Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Episode 107: What the Colt Metropolitan State Can Do, Part 22
"Shirley! Allie! Sonin, give me the magic barrier!
"We don't have enough time for this!
On my instructions, the three of them expand the magic barrier.
Because of the speed and number of Wolves in battle (Wolf), we may be able to pull out the avant-garde and hit the Shirleys.
Along with that, I'll do Darius just the magic of physical strengthening.
"Ooh! That helps!
Darius manages to cope with the speed of the Wolf of War (Wolf) by using my unwanted magic.
The earlier attack may also be more handsome than just thinking.
The Wolf of War (Wolf) is attacked in unison.
First, a battle wolf (Wolff) jumped from my right and left front at the same time.
I manipulate magic to gather magic on my feet.
Then, first step toward the battle wolf (Wolff) coming from the front right, and cut up the sword from the bottom.
The feeling of breaking meat passes through my sword and into my hand.
The Battle Wolf (Wolf) flies forward as his upper body leaves his lower body.
The torso was cut apart in half.
The two bodies cut apart roll to the ground.
Less often than not, it just disappears.
I just step into the other head.
But there, Dagmal's dark magic, the lacquered black blade unleashed with no chant, strikes me.
I notice a pitch black blade in sight and it stops in front of the inch.
Sewing that gap, the Battle Wolf (Wolf) who attacked me turned to Shirley and the others.
I'm calling.
At that moment, a shadow with green hair cut off the battle wolf.
"Hmm, no problem this long"
When Will manipulated the magic, he sent the Battle Wolf (Wolf) at the speed of the last trip, and defeated the Battle Wolf (Wolf) with a sword that drifted the magic.
Will's guy, he's got a lot of strength on Roy.
Besides, the attributed shield speed battle is Will's mound.
"... is David the one who taught the Istanian Empire? Pretty nasty."
"If you forget me too, I'm stuck?
Mind you, Roy. You're stuck with Dagmal.