Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Episode 140: What Pope Lars did, Part 3
"Yeah! Of course not!
Mayfa answered with another dazzling smile to Will.
Back to that smile. Will smile at last.
What a smiling sight.
A woman who thinks of Will as a woman, she sees this light and definitely thinks about the future.
I think he's a very vegan man from me.
And I affirmed what Mayfa wanted while Will said no.
I'm sharing my good cousins and evil cousins with you.
Will is absolutely fine, Father.
Something changed my eyes when I saw him.
"When's the birthday party?
"I don't know... if I slept three more times! Evening tease!
Three days later.
Well, if it's unexpected behavior, it doesn't mean I'm grasping Golzola's moves, and I can't gather intelligence in this country for a while.
And when I look at you, I smile at you both.
Such a child is no longer the subject of dissent.
Thanks for all the trouble with the Roy Calzal thing, but it's a good mood swing.
Besides, it would be nice to see that a witch is born.
"Lars is white, Golzola is black"
Something contrasts, and it could be irrelevant.
Besides, I don't know much about religion, and there's no reason to bother me with what I don't know.
In the meantime, I don't know how to ask your opinions, but I think it would be better to look into the Lars thing, as it might be related to Golzola.
"Well, I'll sleep three more times and I'll be in this place before evening."
"Yeah! Minutes! Thank you, brother!
Mayfa shook her hand and disappeared into the city.