Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Episode 196: What Pope Lars did, 59.
"Something like that..."
"Yes, believe it or not..."
I am now explaining to Pope Lars what is happening now.
I don't want Will and Lulu.
The two of them are going to an orphanage to explain the situation.
At first, Lulu hesitated to stop the line, but Lulu's permission dropped without strong intentions, and the three former men accompanied him with Ange turned to him.
Of course, Mayfa's body is immediately visible to other children. Because of the shock, she is housed in a building that is the main mountain of Lars religion.
The body of Bishop Abram.
When I first came back here, there was a lot of noise, but Angesan Lulu persuaded Pope Lars to stand first, and so the source of Pope Lars' instructions is now falling slightly.
Still, the upset is huge...
"I don't believe in you, but I don't believe in you."
As a matter of fact, the man who saw Angel Zhang attacked me was under five men, but both of them, Bishop Abram's death and self-righteous superiors, died knowing or not, and self-righteous sins were minor. Finally, Jin told the truth.
"Yes. Then it was thought that Golzola could be contacted in this matter, and now this kind of thing will finally happen. I will go after Golzola. Therefore, if you know anything about Golzola, please let me know..."
"That kind of danger - No, if you're not the kind of person you're talking about right now, you can hit the Tai Knife..."
The archbishop develops his words and ponders them for a while.
"Dear Archbishop, I am moving under my own responsibility. That's what my father knew. And I think that the power I have gained is used for people's sake at times like this. But I think that if something like this happens, I'll use it to stop it."
Roy speaks to me after me.
"... minutes. Talk about what you know."