Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Chapter 98: Things You Can Do in a Colt Metropolitan State, Part 13
When I went into the woods, the air changed.
The eyes I see are just like normal woods, but the heavy air drifts, and all I can hear is walking, wrapped in silence.
And the daylight is shielded by tall, stretched woody leaves, which are thin and dark in the morning.
Its dimness and silence create an unpleasant atmosphere in the rest.
I go through the woods in battle formation, determined by talking to each other.
"No, I don't think so. I can't imagine the monster lurking."
Roy whines and I think and say the same thing.
I don't know what to say, nothing, an unnatural quiet.
The sound of the birds and the signs of the creatures are not felt.
It's just that a world of silence is spreading.
"This is definitely creepy. Without breaking the battle formation and failing to alert the surrounding area?
Darius, once again we snort silently at your words.
That's when it happened.
Right in front of me, I heard a scream from behind the woods.
Probably the voice of an adventurer who walked in first.
But if you're an adventurer, you can't scream about anything.
Moreover, this time only those who came to this forest to volunteer to crusade the Wolf of War (Wolf).
"Roy, Will...... do you hear me now?
"... ah"
"Between now and then, the voices of men."
Not me, we both just heard it.
You just screamed more than your voice.
What the hell...?
"Yes, what the hell...?
"This is frightening."
Earlier screaming Ali, Sonin, and Shirley are all tired of their feet.
"He's my big husband! I'll walk in front of you, you three, guard the three ladies! Stay alert in the front and back!
Darius said so. He slowly looks forward and moves in and out.
I followed it and just walked forward with more vigilance.