Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Story 200: The Light Continues Tomorrow
Today, in the building that is the main mountain of Lars, something important for me can be done.
That's Mayfa's funeral.
The attendees are me, the orphanage teacher, and the Archbishop Yalaz cadres.
From the judgment that the children in the orphanage are still not as familiar as possible, Mayfa's story is that Father and Mother once saw each other and went together.
Well, now that we're talking about Will, Cliff, you're sad, but you're like, 'Mayfa, you're a good sister! I'm a little lonely, but next time, it's me, Mayfa, my sister, and I need to get down on my face! Your brother is teaching swordsmanship again!' That's what he said.
Cliff, look at Mayfa. She's a little small, but she's solid.
Probably sad in my heart. I'm a strong kid in the book.
Most importantly, the little ones are finally grateful for the vegetarian vibration, but they are comforted by the little ones who grieve without saying anything.
Hondo, we're all good at this.
Next to me, I think of Shirley Mayfa and cry.
I hold Shirley's shoulder in tears.
Looking at Zhou Ri, the orphanage teachers weep with a whimper, and Ali Yasonin is crying as well.
So much for Ali. Roy hugs his shoulder, and Will happens to be doing his hand on Sonin's shoulder.
In the meantime, Will is sending his gaze to the coffin containing Mayfa's body, filling it with flowers with true and straight eye differences.
The eye difference is the same sight as when you looked at the body of a former father of your own or Emperor of the Istonian Empire.
I'm sure you'll decide something.
In the meantime, Mayfa's funeral follows Lulu's prayer.
"Thy soul, the former peace and sleep of the Spirit of Light"
Lulu's voice rings across the building.
I prayed that Mayfa would sleep peacefully, but such a sad thing had finally happened... I swore to Mayfa that I would defeat Golzola.
The light of the sun, which differs from the outside, illuminates Mayfa's body at the end of the road that leads Mayfa's soul to Heaven.