
How are you doing?
"Will! What the fuck!?
"... escaped"
... Huh?
Did you get away with it?
Normally you can buy a sandwich and get away with it.
No, I don't think about it.
This is weird.
"... Will, what did you say to the store owner?
"I want to buy a sandwich. I want to speak to the owner." But no more! "
... I can finally see the situation.
This is my guess...
1 Will turns to the store nervously about his first purchase.
2 At that time, Will was nervous and frightened of his face.
3 Will as-is told the store owner, 'I'm done!' and speak up.
Four shopkeepers freaked out at their fearful faces, adding: 'I already am!' Thinking about the breakdown of the dojo, thinking about the breakdown of the dojo and leaving the store, he escaped.
... How are you?
That's not true, but I can't think of anything else.
In the meantime, when Will buys out for the time being, don't carry the load.
"... yeah, good luck"
That's all I saw.
After that, I was able to buy and eat meat for just a few people on the way.
Originally, there were too many other seafood bought by Roy after buying too many feet.
I bought meat, my feet were filled with seafood, and everyone said that meat was delicious.
By the way, I was intimately moved by Will's subtle encouragement while eating.