Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Chapter 85: Bandits Dismissed?
"Hey, why don't you leave all the money behind?"
Spit out the obvious lines, and a bandit-headed man approaches.
Why do you keep saying things so hazy?
"Roy, what do we do?
"Damn you. Hal, let's just put a piece on it."
"Copy that!"
I unleash a combination of gravitational magic and obstructionist magic in the Istrian Empire toward bandits outside my head.
"Hey, what!?
"Ugh, I can't move..."
While he spoke softly, the thieves besides his head and neck were rendered powerless, and magically lay low on the ground.
"Shut your mouth. Okay, what do we do?
Roy puts words on his head and neck as he moves one step closer to another.
"Ugh, move! What about the rest of us?!?
"Is this about me?
That said, there are now four of us: Will, Sonin, Shirley and Allie.
Everybody blames me. I don't blame you.
Well, before you hit it.
"Unfortunately, your companions were forced to return. Well, you guys are gonna be late. I'm not the one."
"No way..."
"Rest assured. We're all alive."
Next to Will, Allie holds her left hand on her hip and signs the piece with her right hand.
... I'm worried about Ali's decision pose.
"Takeshi. Now, what do we do, burglar?
Roy asks the man who looks like a thief's head. Then a man put his head on the ground.
"Shh, sorry! I was so evil! Perhaps!"
"Can you be a thief without offense?
"Oh, that's..."
Roy speaks coldly against a man thanking him for his inevitable death
"Well Roy! Let's talk about it! So, why did you attack me?
The man looked up, and then he looked at me and started talking.
"Actually, I'm a thief, but I'm not a thief."
"What do you mean?
I listen back to the man's ruptured story.
"I take money from merchants and share it with poor people and children. I took the help of a high-ranking magician who used to be an adventurer and went into a dungeon. The dungeon met the demons of the skeleton on a floor where they tended to advance smoothly, and were surprised and disoriented by those who used magic, and furthermore the demons of the skeleton appeared overflowing, and died."
I don't know why you want to hear it......
"I'm ready to die. But that's when you help me, just two bandits and a warrior!
... No way!?
"They were both very strong, even though they were small, and while they spoke softly, they retreated from the demons of the skeleton and escorted them to the exit. I can't even thank you enough... I took an oath then! Help! At first, I saved the soldiers, but I couldn't get enough strength... so I took the gold from the thieves, and at least saved the poor. Besides, I've been thinking about bandits all the time. To repay you one day... sorry."
That said, the man bowed his head again.
From now on... Between us.
"Roy, Roy!?
"Ah, ah."
Me and Roy hid the confusion.
"But could that thief be a black cloth roll?
"That's right! In your passage! No way...... you know that one!?
The man stuffs me and asks me close to my face.
No, because I can't even hear you coming so close.
That's just me.
There is a voice of a man out between.
"Hal, look at him"
I unleashed the magic I helped at that time without chanting.
Of course, head to a crappy open place.
"!? No way... no way..."
The man floats his stunned face.
That's a good idea.
It's not like we're gonna meet again in this way.
I don't even think about being a thief when I admire myself.
No way, the impact that I can continue to deliver in this day and age...?
No, that black cloth Roy's holding on to.
That's right, I don't give a shit.
"How dare you come prepared?
So, Roy, you're apparently reading your mind?
"If you look at my face, it'll take you minutes"
Oh, yes.
Then cover your face with a cloth.
No, if someone really resembles me for that...
"Now, let's get you back to borrowing then."
The man is frightened and leans down with his eyes closed.
"... you will be entrusted with the security of Sealist Street."
Again, there's a loose voice among men.
"Maintain law and order on Sealist Street with your old buddies. I'll give you your reward. I'll tell you."
"Oh, um... how did you say that...?
"I am the second prince of the Earthheit kingdom. That's Aria, the second king of the kingdom of Silent."
The screaming voice of a man rings.
That's amazing. Normal.
Even I was dodgy at first.
And then Ali stands up for the decision.
Ali, don't say another word.
"Thank you for your disrespect!
Man thanks for putting his head on the ground for how long.
"I don't care. Then, Father, you can ask me to speak from me."
"Oh, my God! I'm so glad to hear it."
"So, what's your name?
"My name is Baltic."
"Okay, Baltic. Nice to meet you, huh?
"Yes, in the name of life! Thank you again."
So much so that I changed my mind about thieves.
"Roy, were you good? With that kind of restraint?
"Hmm? Ah. The kingdom of Earth Height and the kingdom of Silent. It's quite difficult to get a real look at it. The Kingdom of Earth Heights is a little far away. The Kingdom of Silent Originally invested in commerce. There are few soldiers. So merchants hire adventurers on their own. Well, the adventurer's not a good one, he's a bandit and a guru. I wonder. My father and I are delighted."
"I don't know."
"Can you lend me your phone later?
"Copy that!"
As a result, the safety of Sealist Street improved and the life of one man turned to the right one.
Let's just say goodbye.
Come on, it's already a Colt metropolitan state!